My Object is Too Complicated
Archive: 16 posts
Omg, I think I'm screwed, I can't work on my level anymore... The whole level is inside a giant tree and I forgot to split up the tree, so I get this. I looked up Forsaken's post on Problems and Solutions, but a lot of those won't work since when I try to use the corner editing tool, the whole game goes ballistic and lags sooo bad that it's like slow-motion to the tenth power. And I don't know if bombs would work since this is the backround thin layer. Anyone have ideas? Or would the bombs work, I don't have my PS3 on and my brother is playing so I can't check. | 2009-01-04 00:27:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
Omg, I think I'm screwed, I can't work on my level anymore... The whole level is inside a giant tree and I forgot to split up the tree, so I get this. I looked up Forsaken's post on Problems and Solutions, but a lot of those won't work since when I try to use the corner editing tool, the whole game goes ballistic and lags sooo bad that it's like slow-motion to the tenth power. And I don't know if bombs would work since this is the backround thin layer. Anyone have ideas? Or would the bombs work, I don't have my PS3 on and my brother is playing so I can't check. Happened to me in my earthquake level and I had to start again. Delete the back layer and start again or save as much as you can as objects and start a blank level. That's the only advice I can offer sorry. It's so ridiculous that you can't delete parts of your complicated objects. ![]() | 2009-01-04 00:33:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
It's so stupid, because I took a huge square, and was able to delete like 1/4the back layer, and it still comes up... I've done everything, I deleted some lights that were glued to the back layer but it still happens. Omg, I do not want to start all over, this took way too long... Please... Any other suggestions anyone else? This will probably have to be my last resort. | 2009-01-04 00:35:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
Look on the bright side. It is always easier to do something the second time. | 2009-01-04 00:58:00 Author: Sonic5411 ![]() Posts: 712 |
Try rewinding. A lot. Though that might end up taking longer than remaking it. >.> | 2009-01-04 01:00:00 Author: BassDeluxe ![]() Posts: 984 |
Well I have kind of saved it... So rewinding defeats the purpose... | 2009-01-04 01:01:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
I'm not sure I understand what your problem is.. but why don't you just take a really small cut-out shape and cut through the middle of your whole level? That way you will have two objects which are half as complicated. Do it in pause mode, of course, so you can glue some dark matter to loose parts after cutting through (probably only the background). Also, why does it even matter if your object is too complicated? Just make a new one and glue it to the other and hide the border if you want. Something is telling me I don't get what your problem really is though. Mind explaining a little further? What exactly do you mean with "work on my level"? | 2009-01-04 01:15:00 Author: Shiwayari ![]() Posts: 167 |
Shiwayari, the problem is that his object is so complicated that he can't cut into it at all. | 2009-01-04 01:16:00 Author: BassDeluxe ![]() Posts: 984 |
Yes exactly, I can't even cut into it anymore, even if I take a gigantic cut out shape... It doesn't work... I think I'm going to quit LBP until they fix these problems... I just found out that my level reverted back to a point where I had my lights stuck into the back layer, which yesturday I clearly fixed, by cutting out a small shape for each light... Sigh... This game seems to disappoint me with every new patch. | 2009-01-04 01:19:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
I'm not sure I understand what your problem is.. but why don't you just take a really small cut-out shape and cut through the middle of your whole level? That way you will have two objects which are half as complicated. Do it in pause mode, of course, so you can glue some dark matter to loose parts after cutting through (probably only the background). Also, why does it even matter if your object is too complicated? Just make a new one and glue it to the other and hide the border if you want. Something is telling me I don't get what your problem really is though. Mind explaining a little further? What exactly do you mean with "work on my level"? The game is reading that as making the shape more complicated, so it would allow him to cut throught it. Clank, however, has a solution! I've had this problem with the complicated shape in the beta. Rather than cutting throught it, create through it. Choose a different material, make the thickness so it is not the same as what you're trying to 'cut' (for example, if it takes up the middle layer, than make it the middle and last layer), then rather than Triangle, use X to create it through the whole shape. Once you've got a line of material separating the two, just