Archive: 7 posts
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39719&d=1336947945 I played this game last night with 2 other people and it was a blast, so I think I may be hosting another match tonight, hopefully. Darsana is a free indie game that was developed a few years ago, a beta was released for download, but the developer never finished the game completely. You choose a team (undead or knights), their only differences is their appearance and where they spawn; you then must fight each other in Team Deathmatch or in a game-mode called "destroy the god" where you essentially go into the enemy base and whack their statue/idol. So, I want to host a match within a few hours or so, you can download the game here (http://www.moddb.com/games/darsana/downloads/darsana-public-beta-1). You can join a match by clicking "Join the Fight!" and search for servers (although there's absolutely no one hosting anything, but I may soon). Don't download the patch for it, I don't know if you'll be able to join our server if you do. | 2012-05-13 23:42:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Downloading right now as I type this. Any tips before I get into it? | 2012-05-14 00:31:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Downloading right now as I type this. Any tips before I get into it? Don't really have any tips for gameplay, it's a fairly simple game. For technical stuff, you may want to adjust some video/graphic settings though, mainly the screen resolution and the turn sensitivity. Also, you can change your online name by going to "Join the Fight!" and then entering "Characteristics", you'll find the setting there. Aaaaanddd to chat push "y" then type something. I prefer to push ~ for console commands and then type "say [your message here]", as you can see what you're saying easier and see what others said. (The chat has a bug where it disappears nearly instantly after someones said something, so the console helps with that.) To change teams push "m". I think I'm going to put up the server in 20 or less minutes, I won't be able to play all the time while it's up, but there will be a server for people to jump on. | 2012-05-14 01:21:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Don't really have any tips for gameplay, it's a fairly simple game. For technical stuff, you may want to adjust some video/graphic settings though, mainly the screen resolution and the turn sensitivity. Also, you can change your online name by going to "Join the Fight!" and then entering "Characteristics", you'll find the setting there. Aaaaanddd to chat push "y" then type something. I prefer to push ~ for console commands and then type "say [your message here]", as you can see what you're saying easier and see what others said. (The chat has a bug where it disappears nearly instantly after someones said something, so the console helps with that.) To change teams push "m". I think I'm going to put up the server in 20 or less minutes, I won't be able to play all the time while it's up, but there will be a server for people to jump on. Just played it. I'm kind of disappointed that there's no magic or ranged pickups on the maps (unless you're given the perks randomly in character select). I tried slots 2 and 3 but it says they're unequipped or something along those lines. Also, I figured out most of the commands and options during my brief gameplay, but thanks anyways. We need to get more people to play this. It's a shame it died so suddenly; reminds me of Ace of Spades. ![]() | 2012-05-14 01:40:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Well that was... Interesting... Favorite thing to do was sit at the main menu and repeatedly press Esc while trying to read what flashed on the screen. :kz: | 2012-05-14 03:40:00 Author: Speedynutty68 ![]() Posts: 1614 |
HOLY CRAP, READ THIS Thanks to this game's ancient resolution, my computer picked up on it and used that ugly resolution when I booted it up again. I had to manually change the resolution back, find all my icons, rearrange them again, and post this stupid warning. So just a heads up. | 2012-05-14 07:48:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
HOLY CRAP, READ THIS Thanks to this game's ancient resolution, my computer picked up on it and used that ugly resolution when I booted it up again. I had to manually change the resolution back, find all my icons, rearrange them again, and post this stupid warning. So just a heads up. My computer automatically fixed itself... :/ | 2012-05-14 09:12:00 Author: Speedynutty68 ![]() Posts: 1614 |
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