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Faithfully modeled Interlocking LEGO bricks for LBP

Archive: 6 posts

I've been designing interlocking bricks modeled after actual real world LEGO bricks and after a casual count of unique bricks I came up with 76.


When I'm less tired, I will set up a group shot or three to post/edit here. If demand is high enough, I will include categorized sets of them as optional prize bubbles in the levels I build with them. These include standard 1-6 peg bricks and plates. 1-6 peg "Technic" bricks, 2, 3 and 4 peg wedges, "cheese wedge", an assortment of arches and other slopes, various specialty bricks including fences, windows, wheels, pivot, etc...
2012-06-03 08:58:00

Posts: 434

wow, this looks really cool2012-06-04 00:12:00

Posts: 102

I've decided I'm going to make two "LBP LEGO Factory" levels with these. With the help of creatinators and grabinators, LBP2 will get the deeper version, as I won't need to make 3 emitters per brick, one for each layer. So however many I can fit in LBP before it overheats, LBP2 will get up to 3x as many brick shapes to work with. =D2012-06-06 22:04:00

Posts: 434

Sounds awesome! We are LEGO FANATICS in our house! I've queued it up! :hero:2012-06-15 12:47:00

Posts: 10

tried it earlier, great little idea. If you have the move pack then these things would make for a great brain crane minigame (kinda like the PSN game Tumble). The jetpack is just a little awkward - maybe put gyros on the bricks?2012-07-13 00:52:00

Posts: 6

tried it earlier, great little idea. If you have the move pack then these things would make for a great brain crane minigame (kinda like the PSN game Tumble). The jetpack is just a little awkward - maybe put gyros on the bricks?

The gyroscope isn't a bad idea, as long as it's only activated by a grab sensor. Also, keep in mind that this level was made before I got LBP2 and I still don't have the move yet. It is also about one sticker away from overheating.

But thank you for the feedback, while there's too little thermo left on this level to make dramatic changes, I have other LEGO inclusive levels in the works and have already hooked up a controlinator to the spaceship seen in my published level. I'll keep any suggestions in mind.
2012-07-13 01:51:00

Posts: 434

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