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LittleBigMusic: An Interview with Daniel Pemberton

Archive: 3 posts


The guys over at Charge Shot!!! (http://www.charge-shot.com/) (they really like their job) managed to snag an interview with Daniel Pemberton, one of the more renowned musical artists involved with LittleBigPlanet. It's a very interesting (and thorough) interview, including singing through a drainpipe, bird calls, and something called "retwisted didgeridoos".

Interview: Charge Shot!!! (http://www.charge-shot.com/2008/12/little-big-brilliance-talk-with-daniel.html)

For more about Daniel Pemberton, visit his official website (http://danielpemberton.com/).
2009-01-05 06:15:00

Posts: 3729

i thought that was owen wilson.....
the nose

but cool so new music to lbp..?
2009-01-05 11:37:00

Posts: 3154

I just downloaded this on iTunes and I love it. Daniel Pemberton is utter awesomeness.2009-01-07 00:23:00

Posts: 1153

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