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Time Travel - Thoughts?

Archive: 47 posts

Hey everyone. I was just reading through the General Chat thread and thought I would start my own

Now, I don't know if anyone has started a thread like this, so excuse me if I'm reposting this topic, but, is Time Travel possible?

I've heard this fact somewhere, (I don't know where), but apparently, astronauts are actually travelling through time while they are in the space station. The space station travels at around 9-10 times the speed of a bullet (I think, my facts are a little rusty). So, astronauts are travelling at 9-10 times the speed of a bullet for months at a time. Travelling at this speed, they actually lengthen their lives by a few minutes! THAT'S INSANE.

I also watched this TV show on Discovery about time travel.. It was confusing but I think I caught on to a few parts of it..
So, according to this show, if someone is walking towards you, they are ever so slightly, miniscularly (not a word I don't think), microscopically, in the future. If someone is walking away from you, they are slightly, miniscularly, microscopically in the past. It might be the other way around, I'm not untirely sure. Seems a little far fetched to me, what do you think?

Last thing I want to bring up is that when you look up at the stars, you are looking into the past. O.o
This one makes sense to me. The light from the stars takes time to reach your eyes. So, by the time the light reaches your eyes, it is already years later. Think about it.. A star could just be producing the light you will end up seeing a year or 2 later.. Weird eh?

Anyways, my main point of this thread is to discuss time travel. This usually gets interesting when you get the LBPC smarticles out here to share their knowledge with us.

So, Time Travel. Possible? Or gibberish?
2012-05-13 03:47:00

Posts: 406

To the future? Physically possible, but hard to achieve.
To the past? Theoretically possible, but improbable to achieve.

Now, I'm almost sure that I am wrong, but time bends with speed because of the different references. If you are inside a bus, running towards the same direction it is heading, you will feel like you were walking normally, but someone outside would see you travel at a different speed. To compensate for this difference of speed, time bends. Or at least it's what I think.

To the past, only by wormholes, these can bend space and time. Think of them like portals, but portals that can also travel through time. Problem is, we never found one of believable size.
2012-05-13 04:01:00

Posts: 5891

To the past, only by wormholes, these can bend space and time. Think of them like portals, but portals that can also travel through time. Problem is, we never found one of believable size.
Wait.. We have found wormholes? (When I say "we" I mean Humans of course). I thought they were only in movies and stuff.
2012-05-13 04:04:00

Posts: 406

Wait.. We have found wormholes? (When I say "we" I mean Humans of course). I thought they were only in movies and stuff.
I'm not sure if we have actually found any, if we did, probably was a tiny one that lasted milliseconds. But they aren't completely Sci-Fi, they are more like a theory.
2012-05-13 04:06:00

Posts: 5891

To the future? Physically possible, but hard to achieve.

Hard? You obviously haven't mastered time travel, good sir. Watch a pro at work:

On 10:21 PM (GMT -5), I will make this post.
2012-05-13 04:21:00

Posts: 5551

Hard? You obviously haven't mastered time travel, good sir. Watch a pro at work:

On 10:21 PM (GMT +6), I will make this post.

I knew Cybersora would prove me wrong at some point...
2012-05-13 04:23:00

Posts: 5891

Of course I can! But I can only skip forward and backward only one day. I call it... the International Date Line!

2012-05-13 05:29:00

Posts: 5757

I have an amazing device in my cupboard. It is sleek and chrome, therefore from the future! Further undeniable proof, it has 2 openings in which I can place any object that fits and with the turn of some nobs and the push of a slider WOOSH it's off to the near future. The dial seems to adjust the target time. Unfortunately there is an increase in charring as the time traveled increases. For now I will have to stick to pieces of bread and conveniently shaped pastries. So far my tests have yielded delicious results.

EDIT: Perhaps this was a mistake, the government will be kicking down my door soon enough.
2012-05-13 07:19:00

Posts: 1924

Carl Sagan thought time travel will never be achieved (or at least used by the general public) due to the fact that no one ever met a time traveler.2012-05-13 11:19:00

Posts: 2452

Would time travel also have to factor in space? If youre going back to a week ago for example would you need to compensate for the Earths rotation on its axis, the Earths orbit around the Sun the suns orbiting of the galaxy and the galaxys movement through the universe. With all that consider I'd expect a safe landing in the past to be quite difficult to achieve.2012-05-13 12:02:00

Posts: 6728

For worm hole... you're assuming that they would allow travel through time... my belief is the universe is like a mountain range, it's not smooth, a worm hole would be simply like a tunnel allowing you to skip a great distance quickly rather travelling back or forward great periods of time.

