Shadowbattle Score Challenge
Archive: 3 posts
http://lbp.me/v/4x5ngg Shadowbattle is a single player score challenge based on chaining mulipliers. You play as either a yellow electric eagle, or a red fiery bat and fly around hitting spikey balls of your color to gain points. http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/48e7da867ed93efdaa57f360f78be738a9371434.jpg The arena is a gigantic clock that creates these spikey balls that alternate in color between red & yellow every few seconds. If you are the Bat character, named Shadowbat, you must only hit the spikey balls when they are red in order to gain points or yellow if you are Shadowbird. If you run into a spikey ball that is the opposite color, you will be temporarily stunned, breaking your combo & reducing your points. http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/7c9f34e6010470b3fd8a2adf007ada380afb87fb.jpg The controls work very similar to the jetpack power-up in lbp, but instead of holding X to thrust faster, holding X is what makes you fly. So it's like the jetpack at full thrust the entire time ![]() http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/f443571fb30e347cc9e338980accc907750dc733.jpg There should be no bugs, freezing or complexity errors in this current version. Also! After completing this level you will be rewarded with a full playable (2 player) version of it to play on your moon... If you have dlc.. I belive the DLC required is Move pack, Sphinx costume, mystique costume & shadow of the colossus pack.. | 2012-05-05 19:38:00 Author: Dortr ![]() Posts: 548 |
Looks very smooth. I like the graphics a lot. I'll queue it for later play, seems like a lot of fun. Nice color scheme too. The cave background also gives it an eerie touch. Oh, and a good idea, too! | 2012-05-05 19:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
*facepalm* you **************************************** and ************************************************** ******** about everything, but you won't provide a ***************** *********************, ***************************, ****************** and *********************************************, green ******************* lightning ******************************************* down ***************************** snorkel ****************************** LBP.me Link to your ***************** red ********************* ***** ***** *********************'s ********************* ****************** ********* truckers ****************** cloudy ****************** and a ******************* level! Played it, loved it. Very clever. Hard as heck, for me anyway. I just can't seem to catch the rhythm here and can never exceed a few thousand points. Excellent work ************* the ************ and *********** Hulk Hogan *********************** Toddler's and Tiaras **************** given ************** a ****************** flying ***************. Oh, here is my little primer on how to post a level to the showcase. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. First, this is your level, your creation, your baby. Your job is to convince people to play your level. Right? If you are proud enough of your level to post it in the Showcase area, then why oh why would you post it like this. This is only an example of some of the post I've seen: "Hey guys, I just finished my new level. I worked on it real hard, so please go play it." Wow, I don't know about you, but I sure want to play this level...NOT! Here's a simple check list of things to do, to make your thread stick out. LBP.me tool--did you use the tool? it's the blue box with a white bell, http://www.lbpcentral.com/images/lbpme.pngmore on this later brief synopsis on your level. What is the level about? What type of gameplay is it? F4F -- did you make it a feedback for feedback thread? Did you want to? PICTURES-- did you post some pictures? more on this later The LBP.me tool:http://www.lbpcentral.com/images/lbpme.png This nifty little tool is quite cool. Click on the icon and it will put this code in for you. Copy your LBP.me level URL. The URL is the in the white address bar at the top of the page. It will look something like this: http://lbp.me/v/zwp--b put that URL in between the code so that it looks like this: http://lbp.me/v/zwp--b NOTE: This must be the first line of your post Now what this does, is gathers the LBP.me info and puts it in the thread for you. Kind of like this: http://i8.lbp.me/img/bl/g121000-6b84ad11.pngALIENS STOLE OUR BISCUITS!! for the worst level contestjester946 this is a level for the "worst level contest" on LBPC. The spelling and grammar mistakes are on purpose. Enjoy this stupid adventure and remember, it's supposed to be bad. Alternatively, you can use this method here. It's one of the options when posting your level. It's really simple. Just put the level code in and Kabam! done. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-893CoTS2sdo/T2YoA-LncII/AAAAAAAABhQ/CmB2LunpA9E/s640/lbp.jpg Pictures Add some pictures! This is really simple to do. I would recommend taking your own pictures within your level. Open your popit, click on stickers and deco and scroll through to your pictures. on the pictures you want to upload. hit square on the picture and upload. NOTE This section is mainly for Firefox or Chrome users. If you're using Internet Explorer then go to Google and type in Mozilla Firefox or Chrome and download one of those browsers. Find your pic(s) click on it, then click it again so that it's the only thing in the window. Copy the URL. come to your thread and click the Insert picture tool http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/LBPC-Style/editor/insertimage.png a box will pop up, click on the "from URL" tab paste the URL in the box Be sure to UNCHECK the box that says " Retrieve remote file and reference locally" Unchecking this box, makes the picture bigger click "OK" Then when you submit the thread your picture will be in the page like so: http://i3.lbp.me/img/ft/dd39e3496c30589f01d427c3ffc8720698f39c4c.jpg F4F (Feedback for Feedback)--- Feedback for Feedback is a system that helps creators improve their skills by offering to trade feedback with others. This system is optional; you do not have to participate. Also, Feedback For Feedback works back-and-forth between both the Level Showcase and Object Showcase. You may specify a level under an object's F4F, and vice versa more specific information here FEEDBACK FOR FEEDBACK (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=7962-Feedback-For-Feedback) some other useful links General Level Showcase Guidelines (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=25952-General-Level-Showcase-Guidelines) How Does the Community Spotlight Actually Work? (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=34118-How-Does-the-Community-Spotlight-Actually-Work) How to Maximize Level Feedback (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=10692-How-to-Maximize-Level-Feedback) | 2012-05-08 16:12:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
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