CISARU: The Cyber Ninja
Archive: 12 posts
This is my first real LBP2 level. Please play this by yourself and turn on auto reject or bad things might happen. Thanks! http://lbp.me/v/-z54wm http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/e28efc9465296d2f8ad02d4b26f00436a0a4db69.jpg http://i6.lbp.me/img/ft/43674d4d3c04037df2055ee95b750022a986b5df.jpg http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/edce9a27a78bd4de1c3fca09f4e244c0ddb41f18.jpg | 2012-05-08 05:09:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
adding to the queue. Sounds interesting and thank you for using the LBP.me tool, making a brief description and inserting pictures. It has certainly piqued my interest. | 2012-05-09 13:38:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
adding to the queue. Sounds interesting and thank you for using the LBP.me tool, making a brief description and inserting pictures. It has certainly piqued my interest. Thanks! Love the tool. Hope you enjoy the level. ![]() | 2012-05-10 05:14:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
+ Character looks very nice - Wall jumping is a bit hard to do - Environments look a bit bland, maybe you could decorate them some more | 2012-05-10 20:18:00 Author: Deurklink1 ![]() Posts: 346 |
+ Character looks very nice - Wall jumping is a bit hard to do - Environments look a bit bland, maybe you could decorate them some more Thanks for playing. ![]() I just want to say that my goal for this level was for it to be kind of the antithesis of what tend to be the most popular levels. These levels tend to be kinda short, empty platformers full of deco and complicated shapes, use regular sackboy, lots of levers, trial and error, infinite checkpoints, platforms that move for no apparent reason, and have no story. They look really nice and can be pretty fun to play, but they usually leave me feeling pretty empty in the end. They're not bad, but they're not really to my taste and I'm kind of tired of them. This level is basically what I would personally like to see more of in LBP2. It's inspired by NES classics like Metroid, Castlevania, Mega Man, and even Shadow of the Colossus with its minimalist storytelling. I've chosen to dedicate my thermo to gameplay and content, not lots of deco and shifting platforms. It's got a playable bot in a higher gravity environment and jumps higher and moves faster than sackboy. I really wanted to have a memorable character that is fun to play as and a variety of enemies that are fun to fight. There isn't much trial and error. Players of average skill should be able to beat it the first time they play, but not without a fight. There are no infinite checkpoints, but each one has its own 3 lives. There aren't any puzzles, but there are some objectives that may require a bit of thought to figure out. I wanted to create a lengthy level with a good amount of variety and some memorable events. I want the player to be intrigued and wondering what's gonna happen next. I wanted to have some real tension towards the end and a really satisfying ending that leaves the player wanting more. I wanted the player to feel something. It's a little disappointing that the comments I got on the level so far are mostly about the wall jump which is really easy to do. I suppose I should be happy to get any feedback at all, but I would be very interested in thoughts from people that actually beat the level. If anyone beats the level and all they have to say is it looks a bit bland and the wall jump is too hard then I have not even come close to achieving my goal. Maybe if I make a sequel then I'll make it so the wall jump isn't required. BTW Deurklink1, this isn't really directed at you, just anyone interested in leaving some feedback. Thanks again for playing. ![]() | 2012-05-11 15:49:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
Alright! I played it multiple times and beat it! I enjoyed it! and it definitely deserved a YAY! It was interesting, fun, and challenging! The Scenery, which definitely is under gameplay in importance, was dark and futuristic which is not my favorite but still very nice and a good change up! The wall jump was a little tricky to get at first, its mostly getting the timing down and making sure your character is still on the rise when you jump again! other wise you dont really get another jump, which physically makes sense! The ending definitely adds interest and appeal to the story ![]() ![]() | 2012-05-13 22:29:00 Author: calvin_and_kyle ![]() Posts: 32 |
Alright! I played it multiple times and beat it! I enjoyed it! and it definitely deserved a YAY! It was interesting, fun, and challenging! The Scenery, which definitely is under gameplay in importance, was dark and futuristic which is not my favorite but still very nice and a good change up! The wall jump was a little tricky to get at first, its mostly getting the timing down and making sure your character is still on the rise when you jump again! other wise you dont really get another jump, which physically makes sense! The ending definitely adds interest and appeal to the story ![]() ![]() Thanks for the great review! I'm glad you liked it and gave it a few a tries until you beat it. You got mad skillz! ![]() | 2012-05-16 13:20:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
Looks interesting...queued it up, will try to play it tonight before I settle in for some Diablo III. ![]() | 2012-05-16 22:43:00 Author: Angantyr ![]() Posts: 18 |
Very interesting level. Despite that the level's interior design looks unpolished due to lack of corner edits and decorations, the flying cars and moving buildings looks pretty impressive. And the story is well told thanks to voice-acting and intriguing cutscenes. The gameplay is a lot of fun, too, but the wall jump doesn't seem to work perfectly. I did encounter a major problem that I need to report after I played this level. After I died during the ship pursuit, I respawned into the last checkpoint of the interior place (That's where you need to escape). Good job on this level, though. VISUALS: 3.5/5 SOUND: 5/5 GAMEPLAY: 4/5 OVERALL: A yay | 2012-05-17 03:06:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
Very interesting level. Despite that the level's interior design looks unpolished due to lack of corner edits and decorations, the flying cars and moving buildings looks pretty impressive. And the story is well told thanks to voice-acting and intriguing cutscenes. The gameplay is a lot of fun, too, but the wall jump doesn't seem to work perfectly. I did encounter a major problem that I need to report after I played this level. After I died during the ship pursuit, I respawned into the last checkpoint of the interior place (That's where you need to escape). Good job on this level, though. VISUALS: 3.5/5 SOUND: 5/5 GAMEPLAY: 4/5 OVERALL: A yay Argh! I tested that part so many times. I thought I got all the bugs out. I made an update that will hopefully prevent that from ever happening. I tested it again and it worked fine for me. I'm not sure what you mean by lack of corner edits. Most of the level was made on a grid and the corners are all even. I think you might be talking about the material I used. That's just the way the material looks. lol Thanks a lot for the review. Sorry you didn't get to see the ending. :/ | 2012-05-17 07:27:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
