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Invisible Object... come on already.

Archive: 5 posts

I've tried every possibilty after watching the glitch video on Youtube using the corner editor tool. Nothing seems to work to make an object become invisible.2012-05-10 21:46:00

Unknown User

Did you read OUR tutorials? Do it now if you didn't already!2012-05-10 21:51:00

Posts: 3378

invisible object won't work with corner editor(for me).here is a simple process:
Make an object,select material changer and(doesn't matter what material you choose)select the object and activate the start menu at the the same time when u pressed x.and change to play mode.there!ur objext is invisible!hope it helped...
2012-05-11 02:38:00

Posts: 242

It works, thanks!2012-05-14 01:27:00

Unknown User

My welcome. :*2012-06-12 09:25:00

Posts: 242

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