@Rabid-coot, I agree

Also since no-ones mentioned paradoxes yet, I believe they cannot exist (like step on a butterfly) as whatever you do in the past would always equal whay would already be present in your future. Like if you tried to stop your own existance, your attempts would always fail in the past because you existed in the future. So in effect you cannot change the past/future whatever actions you take will only contribute to whatever you already know in the present.

Also archaeologists dubbed 1950 as "the present" so we're all in the future anyway =p
2012-05-13 12:17:00

Posts: 1414

I came from the past.
'Nuff said brah
2012-05-13 12:34:00

Posts: 5112

Disclaimer: I'm typing this all from memory so I might get a few things wrong.

Time travel possible? Yes, most definitely, at least into the future anyway the past is a different story. It's easy too (on a minute scale) we're all time travelers in a sense, your head is actually slightly further into the future than your feet. I think that has more to do with being further away from the earth rather than speed though?

As for wormholes, I guess they're kind of the cheat's way of time travel. You don't actually travel through time but you can travel from one point to another in less time than it would take light to travel the same distance. This is deviating a bit from time travel but while we're on wormholes, I think they exist but are just extremely small (quantum scale small) and only last for a short period of time, however, there's theories about using anti-matter (reverse gravitational effect) to enlarge and prolong the life of wormholes. IIRC anti-matter hasn't been proven yet, but the maths is sound.

Also, as an interesting fact, satellite's clocks actually need to be re-adjusted every now and then so they don't fall out of sync with our clocks on Earth.
2012-05-13 13:21:00

Posts: 2431

If it were possible, I guess people from the future would've already come back to visit us! Unless they all died.

2012-05-13 13:55:00

Posts: 1305

Also since no-ones mentioned paradoxes yet, I believe they cannot exist (like step on a butterfly) as whatever you do in the past would always equal whay would already be present in your future. Like if you tried to stop your own existance, your attempts would always fail in the past because you existed in the future. So in effect you cannot change the past/future whatever actions you take will only contribute to whatever you already know in the present.

Ahha, paradox's are always fun to talk about. Here's a cool example of what David just said. Lets say I travel back to the past, with a plan to shoot myself. (I'm not suicidal, just an example folks). I appear magically in the past, behind the me in the past. My past me is just chillen on LBPC, and the me from the future is standing behind the past me, with a gun pointed to my head. The past me is completely unaware of his future self trying to kill him. Now, the future me would try to pull the trigger, but he can't. It would be absolutely physically impossible for him to pull the trigger. Why? Because if he did then he would kill his past self, meaning he would be dead and wouldn't have been able to travel back to the past to kill himself. So, a paradox has formed.

Since time travel into the past hasn't been figured out yet, here is a paradox for you to try out, right here on LBPC!
Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Don't follow Step 2.
Step 2: Don't follow Step 3.
Step 3: Don't follow Step 1.

Have fun with that one . I believe that is a type of paradox.

If it were possible, I guess people from the future would've already come back to visit us! Unless they all died.

Not necessarily. What if in the future you are not allowed to travel to the past? Only to the future, and from the future back to the moment you left to the future. Then again it is a "What if". Maybe everyone who attempted to travel to the past died on the way, and the people in the future that sent that person are waiting for him to come back, even though the time traveller is dead... XD
2012-05-13 16:44:00

Posts: 406

Wolffy... turn around... you might be behind yourself =p

*looks around*

Hey, I don't remember that mirror being there.
2012-05-13 16:46:00

Posts: 1414

If I go to sleep on the 12th at 11pm, I can wake up on the twelfth at 10 pm.
This is achieved by setting my clock back after I've woken up, so it is possible. :-D
2012-05-13 16:49:00

Posts: 1581

Ahha. *Turns around, punches future self* ... Ahh my future self is passed out on the floor. I need to remember to duck. Oh wait, another paradox has formed O.o If I do remember to duck then I will duck, then I won't need to remind myself.. AHH PARADOX'S2012-05-13 16:54:00

Posts: 406

What if in the future you are not allowed to travel to the past?

