Pocket Moon Podcast Episode 15
Archive: 25 posts
http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt179/amazingflyingpoo/pocketmoon.jpg http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt179/amazingflyingpoo/soundcloud.png (http://soundcloud.com/pocket-moon-podcast) http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt179/amazingflyingpoo/itunes.png (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pocket-moon-podcast/id407883669) http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt179/amazingflyingpoo/download.png (http://www.shawnandtom.com/Pocket_Moon_Podcast/PMP_Episode_15.mp3) http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt179/amazingflyingpoo/rss.png (http://www.shawnandtom.com/Pocket_Moon_Podcast/PMPfeed.xml) Woo-hoo! Our special Easter episode of Pocket Moon Podcast, which has absolutely nothing to do with Easter, is now available! We had some very unfortunate issues while recording this podcast, so we ended up losing the first 40 minutes of the podcast (which was the news section) and then we had to re-record it without our special guest (who was Rialrees). On this episode you'll hear us chat about the Sackies and my painful memories involving Tom and the Sackies, the newest Contraption Challenge, Star Wars Kinect, the word "Awesome", Rialrees's Toilet Dragons, and much more. Here are timestamps so that you can skip to specific parts of the podcast if you want to: -- Timeline info -- Overall podcast length: 104 minutes News - 2:35 Forum Soup - 41:08 Community Creations - 1:18:21 Q&A - 1:31:08 Here are links to all the things that we chat about: Rialrees's "Sack-o-Mart: Banana of Doom" Level http://ib.lbp.me/img/bl/16b040013b63010eb49a50c506dbe3349ff67042.png (http://lbp.me/v/p8xdbt) Sackie winners (http://rocketcheetah.com/2012/03/and-the-sackie-goes-to/) LBPC Community Spotlight 82 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=69301-Community-Spotlight-Episode-82) LBPC7 winners - It's Showtime! (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=69447-LBPC-Crown-Contest-7-The-Results) Contraption Challenge 16: Block Stacker (http://rocketcheetah.com/2012/04/contraption-challenge-16-block-stacker/) Mm Picks won't include copyrighted material (http://www.littlebignetwork.com/showthread.php/12662-Mm-Picks-and-Copyright) Mm podcast 19 out (http://soundcloud.com/mediamolecule) Play LBP for research... and cash (http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/LittleBigPlanet-PS3-General/Fancy-taking-part-in-some-user-testing/m-p/15655699) Alice in Wonderland Costume Pack (http://www.littlebigplanet.com/en/game_guide/ps3/downloadable_content/alice_in_wonderland_costume_pack/) Journey breaks PSN sales records (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2012/03/29/journey-breaks-psn-sales-records/) Sony PS4/Orbis rumors (http://www.itproportal.com/2012/03/28/sony-playstation-4-will-be-named-orbis/) Just add water looking for programmers to work on new Abe games (via twitter) (http://www.jawltd.com/jobs/) Dancing to "I'm Han Solo" on Kinect Star Wars (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OnDizZ7UT0) PS Vita system software update v1.66 (http://www.engadget.com/2012/04/04/playstation-vita-1-66-firmware-update/) CTA Digital PlayStation Vita Hand Grip (http://www.amazon.com/CTA-Digital-Vita-Hand-Grip-playstation/dp/B0073ESZ58) LittleBigAudio - Sound of Community for Community (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=68948-LittleBigAudio-Sound-of-Community-for-Community) LBPlanetorials 26: Modular Level Design (http://www.littlebigplanetarium.com/topic/3408-littlebigplanetorial-26-modular-level-design/) LBPlanetorials 27: Implementing Audio (http://www.littlebigplanetarium.com/topic/3489-lbplanetorials-27-implementing-audio/) Internet trolls being jailed (http://www.littlebigland.com/forum/showthread.php/16913-Internet-trolls-being-jailed) Weekly Planetarium Ed. 8 (http://www.littlebigplanetarium.com/topic/3566-ed-8-weekly-planetarium/) Mr. Sackfist's weekly planetarium discussion (http://www.littlebigplanetarium.com/topic/3573-weekly-planetarium-discussion-lbp1-being-shunned/) LiBitsmateJAPAN featured levels (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=69242-We-Are-LiBitsmateJAPAN!) Contraption Challenge 15 video Easter egg (http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac207/tross13/Ao2vfKlCAAACV53.jpg) | 2012-04-09 01:06:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Dancing to "I'm Han Solo" on Kinect Star Wars (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OnDizZ7UT0) Oh God, I knew it was only a matter of time before Han Solo would become viral. I can't decide on whether I should be laughing or disappointed. mindblown.gif | 2012-04-09 01:23:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
I can't decide on whether I should be laughing or disappointed.There's also a third option, which I have decided to go with: Curl up in a corner of the room, hugging your knees while rocking and muttering to yourself. ![]() | 2012-04-09 01:56:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
yeah... how DO we know if you REALLY went to that jam?! mmmmmm.... it's unfortunate that they called it 'trolling'. that could cause some problems in the future. i wouldn't mind betting that most of those people who complain about LBP2 are those people that had to jump through hoops to achieve something approaching the quality of LBP2. in short: snobbery | 2012-04-09 02:05:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Great podcast guys! I think my name was said more times than Tom has said awesome. (that's an accomplishment) ![]() Anywho, you should make a list of what guests you're going to have on what podcast because it seems you're starting to get a pile-up. ![]() | 2012-04-09 05:09:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
