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Reseting in out movers?

Archive: 4 posts

So, (for once) I'm creating a level.
I've made a part, so that a number of platforms go into the wall.
I've done this by hooking a timer set to a selector, each port odf which conects to a row of in-out mobvers set to "Move back one layer".
Now, moving in this has all been going perfectly fine. But if the player dies, it's just an empty space.
So, how exactly do you make a number of in-out movers reset if a player dies? :s

As you can tell, logic is my weak point
2012-05-23 18:18:00

Posts: 1581

Im a little confused, sorry xD so you have kinda like a bridge of platforms that go in when a timer activates the In/Out Mover? Is the timer activated by a player sensor? If so, you could just have an inverted player sensor with a big enough range to encompass the play area and then just hook that up to some In/Out movers set to 'Move forward one layer'. Also make sure you have Anti-Grav Tweakers with 100% dampening on your platforms : ) they'll still move in/out but they won't move about at all, just a tip! hope this helps.2012-05-23 19:00:00

Posts: 252

Have a player sensor at the checkpoint before the platforms and have it activate an in/out mover to move the platforms back to their original position.

Another tip, I'm using a lot of in/out movers in my current level and I've found that in my case having them set to "move in once/out once" has been unreliable. Has been much better since I set it to "move to back/middle etc".
2012-05-24 09:05:00

Posts: 4085

Thanks guys! ^^2012-05-24 19:11:00

Posts: 1581

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