The Walking Dead on AMC
Archive: 12 posts
"Based on one of the most successful and popular comic books of all time, written by Robert Kirkman, AMC?s The Walking Dead captures the ongoing human drama following a zombie apocalypse. The series follows a group of survivors, led by police officer Rick Grimes..."-http://www.amctv.com/shows/the-walking-dead/about This is my absolute favorite show as of now and i like the comics and game too! This is my most favorite show ever since LOST ended. I cant wait for season 3 to air in October i believe. Plus, for anyone who is interested, I am making a walking dead level for the lbn tribute contest, and everyone can check it out once i am ready to publish hopefully by june 1st! | 2012-05-26 03:27:00 Author: Blackbeltnick95 ![]() Posts: 129 |
I really like this show as well, it's been my favorite show since Smallville ended. It keeps me constantly interested especially in the next episodes because mostly all shows make it seem as one of the main story-line characters are gonna be killed off but you just kinda know they'll survive since they can't kill them off because they are the show. But with The Walking Dead you never know what's gonna happen next so it keeps it intense. I can't wait till it returns with season 3. | 2012-05-26 05:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Contains 1 usage of the F word and spoilers for season 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orh3Vr7Q5yY | 2012-05-26 08:29:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Contains 1 usage of the F word and spoilers for season 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orh3Vr7Q5yY That is really funny! lol The only good thing that came from carl leaving the house was SPOILER saving rick from getting eaten by zombie shane. But then again, carl caused him to turn around SPOILER so yeah... CARL STAY IN THE HOUSE! lol | 2012-05-26 14:53:00 Author: Blackbeltnick95 ![]() Posts: 129 |
Comics are awesome, but the show kinda went downhill, especially since it deviated from the comics' storyline. The pilot was excellent, the escape from Altanta was great. The rest of season 1 was okay except for the finale that didn't make any goddarn sense. Season 2 was downright boring until the couple last episodes. When people praised the series for depicting the conflict between survivors, they meant the breakdown of society and morality. They didn't want it to become a dumb soap opera with the occasional zombie in the background. | 2012-05-26 20:19:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Comics are awesome, but the show kinda went downhill, especially since it deviated from the comics' storyline. The pilot was excellent, the escape from Altanta was great. The rest of season 1 was okay except for the finale that didn't make any goddarn sense. Season 2 was downright boring until the couple last episodes. When people praised the series for depicting the conflict between survivors, they meant the breakdown of society and morality. They didn't want it to become a dumb soap opera with the occasional zombie in the background. Ah, so you are one of those people... Lol im just kidding. Yeah everyone has their own opinion and I know what you mean, but i honestly liked every episode. The only one i truly did not like that much was the one where carl left the house and found the walker stuck in the ground/mud, yet it was just that part of that episode. All the episodes have their ups and downs, but I like to see it as the ups far outpower the downs. Plus I don't mind that they are not killing zombies every five minutes. Also season 2 I believe took the course of a few days to a week. It seemed longer to the viewers because we have to wait a week for every episode which only contains about a day or so of the story. The farm was suppose to be a safe haven for them too. They did a good job portraying that, and showing how it could only be taken down by the worse happening. | 2012-05-26 20:42:00 Author: Blackbeltnick95 ![]() Posts: 129 |
It's not so much the fact that they aren't constantly fighting zombies. It's because they dragged it out pointlessly, focusing on things that ultimately don't matter. When I started watching this series, I thought we were going to see the characters' difficulties to survive and the moral choices they'd have to make for the good of their group. The zombie apocalypse would merely be the driving force of their survival. Instead, we get to see them whining on a farm for the most part of a whole season. | 2012-05-26 21:04:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Like I said though. The farm was suppose to be a safe haven from the chaos. It only was over the course of a few days to a week but it seemed longer because we had to wait for a new episode every week. Yeah it may have seemed boring to watch them stay on the farm for so long, but if the show is trying to portray what people would realistically do in a situation like this, wouldn't you try to find safety, and once you have found it, would you want to leave or run off because it's boring? The chapter has ended though, and the group seems to be in more danger now than they ever were. | 2012-05-26 21:46:00 Author: Blackbeltnick95 ![]() Posts: 129 |
Wish they didn't casually slice fingers open, its actually quite painful, bleeds more than you would expect it to, takes weeks to heal and makes the finger an inconvienience to every day tasks for the duration. | 2012-05-26 22:12:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Wish they didn't casually slice fingers open, its actually quite painful, bleeds more than you would expect it to, takes weeks to heal and makes the finger an inconvienience to every day tasks for the duration. Um... what? ![]() | 2012-05-26 22:32:00 Author: Blackbeltnick95 ![]() Posts: 129 |
Um... what? ![]() They were doing the use knives to conserve ammo bit when they went to try dump the kid they had picked up. Cutting their fingers to lure zombies to the fence. Having experienced a propper cut on my finger recently I know how bad they really are. | 2012-05-26 23:00:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
They were doing the use knives to conserve ammo bit when they went to try dump the kid they had picked up. Cutting their fingers to lure zombies to the fence. Having experienced a propper cut on my finger recently I know how bad they really are. Oh yeah. I know what you are talking about. Yeah I don't know why, in any movie/game/show why someone would do something like that and not be affected by it, or at least not show any pain from the cut. But yeah, i guess it was an ok way to lure the walkers, but not the most clean way. For instance, remember when shane was killing all the walkers in the bus, then he cuts his hand with the same knife, then keeps attacking? That should, and probably did get him infected. He was just one of those people that took longer to turn, and the fever probably made him go crazy, resulting in what we saw with the last episode he was in. | 2012-05-26 23:29:00 Author: Blackbeltnick95 ![]() Posts: 129 |
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