The Legend of Zelda: STALLORD BOSS
Archive: 1 post
Stallord, the boss of arbiters grounds in the legend of zelda twilight princess, NOW in lbp2! This boss is controllable, and you must hunt down link before he escapes the desert. THIS IS NOT A REPOST, this is a completly different level, the other was just a test. Here are some pictures from the level: http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/68e9b709b2ee567c9587914d9d80fe6e649451f6.jpg http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/12d6553658c115506e6af2d824bf00fe5f63fe00.jpg http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/5148d6134883e20b745b1c7dd73bbec26424df41.jpg http://i2.lbp.me/img/ft/a42cc1eef59ce7ce84f46a008862405cebc9add8.jpg to any of you who play this level, a secret combo to fly is to hold L3+L2+R2 at the same time. http://lbp.me/v/bdmr9m | 2012-05-21 20:02:00 Author: Killzone3652 ![]() Posts: 78 |
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