Not being allowed to do something does not prevent something from being done, just think of all the things that aren't allowed now that people still do.
2012-05-13 17:11:00

Posts: 6728

By going into the past you would be creating an alternate timeline and so you would be the only time traveler in that timeline.. and probably be stuck there unless you had a time machine with you(or in a ship or something).. unless you're in a timeline where time machines are invented and someone travels back to where you went.. its complicated.
So if someone from the future were to come back to the present they would be the only time traveler. If they died, lived in secrecy, or time traveled to a time before we were born and did either of the first two, we would never know of their existence. Time travel is definitely possible, the odds of knowing about a time traveler is very slim.
Chances are, someone has come from the future but died in the past already, or in our timeline humans are destroyed before time machines are invented.

The faster you move the slower time goes for you.
Einstein theorized that if you were to move away from the earth for 6 months at the speed of light then back at the speed of light for 6 months, you would age a year and everyone on earth would age about 3 years.(Or 30, I forgot the number but its something with a 3 :/)
The universe is like water, time is like a river. If you can bend space enough you can travel upstream; ie, going back in time.

If you'd have to worry about going back in time and having to compensate for the earths movement and any objects being where you would end up is a good question.. I dont think you'd have to worry about compensating for the earths movements but would probably have to worry about objects being in your way..
OR you probably wouldnt even end up on earth, you'd probably get thrown somewhere else in space. Just because you can travel upstream doesnt mean you can control the current.
2012-05-13 17:19:00

Posts: 1800

Cool video about time:

2012-05-13 17:32:00

Posts: 849

Not being allowed to do something does not prevent something from being done, just think of all the things that aren't allowed now that people still do.
True, but if some super smart scientists decided only to invent travelling to the future, and patented that machine or something, then all those trolling crooks who want to break the rules and travel to the past won't be able to, because I don't think everyone would be smart enough to invent a time machine.. I don't know, I'm just kind of pouring my ideas onto this thread XD
2012-05-13 18:51:00

Posts: 406

Carl Sagan thought time travel will never be achieved (or at least used by the general public) due to the fact that no one ever met a time traveler.

If it were possible, I guess people from the future would've already come back to visit us!
This is what humans look like in the future:


And these are their time machines:

2012-05-13 19:03:00

Posts: 2454

This is what humans look like in the future:


And these are their time machines:


2012-05-13 19:17:00

Posts: 406

"The other side" in Fringe is so HIP and COOL that I have to say yes...timetravel is possible. Be careful that you don't lose track of everything that's happening around you if you cross over though!!...just like in Fringe. Look what happened to them...none of those castmembers know what's reality or acting anymore. It's just a search for bald creepy men. Spun totally out of control. Ah..Fringe. God bless you. And god bless american sitcoms *fart*.2012-05-13 19:35:00

Posts: 2391

Imagine that in the future we could go inside of other people. A person within a person. Person-ception. I think I'm drunk.2012-05-13 20:16:00

Posts: 87

Imagine that in the future we could go inside of other people. A person within a person. Person-ception. I think I'm drunk.

Mmk.. How do you know that we can't go into people now? How do you know I'm not inside you right now?
2012-05-13 20:20:00

Posts: 406

Go back in time and kill yourself.
Nuff said
2012-05-13 20:27:00

Posts: 2333

Go back in time and kill yourself.
Nuff said
Impossible. If you did kill yourself, then you wouldn't be in the future to go back and kill yourself. There was a post about this earlier.
2012-05-13 20:29:00

Posts: 406

If time travel does exist, then that brings into consideration the possibility of alternate realities, i.e. changing something in the past to alter the future.

that being said, what if THIS is the alternate reality? What if someone from the real original timeline was the one to kill a guy who would have done a bunch of bad things or whatever, and created an alternate timeline... this one. And then the real, original timeline is still going strong, but we do not realize we are, in fact, merely copies of the one, true universe?


