The Sacktory!
Archive: 2 posts
A new level out now by d4rksmok3hunt3r. This level has a amazing amount of detail and its just really good to play. Its only 3 levels in the series. and apparently there will be more...You will not be let down by this level, its really cool. Get ready for the other parts of the series, they will be just as cool! ![]() http://lbp.me/v/-ts1hn | 2012-04-21 18:46:00 Author: dermZ96 ![]() Posts: 86 |
Dermz, can you provide a link. I did a LBP.me search but came up with nothing. site note, you can also use the LBP.me tool in here and it will put the level badge and stuff in the thread. EDIT: found it for those interested. http://lbp.me/v/-vwsbb got it queued up, thanks Dermz! | 2012-04-26 00:55:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
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