delete the line, and you've now got two parts. | 2009-01-04 01:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The game is reading that as making the shape more complicated, so it would allow him to cut throught it. Clank, however, has a solution! I've had this problem with the complicated shape in the beta. Rather than cutting throught it, create through it. Choose a different material, make the thickness so it is not the same as what you're trying to 'cut' (for example, if it takes up the middle layer, than make it the middle and last layer), then rather than Triangle, use X to create it through the whole shape. Once you've got a line of material separating the two, just delete the line, and you've now got two parts. I don't understand, what if it's the furthest thin layer? Yup, I'm quitting, creation mode at least, I just found out why this is happening. This game is honestly the worst game to count, I don't care what any of you say... This game sucks, if they have a bug this big with every patch then I don't want to deal with this game... Recently, like last night recently, My object was too big, so I decided to cut half of the backround layer, it wasn't that big at first and the pop up wouldn't come up. So I kept working, saved it and published it. I just got on, and realized, the two parts of the tree have MERGED TOGETHER!???????????????!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? WTF HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??????????????!!?!??!?! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO **** EXPLANATION FOR TWO LAYERS TO MERGE TOGETHER WHEN IM NOT EVEN ONLINE......... DID THE GAME ASK ME? NO! THIS MAGICAL GHOST CAME ON MY PS3 AND MERGED MY TWO LAYERS. I thought about it, and said maybe it reverted back to when I was at the point of cutting the layers. BUT THIS EXPLANATION WOULDN'T WORK EITHER, AS IF THAT WAS TO HAPPEN, THE REST OF MY WORK THAT I DID AFTER I CUT THE TWO PARTS WOULD BE GONE, BUT WAIT. IT'S ALL THERE. SOOOO BOTTOM LINE IS, THE TWO LAYERS MERGED TOGETHER, MAGICALLY. WHILE IM NOT EVEN ONLINE... LOL!!!!!!!!! WOWW EVEN WHEN I THINK IT CAN'T GET WORSE, I PUBLISHED A LOCKED COPY OF THIS LEVEL, AND PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO PLAY IT? UMM??? WTF??? IT'S LOCKED AND PEOPLE ARE PLAYING IT... THIS IS AWESOME. | 2009-01-04 01:22:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
I don't understand, what if it's the furthest thin layer? Should still work. Put it in that layer exactly and make sure it's a different material. | 2009-01-04 01:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Should still work. Put it in that layer exactly and make sure it's a different material. Nope. Doesn't work, As soon as I try to smear into the layer, it stops. EDIT: I've tried everything I possibly can, I've deleted about half the tree and everything inside, about 200 bubbles that merged together with the layer as well ( wow... ) deleted them all, about 1 hour of work to put the bubbles into equal sections, all gone. Yes I said one hour for BUBBLES! It's gone, about half of the level gone, and I still get the pop-up... I'm officially going to quit creation mode until this is fixed... It's way too much of a hassle for something that should of never happened. Off to email MM with a bunch of words expressing my feelings to them. :eek: | 2009-01-04 02:08:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
This is really unfortunate man. I know you have been putting a lot of thought and effort into this project and I was really looking forward to it. My only suggestion would be to capture as many objects as possible (it is possible to capture an entire set-piece, I have done it before) and then you will have most things in place for the basis of the remake. I understand your frustration and there are have been so many glitches/bugs lately then many of us are feeling the same way. I have personally not done any work on my new project in the past couple of days due to all these problems and will probably wait for the new patch to be released before I continue. You should just take a break from LBP, wait for the patch and then come back and finish the amazing creation that you started ![]() | 2009-01-04 02:44:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
LOL!!!!!!!!! WOWW EVEN WHEN I THINK IT CAN'T GET WORSE, I PUBLISHED A LOCKED COPY OF THIS LEVEL, AND PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO PLAY IT? UMM??? WTF??? IT'S LOCKED AND PEOPLE ARE PLAYING IT... THIS IS AWESOME. Yeah I've heard that happening to other people, their locked levels won't stay locked. | 2009-01-04 12:22:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
That's the reason I started segmenting my levels. I split it into smaller chunks and do them completely seperately, saving them as objects, then at the end i bring them together. (Obviously I check to see that they are working along the way) | 2009-01-04 13:39:00 Author: Pinchanzee ![]() Posts: 805 |
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