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Little Big Party

Archive: 3 posts

Hey guys Im here with the latest level I created! It's a party. So if you want to celebrate without making your own then you can come here where you can enjoy everyones favorite things to do in a level. It's like 5 levels in one including a elevator. 1. chat. it's in the first floor called "hang out". just chat with your friends. 2. pool. it's also in the first floor. hang out and have fun playing with a beach ball. 3. watch. watch tutorial videos on the second floor called "T.V." floor. You can also watch a slap fight in the third floor called "Battle/Game" room. 4. Games. play the arcade games in "Battle/Game" roomfrom the cosmos levels in story mode with a couple machines tweaked a bit. You can play the "Slap Fight" game in "Battle/Game" room. 5. Slap Fight game. Play a Slap Fight game! You will find it at the end of the room. there is a passage to go to the game where you fight a sackboy meanie and another player. 1-2 people only. You will fight in a smash bros final destination clone stage.

Things that will help you in the rooms:

The rides. up to 4 people can hop on to get the ride. whoever is in front is the driver. since the rooms are long the rides are here to help.

Elevator. Use this to get to the other rooms. grab the elevator to stop/go. there is a button on each floor if you are nowhere near the elevator or just need to stop it so you can get in.

That's all you need to know. Can't add anymore cause the thermo is ful...

Anyway. Play it and hope you enjoy.
2012-05-27 14:52:00

Posts: 995

cool, will add it to the queue2012-05-27 19:06:00

Posts: 8424

It seems to be quite interesting , going to test it out later 2012-05-31 13:29:00

Posts: 337

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