Regardless, I don't think true time travel is possible. Yes, a lot of sci-fi stuff has been proven possible, but this may be something that just can't work due to the realities of time. Though you can "curve" time. For instance, your example of astronauts going really fast having a few extra minutes. that ties into Einstein's theory about how time is relative and blahblahblahh. anyway, here's a cool article:


2012-05-13 20:41:00

Posts: 10882

pretty sure I covered why alternate realities couldn't be possible in this context earlier. Any attempt to change the past would still result in the present you were familiar with before travelling back in time as all events in the past would have already occured.2012-05-13 20:45:00

Posts: 1414

No, you did not. You merely stated, for a fact, that changing the past is impossible. As you have no credentials to decide how the fabric of space time works, you can't really say that it is impossible without giving any evidence at all.2012-05-13 21:04:00

Posts: 10882

*looks around for a degree in the study space/time fabric*

You win this round... it appears the credentials don't exist =p

but surely the lack of evidence is just as strong, a paradox is an impossible event undoing its own creation, therefore for the present to occur in the way you left it, that event could never happen. For example the stopping your own existance scenario, a person might have the will to do it, but since they existed in the present they failed, as they were physically obstructed from completing their goal, for instance the moment you tried to eliminate yourself a car (or some othe barrier to success) would hit future you thus preserving the present you left.

I'm not debating the existance of alternate realities merely the way they could be accessed... in this case I don't believe time travel would do it.

Tell you something though... I'm so glad this is all theroretical, if the application is anything like the debate it'll be a long time before anything is proven XD
2012-05-13 21:16:00

Posts: 1414

My problem is that, by stating the problem of doing things in the past when the present already exists, your argument seems like it's more in favor of parallel universes as a way to counteract time paradoxes than a condemnation of parallel universes :/

Then again, I don't believe it's possible anyway, that was just supposed to be me saying that our universe isn't the real, original one :/
2012-05-13 21:21:00

Posts: 10882

Well, this has gotten interesting very fast.. 2012-05-14 00:39:00

Posts: 406

You're not thinking fourth dimensionally!

If you went into the past and killed yourself, you'd just end up splitting the timeline and you'd be alive but the you from the other timeline you split from would be dead.
2012-05-14 00:53:00

Posts: 1800

Or maybe you would no longer exist, but the you in the universe where you killed yourself would exist.

think about it.

Without thinking about it.
2012-05-14 01:05:00

Posts: 10882

Or maybe you would no longer exist, but the you in the universe where you killed yourself would exist.

think about it.

Without thinking about it.

Noooo, that wouldnt make any sense D:
2012-05-14 01:13:00

Posts: 1800

Considering that, Back in the Future contradicts itself. In the second movie they use that theory, that altering the past causes the timeline to split into different realities. So if you killed your past self, you'd create an alternate reality in which you're dead, but your original self would live on (just not in the original timeline). But in the first movie Marty causes events that prevent himself from being born and almost gets erased out of existance because of that...

Whoa. Mindfunk.
2012-05-14 15:01:00

Posts: 2452

Considering that, Back in the Future contradicts itself. In the second movie they use that theory, that altering the past causes the timeline to split into different realities. So if you killed your past self, you'd create an alternate reality in which you're dead, but your original self would live on (just not in the original timeline). But in the first movie Marty causes events that prevent himself from being born and almost gets erased out of existance because of that...

Whoa. Mindfunk.

Back to the Future (well, the original one at least) isn't really a time travel movie so much as it is about generations and parents and children and all that. Time travel is just a vehicle (ba doom tsish) to get to that point.

Which is why the second and third movies are weird since they are about time travel and paradoxes whereas the first one wasn't, really :/

Well, anyway. The point is, don't think of Back to the Future as a reasonable Time travel movie XD Actually, don't think too much about it at all.

Like what happened to the Libyan terrorists who were big enough to go after Doc Brown, but somehow it's implied that the terrorist groups lays off after one of their vans crashes into a newsstand.

Or the fact that Marty's dad gives the guy who tried to rape his wife back in high school a job that would give him keys to the house.

Huh. :/

Well, yeah, don't think about it.


Well, I remember an episode of something on TV from years ago which said time is like "blankets" on top of each other, and that mass and energy form bumps in the fabric of space-time. Thus, according to this theory, if we place enough mass or energy in one spot (more than physically possible), we could make a big enough bump that it reaches another part of space time.

