Urban Music Maker 2
Archive: 1 post
Whenever I need music, I just play Urban Music Maker 2 (http://lbp.me/v/8ryt96) and choose a song I like. Basically what you do is you choose the beat, then you choose the melody, then you choose the special effects. When you've chosen all three and come up with a song that you like then you get the song you made (there's 200 variations) in a prize bubble. Then I go into create mode, depending on the mood and atmosphere of my current level, I edit the music so it suits my level. Slower if it's sad or creepy, faster if it's exciting, remove percussion if it's calm, make percussion louder than all the other instruments if it's bright or exciting, or remove the electric type instruments if it's... you know... not electricky? ![]() Anyway, Urban Music Maker 2 is awesome, but it's just not that well known. Also, the loading time for it can be... irritating. Eventually you just leave your spot in font of the TV and walk off and do something else, leaving the PS3 to download the level on its own. That's pretty much the only bad thing about this level, but hey, nothing can be perfect. The choosing beat, melody etc bits are menus with controlinators, so no, it's not just some n00b with a three way switch. The decorations are well done and the music is brilliant, only don't use its songs for like a fifteen minute long level, cus they're quite short. So, depending on your choices, the songs can sometimes be a little repetitive. Anyway, I recommend that you try this level out one day. It's really good. | 2012-04-10 21:33:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
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