Hey reef, I LOVED it and totally agree with what you said in your post about long challenging levels. I thought you pulled it off brilliantly - here's why... Baddie AI - is actually good for a change. They are hard. They will shoot you alot and take lots of hits. fantastic - no stupid things that move back and forth and get jumped on. there was so much variety in the baddies and they are all gits it their own way! the feel was different to normal LBP levels and i felt a sense of retro platformer. Everything that was important was done really well. cisaru looked cool, slashed fast and felt like a ninja. the upgrades were awesome and very slick. The gameplay aspects were well thought and the difficulty level was just perfect for me - there was a couple of times (including the final timed dash were i was on the edge of my seat hoping not to fail) i made the last bit by like 5 seconds! Your voice acting is the best i've heard and the story was great. Yes the level is bare but i just assumed that was because the thermo of all the moves and baddies meant there wasn;t much space. Plus, i though you did really well with what there was - the blue building background with the flying spaceships was dead cool (i do like a dark sci fi themev ![]() ![]() oh yeah, cool music too. dark. OK, you know i love it, so here are some humble tips for improvement. take em or leave em... ![]() - could the instruction button be L2 not R3? I must have pressed R3 by mistake in the action about 15 times and it leaves you falling or getting killed. -the wall jump. the instructions only came up once and for the life of me i couldn;t get it. sounds like there is a real knack to it which might be worth tweaking or explaining better. I thought i had it, but the last wall to wall jump before the finish took me AGES. Seriously. AGES. there doesn't need to be such a trick to it - it should be fun fast and easy. -thought the powerups were super cool but a little under used - more tek power ups please! other than that, superb job sir. love ur work and approach. honour to be on the spotlight with y. | 2012-05-17 22:03:00 Author: THe EGG ![]() Posts: 75 |
Hey reef, I LOVED it and totally agree with what you said in your post about long challenging levels. I thought you pulled it off brilliantly - here's why... Baddie AI - is actually good for a change. They are hard. They will shoot you alot and take lots of hits. fantastic - no stupid things that move back and forth and get jumped on. there was so much variety in the baddies and they are all gits it their own way! the feel was different to normal LBP levels and i felt a sense of retro platformer. Everything that was important was done really well. cisaru looked cool, slashed fast and felt like a ninja. the upgrades were awesome and very slick. The gameplay aspects were well thought and the difficulty level was just perfect for me - there was a couple of times (including the final timed dash were i was on the edge of my seat hoping not to fail) i made the last bit by like 5 seconds! Your voice acting is the best i've heard and the story was great. Yes the level is bare but i just assumed that was because the thermo of all the moves and baddies meant there wasn;t much space. Plus, i though you did really well with what there was - the blue building background with the flying spaceships was dead cool (i do like a dark sci fi themev ![]() ![]() oh yeah, cool music too. dark. OK, you know i love it, so here are some humble tips for improvement. take em or leave em... ![]() - could the instruction button be L2 not R3? I must have pressed R3 by mistake in the action about 15 times and it leaves you falling or getting killed. -the wall jump. the instructions only came up once and for the life of me i couldn;t get it. sounds like there is a real knack to it which might be worth tweaking or explaining better. I thought i had it, but the last wall to wall jump before the finish took me AGES. Seriously. AGES. there doesn't need to be such a trick to it - it should be fun fast and easy. -thought the powerups were super cool but a little under used - more tek power ups please! other than that, superb job sir. love ur work and approach. honour to be on the spotlight with y. Great review! Thanks for taking the time for posting one here and another one on the game itself. I really appreciate your comments about the story, voice acting, difficulty, and about being on the edge of your seat! ![]() I never once hit the instruction button by accident so I never thought it would be a problem for anyone. I put it there because I wanted to have all the other buttons free for additional abilities but ended up not having to use those buttons. I might need those buttons for the sequels though. If it turns out I don't need those buttons then I will consider moving the instructions to one of the top buttons. ![]() I'm aware a lot of people have a problem with the wall jump so I won't be including it in the sequels. Well, the jump will still be in there so players can use it as an additional tactic for defeating enemies, but there will be no more high wall jumping sections, at least not mandatory ones. There really is no trick to it other than not losing your momentum and the faster you jump off the wall the bigger the boost you get. Which part took you AGES? Was it the one in the shipping area (the part with the aircars flying around) where you have to wall jump onto a platform that moves up and down? I totally agree with you about the power ups. It's kind of tough to make a level thinking you have all these great ideas only to realize that these ideas can kind of clash together for whatever reason. You realize that you either have to lose this or that or half *** your ideas a bit if you want to cram everything in there. I didn't want the player to have to rely on the tek abilities too much or end up in situations where he HAD to use them only to find he doesn't have enough power to use them so they kinda ended up being underused until the final section of the level. Thermo was another issue and even physical space became a bit of an issue too. I learned a lot from making this level and got some good feedback from people like yourself that will definitely help me in making the sequels the best that I can make them. Too bad my PS3 is dying eh? Who knows if I'll get those out this year. ![]() Thanks to you and everyone that left good feedback and I hope you'll all play the sequels one day! ![]() | 2012-05-19 14:43:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
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