Tea Time in Japan
Archive: 4 posts
Ladies and gentlemen, my level has finally arrived, and I'm very glad it is finished! The level consists of relatively non-linear gameplay allowing you to choose which floor of the house you want. Master Okisari wants you to find the ingredients that make his special tea blend, and along the way you will fight bosses, shrink to a miniature size, and swim. This level has taken me months to put together, including the garden section (which is on a level link) and the secret mini game which is collected in this level. I have also written two pieces of music for this level and a piece for the mini game. Throughout the creation of this jam-packed level, I have stumbled across obstacles which I eventually got past and I am very proud of some of the logic in here. Hopefully you'll all like it too, feel free to rate, comment, and most of all have fun Thanks, Swede http://lbp.me/v/bsh-fn | 2012-06-06 15:16:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Have queued and will give it a blast later on. | 2012-06-14 01:19:00 Author: shotgun_69 ![]() Posts: 157 |
The opening with the tree is magical and sets the tone of the level really well. The character design is simple yet cute. The root section really made me smile mainly due to the awesome music and blend of natural elements with hair-raising platforming, really can't tell you how much I loved that tune. I got stuck after fighting the lightening bird when I thought I'd missed something so went back up again and couldn't get back because of fire pit and locked out of lightening bird arena, once I'd restarted I realised it was because I'd grabbed the berries before defeating the monster. Apart from the glitch this section wasn't as good as the last one but the miniboss at the end makes up for it. The water section started off pretty poor. The exploding puzzle could do with some decoration and something for sackboy to actually sit in instead of just having a controlinator, the same goes for the cardboard circles which could be something themed with the level as well. The platforming puzzle after this section is very tough as well and could use a small bounce pad maybe. The miniboss for this sections looks brilliant and the movement he has is really well done but the actual mechanics of it need a rethink as it gets boring after a while. The underwater section was a very nice surprise but maybe look at extending the walls in the maze so there's more room, one the the best lessons I ever learned for this game was just because you can do it easily doesn't mean other ppl will. The leaf section was a nice change of pace with the teleports really hurting my head at some point, but not in a bad way and the puzzles where really good in the section. This is my favourite type of level, varied and long. It has some excellent level design coupled with a beautiful sometimes mesmerizing visuals and, apart from some minor glitches, is one hell of a level. It is a travesty that you have as little plays as you do since it is clear so much hardwork went into making this level and I hope you get many many more than you already have. I would have given this 4 starts but because I love the music in the root section so much... :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: <3 Could you give me some feedback on my The Final Fanboy levels? The links for the forum post and level are in me sig. Ta. | 2012-06-15 20:05:00 Author: shotgun_69 ![]() Posts: 157 |
Sounds quite interesting, I added it to my queue so I'll give it a go soon ![]() | 2012-06-15 20:51:00 Author: Pyrotrooper91 ![]() Posts: 337 |
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