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Worst thing ever!

Archive: 12 posts

I was searching through my gaming news on www.n4g.com when i came across something odd. There was an article titled Biggest Disappointments of 2008. And high up on that list was Littlebigplanet. I personally didn't think it lived up the enormous hype but then again what has. Gears of War was supossed to change the way we all game, has it? No but it was fun and different so people loved it and that wasn't a disappointment. I don't know if it's hate or what but littlebigplanet was no fail. It's unique but to call it a disappointment is a little much. I wasn't a big fan of Super Smash Bros. Brawl when it first came out, does that make it a disappointment? Opinions are one thing but to call games a straight disappointment is a shame.2009-01-03 14:50:00

Posts: 1246

Meh, people can think what they want.

I play and love it, so I don't really care about other people's opinions.
2009-01-03 14:55:00

Unknown User

Meh, people can think what they want.

I play and love it, so I don't really care about other people's opinions.

Agreed. Its up to the individual who buys it if they like it.

Possibly the best ?40 I ever spent.
2009-01-03 16:57:00

Posts: 1287

recently, definitely the best game i have bought...2009-01-03 17:02:00

Unknown User

Heh... i'm guessing Home is #12009-01-03 17:08:00

Posts: 2068

LBP is the one of the most important experience in videogames i had in twenty years...just after super mario bros NES...
Is this a disappointment?
2009-01-03 17:17:00

Posts: 1355

Only game I've felt is worth the money since ff72009-01-03 17:32:00

Posts: 13

Heh... i'm guessing Home is #1

Amen to that. And a LOL.
2009-01-04 20:30:00

Posts: 473

Other people's opinions are corrupt.
My opinions on the other hand, are 100% factual And in my opinion, LBP is not a disapointment, and far from one.
2009-01-04 20:31:00

Posts: 805

It certainly isn't a huge disappointment, or anything even vaguely similar.

I will say, though, that it was slightly disappointing. Because the game wasn't as good of a platformer as I wanted it to be. I have yet to see some really, really tight platforming that works. The story level didn't really have any significant challenge.

LittleBigPlanet ended up being fun in different ways. The running around with other people, collecting prize bubbles, and other things. But it wasn't the platformer I was wanting.

Great game, loads of fun. But not quite there.
2009-01-04 20:40:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

Meh, people can think what they want.

I play and love it, so I don't really care about other people's opinions.

This man speaks the truth.
2009-01-04 20:58:00

Unknown User

Possibly the best ?40 I ever spent.

Amen. Except I spent $60 rather than ?40. But I've spent enough time with it that it was worth ten times that.
2009-01-04 21:13:00

Posts: 984

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