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Star Wars vehicles

Archive: 6 posts


Im currently building a star wars level and just thought id post some of the vehicles I have made ready for it.

On this is Lukes speeder and an AT-ST, more to come soon I hope.

Thanks, feedback welcome

Sorry forgot to post the link

2012-05-06 12:24:00

Unknown User

It looks pretty good, but does look too clean at the moment. I think making it out of cardboard or something else without texture and making a custom sticker with some rust and battle damage is a good start.2012-05-06 13:11:00

Posts: 1799

Yes thats a very fair point and one that I was thinking myself.

2012-05-06 14:00:00

Unknown User

nice! i made one a few months ago, ill take a pic and post it here next time i get on lbp2.

edit: heres the pic http://lbp.me/p/qpbhvj6
2012-05-16 00:03:00

Posts: 78

looks pretty good, did you happen to make an AT-AT in the middle of making one but just cant quite get the walking action right

I have now added some music and an AT-AT to the test level, which will eventually turn into a full Star Wars level.
Im not too happy with the way the AT-AT walks at the mo so all suggestions are welcome.

2012-05-16 16:30:00

Unknown User

Hi guys,

Just an update on my star wars level, its starting to come together now, nearly all the music done and the opening sequence
Alot of it isnt playable just yet but can be seen if you ride the speeder bike around.
Any suggestions still are really appreciated.
Heres a couple more pics to wet the appetite.



2012-07-19 15:22:00

Unknown User

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