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No motivation to create. Help!

Archive: 15 posts

I have hit a brick wall with this game.

I start creating and I can not seem to think what to build next. etc...

I have at least 10 intros for levels but thats hit.

I just published a level like a week ago. Got good reviews and whatnot but thats not enough. The level is far from I am capable of but I just don't have the motive to create to the best of my ability.

Any help?
2012-04-16 01:44:00

Unknown User

This most likely isn't that answer your looking for but, I continue on by having a team of people there to support me, because by myself, I'll just procrastinate and play something else. So, just find a group to create with.2012-04-16 02:05:00

Posts: 442

Well, my advice is, if you don't have the drive to create something heavy - don't.
Loads of people feel the way you do right now, from time to time. You want to build stuff, but you're having issues commiting to one project, hey that's OK - just faff around in Create mode and/or play other games. Make some contraptions that are just fun to mess around with, but aren't part of some bigger picture.
Eventually you'll have that... Drive again. And you'll create a proper level. (Maybe even find a use for the small things you made during your time away from heavy creating.)

At least that's how I look at it.
2012-04-16 02:10:00

Posts: 1017

Create or I will murder you.

That enough?
2012-04-16 02:20:00

Posts: 928

My advice.

1. Take a Break. If you've published a level fairly recently, maybe its a good idea to just make small things like objects and logic for a while, or simply brainstorm idea for future levels.

2. Know what you want before going into create mode: Its probably just me, but I find it easier to get a lot done if I know what I want before trying to work on a level. If I just try to create obstacles at random with no idea what I'm doing then it usually leads to a rushed concept and a canceled project.

3. Don't stare into space. If you just go into create mode and sit there, its going to feel a lot worse. If you know what you're going to do, try to work on it immediately before you find yourself just staring into space.

4. Help your friends with something, or simply watch them create if they don't mind. You can get ideas this way, or simply get back into the groove of creating.

Hopefully at least 1 of these tips will help you out.

Edit: If all else fails, go with the post above mine for motivation.
2012-04-16 02:24:00

Posts: 240

The level is far from I am capable of but I just don't have the motive to create to the best of my ability.
Any help?

Stop kidding yourself, go back to spamming.
2012-04-16 03:39:00

Posts: 449

I have at least 10 intros for levels but thats hit.

Stop creating intros and create the game they are an intro for first. I see a lot of people create the 'easy' bits or fun bits first, then lose all interest because the hard or boring bits are putting them off. If you have an idea for a game, work on that idea for a while - on paper or in your mind -, then determine what is needed and what are the great challenges, then decide whether you can and are willing to take them on.

Intros can be great and all but they mean nothing without a good game. A good game can stand on its own.

Or, just make intros for people who are in need of these.
2012-04-16 09:39:00

Posts: 1340

Thanks ppp_killer you have successfully gave me the drive to prove you wrong. It's people like you is what makes the community go off the game.

And for the guy who said intros, I meant like the start of the level where you spawn and you have like 10 second gameplay.

Intros as I think you meant are those corny title sequences that say XXXXXXXXXX by YYYYYYYYY. That's what the level heading is for. Jeez...

Yeah going to make a level with new ideas, new gameplay and im going to prove that I am better than mainstream creators. You haven't saw my potential but im going to give this level my all.
2012-04-16 10:44:00

Unknown User

And for the guy who said intros, I meant like the start of the level where you spawn and you have like 10 second gameplay. Intros as I think you meant are those corny title sequences that say XXXXXXXXXX by YYYYYYYYY. That's what the level heading is for. Jeez...

There is a quote button below each reply. Unless you don't really care who you are replying to, which makes me wonder why you started a discussion in the first place.

It is pretty commonly known what an intro is and your description isn't it. And if you are making levels that have a starting zone for 10 seconds and that's it, then what exactly is the problem again?

Yeah going to make a level with new ideas, new gameplay and im going to prove that I am better than mainstream creators. You haven't saw my potential but im going to give this level my all.

Great. Glad to have been of service.
2012-04-16 22:01:00

Posts: 1340

Thanks ppp_killer you have successfully gave me the drive to prove you wrong. It's people like you is what makes the community go off the game.

Well if I turn off spammers from the game I wouldn't say that's a bad thing? I help a lot of people, I used to join random invites a lot usually involved me helping people for awhile until it just got... weird (like people showing you things they didn't make and asking you to fix it when it's fine). I also help a lot of people on the littlebigplanetarium chat, gave out useful objects, made vehicles for people I just met. What have YOU done? Wait, you have helped, you have helped people stop playing the game with all the spamming you did. People might not remember but I do, someone who's been with this game since forever.

I don't care about your ego, or your "drive", is that clear?
2012-04-17 13:42:00

Posts: 449

Mabe just tack a break...from making levels..i do.Just go have funn play some random levels clear you mind and then go back to your moon and think about all the things you have played and im sure you'll come up with something.2012-04-17 22:24:00

Posts: 813

ppp_killer do you not get it.

Your calling me a spammer. It is called making something for the masses. There's only a small % of people including yourself who think they can dictate what should be on the pages. Yeah I used to 'spam' 'troll' so what. PLAY CREATE SHARE. I have the right to publish what I want, when I want and how I want. Your nothing to me, your living in the past.

Oh, and you are the reason there is spam on the pages. Spammers get a kick when people like you squirm and hate on us. Your mindless and hypocritical insults are just the tip of the ice-berg.

Continue to hate because I do not care what you say because you don't know me. Your petty thoughts hold no merit.

As they say in Austrailia. G'day mate.
2012-04-18 15:22:00

Unknown User

ppp_killer do you not get it.

Your calling me a spammer. It is called making something for the masses. There's only a small % of people including yourself who think they can dictate what should be on the pages. Yeah I used to 'spam' 'troll' so what. PLAY CREATE SHARE. I have the right to publish what I want, when I want and how I want. Your nothing to me, your living in the past.

Oh, and you are the reason there is spam on the pages. Spammers get a kick when people like you squirm and hate on us. Your mindless and hypocritical insults are just the tip of the ice-berg.

Continue to hate because I do not care what you say because you don't know me. Your petty thoughts hold no merit.

As they say in Austrailia. G'day mate.

Actually I'd agree with Ppp_Killer.
But I'm not going to argue anything so I don't start anything.

As for the topic, just take a break. I had to do so (and still am) to get some creative ideas.
2012-04-19 04:11:00

Posts: 258

Create or I will murder you.

That enough?

I will second this if that helps at all. But perhaps I could threaten a pet or to damage your credit rating if that is more motivating.
2012-04-19 04:14:00

Posts: 822

Try entering a contest, they've really helped me stick with something. Contraption Competion 16 is going on right now, they're easier to finish than a full level. LBPC8 is due to start soon, and I'm sure there are other competitions as well.2012-04-20 13:28:00

Posts: 2284

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