VirCo Labs
Archive: 3 posts
Hello all! To any who've played the previous level, you're in for a big upgrade. To new-comers, be glad you started here! VirCo Labs is a one-up on my last 'level.' Both demonstrate my HUD/Player system, giving you a tutorial, etc. The last one's gonna go eventually,but for now I'll leave it be. Anyway, in this level you're to test-drive the Holyguard Exosuit--a suit designed for a range of tasks including free-running (Climbing over obstacles and whatnot), scanning the environment and enemies, and combat. This allows the wearer to maneuver easily through a room, complete puzzles, and slay enemies. The controls are all laid out on the top of the screen, on your HUD. Things are also explained in-game, to make sure players know what they're doing. You're assigned simple tasks (like climb a ladder) at first, but eventually you will have to clear a few rooms for yourself. There's also to be a section where players who've played before can practice on harder rooms and enemies. This level is currently only about a fourth of the way done. It needs a lot more work before it's even a full level. However, I'm going to update it as I go, mostly so I can see what people think of it. There is no scoreboard, and there won't be until I'm finished. Please, feedback is greatly appreciated. Any kind at all--though negative IS the most helpful. If something's not right, I need to know it. The level is code-locked, so people who don't know what it is won't play and leave odd reviews ("WTF ITZ NUT DON BRO"). The code is: HYGD Updates: 0.31.0 - Posted level, up to Destructable Tutorial. http://lbp.me/v/-pensy | 2012-04-15 23:40:00 Author: Narwhal ![]() Posts: 111 |
Queued ![]() Edit: played! Wow, nice amount of work. I can really relate to this one because I did a similar project too. You did a much better job of it ![]() There's 2 things that I would do differently if I was doing mine over. Either ditch 2P support or put it secondary. Hands down most time was spent fiddling with logic for 2P and practically no one will ever see it. (despite settings and labelled for 1-2P, the only time it was played in multiplayer was 3P and of course the 3rd person was put into spectator mode and boo'd) The other is no tut! Interactive or not, the best way of educating people on abilities is to introduce them to each, one by one in the level itself. Similar to what you have already, but tacked onto the level itself with hints/tips in skippable form. A friend is working on a sackbot level atm and it was the best advice I could give him! Seeing it first hand, it's the best approach. Starting with simple obs with buttons displayed to complete and move on let each function sink in more naturally. I'd definitely play a level designed for this sackbot ![]() | 2012-04-17 10:41:00 Author: Masseyf ![]() Posts: 226 |
Thanks for the feedback ![]() But anyway, yeah. The visuals are gonna be there next time I update the level, along with the next section of the tutorial. | 2012-04-20 01:25:00 Author: Narwhal ![]() Posts: 111 |
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