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Creatinator Help

Archive: 16 posts

I want to make a creatinator that's able to shoot the missiles, like in the LBP2 demo

I just can't get the setting right, when I shoot the missile it goes spinning around, flies backwards or goes so fast I don't even see it in the first place XD

I just wanted to make a short competitve shooter level, to practice my Create skills. If you're able to help me at all, please add me on PSN (Zatchey) or give me directions on this thread.

Thanks in advance!

(One other thing, how do you get the Paintinator in LBP2? I've seen a few levels with it, but I don't have it on my list. I currently have the Grabinator, Grappler, Creatinator, Jetpack and Scuba Set. Are there any other powerups that I buy with DLC or need to unlock?)
2012-05-06 16:12:00

Unknown User

Firstly, the Paintinator was DLC. It came with the MGS pack.

As for your missiles, the issue is easy enough to understand - Sackthings movements effect the pace and angle that things are emmited at. The Odds are it's more to do with the fact you're moving and shooting that's screwing up the trajectory, than it is the Creatinator settings.
A simple workaround is to place a Microchip on your emmited Missile, and on it, place a Basic Rotator. The Rotator should be set to zero rotation speed, with 100% strength. This will completely stop the missile from turning, allowing you to run around as much as you please without upsetting the missiles path.

If it's just a Rotator you need, actually, the Microchip isn't needed. But if you want your Missile to do anything else fancy, the MC is the way to go.
2012-05-06 16:45:00

Posts: 1017

Thank you so much! It worked!2012-05-06 16:52:00

Unknown User

My PS3 just turned off without saving... it doesn't work anymore.

What Microchip should I use? A gyroscope, a rotator?
2012-05-06 17:05:00

Unknown User

A Basic Rotator.
A Microchip is a different tool entirely.
2012-05-06 17:08:00

Posts: 1017

I set the rotator to 0 rotation speed, when I'm standing still it just blows me up :/2012-05-06 17:12:00

Unknown User

Hmm, by any chance could you just add me, then help me out with this? I played your level and you seem like a great creator, while I'm just a novice. It would be greatly appreciated, sorry if I'm a bother2012-05-06 17:20:00

Unknown User

This is way too simple to warrant a personal visit.

If the Missile is blowing up instantaneously, it's likely you've accidentally wired something into the explosive part of the missile. Missiles can be manually detonated by wiring a switch to the explosive end.

You should just have a standard Missile, with a Basic Rotator on it, and that should be it.
2012-05-06 17:23:00

Posts: 1017

Whatever, I can't do it. Giving up :/2012-05-06 17:31:00

Unknown User

lolwut. But you said you had it working the first time, then your console was switched off. How on Earth can you not replicate what you did before?

Missile + Basic Rotator = Job done.
2012-05-06 17:34:00

Posts: 1017

Well, I didn't pay much attention to the part I stuck the rotator on...

I figured since it's one item, the spot I place it wouldn't matter
2012-05-06 17:35:00

Unknown User

Well, you were right - it doesn't matter whereabouts the Rotator is placed.2012-05-06 17:44:00

Posts: 1017

Is anyone reading this willing to log in and help me out? :/2012-05-06 17:49:00

Unknown User

This is way too simple to warrant a personal visit.

This. You're trying to do an extremely basic logic setup.

Take your rocket. Go get the rotator. Stick it on the rocket in any ​place. Put in the settings that Ostler said. Capture it. Set the Creatinator to emit the captured rocket with rotator. Job completed.
2012-05-06 19:40:00

Posts: 1614

As long as you keep the path straight and the missile in line with the trajectory, you should have no problem. Do you have the grid on? Pause menu, grid:small, rotation:90? and make sure the powerup is perfectly straight and then place a perfectly straight missile. Make sure you didn't set any angle speed on the creatinator (not sure about the actual name this setting has, I play in french).2012-05-07 23:37:00

Unknown User

Oh, Osty came in and fixed. I'm relatively new to Create, so what the real problem was that I wasn't facing the rocket straight out of the Creatinator. It was facing upwards.2012-05-10 20:59:00

Unknown User

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