However, if this theory is correct, then the time machine would only be able to go to when the time machine is on to provide the bump in space-time. I.e., you could not travel before the time machine is turned on.

but in any case, I'd say messing with space time in any way is just too dangerous and really don't think that we should time travel even if it was possible.
2012-05-14 15:30:00

Posts: 10882

Get out of plot hole free card.

2012-05-14 17:12:00

Posts: 6728

Perhaps the global secret association has gained time travelling machines or powers off people from the future, and they haven't told us. And then keeping this technology in the future, to give to us guys in their past.

Speaking of which, I'm not sure if infinite time loops have been mentioned yet, like an action in the past which creates a consequence of making the original action. What also, objects passing through time forever, too, either as a time loop or as a single chain of un-self-affecting events. I don't think the time loop kind is possible though, seeing as it would have to be an infinite age to a point of not being able to exist, thus the object never went through time forever in the first place? What if there are a million time loops that could be happening at ones around us, and their infiniteness has made them cease to exist, making them both happen and not happen/half-happen? It's all very baffling.

As for the single chain of events, that might not be able to happen too, or either the whole universe would be entirely packed with the same object in every state from going in time in the first place to being physically possible to put through time again. Assuming anyone who has has/had/will get time travel has ever been stupid or multitaskable enough to do such a thoroughly planned-out thing and that there's been no proof of this happening, I'd say it won't happen.
2012-05-14 22:16:00

Posts: 482

LOL they're called PARADOXES for a reason! I dunno why you guys are trying to make sense of it.

Going into the past would be impossible. The things that happen in the past simply don't exist anymore. It's like trying to eat a bowl of cereal you just ate! The bowl of cereal is gone! You can't eat it anymore! Matter can't be created or destroyed!

Think of it like a movie. A movie is filmed in the past but is viewed in the present and the future. Does that mean that by watching a movie you'd be going back into the past? NO! The actors in the movie don't physically exist in the present as they did in the past. The person they are in the movie doesn't exist. We are not seeing the actors as they exist, but simply a field of electrons that we can interpret as being the past. But the interpretations are not what is real!

Now the alternate reality thing is interesting.

Let's say someone somehow with some series of machines, and some amazing technological, sculpting, engineering, etc., skill and some serious time on his/her hands...created an exact replica of life 200 years ago. And lets say that person decided to live in that world they created.

Are they technically living in the "past"? NO! Are they living in an alternate reality...? Yes!

In fact we all at some point live in an alternate reality. Every time you dream or think about something you are experiencing an alternate reality. There are infinite realities! But those realities are all still based on the same timeline that everything else is. Nothing is existing 200 years ago AND in the present or the future! It's all existing in the present!

Now traveling into the future is weird.

According to Einstein's theory, time is relative; and is based on your mass and blah blah...So if one were to travel at the speed of light they could travel through time faster than people who drive cars. I'm not sure I understand this fully, but I think what that means is one could experience time differently depending on how fast they are going or how much mass they have.

In reality though, neither the past nor the future exist. Our insights are realities that aren't real (mindflunk?)
2012-05-15 09:56:00

Posts: 849

Darn it. I knew I should stay away from this thread. Talking and reading about time travel makes my head explode. Particularly when talking about travelling to the past.
I mean, if you went into the past and killed your former self, would you be creating a seperate timeline? If you travelled back to the future (ie the present as it was currently to you... or something.... I dunno) would you be travelling back to the original present timeline where you did exist, or would you travel to the same point in the timeline where you didn't exist, and suddenly everyone wonders where you came from because they thought you were dead?
2012-05-15 11:30:00

Posts: 4085

*Hack..* *Cough cough* *splutter* (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30422-Scientific-Discussion&highlight=Science+discussion)2012-05-15 13:11:00

Posts: 5078

*Hack..* *Cough cough* *splutter* (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30422-Scientific-Discussion&highlight=Science+discussion)

Personally, I'd think this is deserving of it's own thread rather than being mixed up in a general science thread where the topic is about more than just Time Travel, but eh.
2012-05-15 13:58:00

Posts: 10882

Personally, I'd think this is deserving of it's own thread rather than being mixed up in a general science thread where the topic is about more than just Time Travel, but eh.

What I meant was, this is how the science thread started.
2012-05-15 14:06:00

Posts: 5078

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