So I had time out in the rare appearance of the sun, watching over the kids playing so I covertly listened to podcast #15. I had one giggle moment while listening and that was when the name 'LiBitsmate' came up. I know that likely Japanese isn't something that y'all get out on all the time and this falls into the same category as trying to pronounce forum names but I needed to put my foot down on this one. There isn't a 'L' in the Japanese alphabets so the it may be easier to say if you use the 'R' that is supposed to be there instead. Try to say it like 'RibitsuMate. (A lot like saying ribbits.) I actually don't care enough about this to go into some long-winded, hah, description but it does give me something to write about so I'll take what I can get. -phew- And I agree that there are some very talented Japanese creators that have made great levels and I'd love for them to get more exposure and for general players to get more amazing levels to play with. It really is about time that the LiBitsMate "Spotlight" came about. eustoma who is the forum facing person of the group of people who worked to bring this project out deserves a lot of kudos. ----- Again there is a lot of news bits in this podcast, fun to listen to and hopefully the news front will stay active enough over the Summer to keep this segment full of interesting items. ----- It was great fun to hear Ria and a great shame that we only get to hear half of her part as it would have enjoyable to get more of her interaction during the beginning segments. Thanks for being on the episode Ria, you really brought life and charm to an otherwise, uh, adequate podcast. ![]() ----- I didn't know that Comphermc had new LBPlanetorials out let alone two of them. These are amazing works, chock full of creativity and effortless skill and I can't wait to check them out. Thanks for the news. ----- So in addition to the ongoing Kinect Star Wars gags you now have the 'Awesum' prohibition. By the time you reach episode 20 it'll all just be a stand-up routine with the two of you driving from one meme to the next. Taffey: KinectStarWars! AFP: No. KinectStarWars is on second base. Taffey: I'm not asking you who's on second. AFP: Who's on first. Taffey: Awesome! AFP you are behind in the mental tick and quirky peeves category when you look at all the airtime that Taffey is consuming. You need to work on this for future episodes. ----- What about a link to Sacko-Mart: Banana of Doom (http://lbp.me/v/p8xdbt) in the list of links? Ria did out the account and level name and we all know that a large amount of the listeners will be running out to play it. Sounds like a fun ride and I've got it queued up. ----- I've also an question to direct your way. It kind of plays into the LBP1 versus LBP2 debate or it could just be a thought exercise. Sackboy is an 8cm tall construction and LBP1 was full of references to him being this small person in a human-sized world. The whole visual gimmick Sackthings are small, hand-crafted people was all over LBP1 and a lot of the levels embraced this and portray Sackboy as a small person in a human-sized world. Then over time there are more and more levels that portray Sackboy as a full sized character in perfect proportion to the environment and suddenly you lose the original perception of small sackboy. Is the progression from tiny-sackboy-in-a-large-world to sackboy-in-a-sackboy-sized-world a result of the players trying to identify with the character on their own terms? Is the original small sackboy a visual create style relic that is uniquely a part of LBP1 and ignored or lost in LBP2? ----- Now that Mnniska has raised the matter and that the two of you acknowledge the fact that you've been channeling his name in each of the last six episodes you are past the point where you can simply stop bringing him up in future episode or you'll jinx the rising tide of popularity that you've been riding ever since you first started talking about him. (@runonsentenceofdoom) That is all. | 2012-04-09 08:23:00 Author: Trindall ![]() Posts: 297 |
@GribbleGrunger: I guess that all of those photos that Tom and I took plus the level photos that Spaff posted on Twitter just weren't enough (after, who trusts Spaff). @Cory: Thanks for joining us on the Planetarium chat and taking part in the discussions. We love getting feedback as we are recording and you were awesome :-D As for listing out the upcoming guests, that would be a bit difficult seeing as we usually don't plan ahead more than just the next episode. Tom and I have been chatting about trying to get it planned out a bit more in advance, but it can be very tough with everyone having very different schedules and VERY different time zones. If we ever do figure it out then perhaps we will post a list :-D @Trindall:As always, thanks for the incredible amount of feedback Trindall! Thanks for the our first lesson in Japanese. As long as I can think of frogs from now on when I see the name I should be able to consistently say the name right :-D It was a HUGE disappointment that Ria's section for the news ended up being lost :-( LOL! I am looking forward to that episode 20 where it is pure PMP jokes so that it is impossible to pick up any new listeners :-P As for airtime, I will do my best to cut off Tom at least 50% more to make it as awkward as possible :-) I will add a link to Ria's level at the very top of the link lists now. Thanks for pointing out that we were missing that. I'm excited to chat about your question regarding sackboy's size relative to his environment. I had never even noticed that! Perhaps on Mnniska's 10th mention in a row we will have to try to get him on the show again! Thanks again for the feedback Trindall! | 2012-04-09 14:32:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Great edition guys! Wonderful to hear Ria as well! Most ummm... AWESOME!! {{ding}} err.. I mean really good one! ![]() Thanks much for the mention on my Mm pick. Very special indeed! ![]() ![]() | 2012-04-09 15:50:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
(..but please no, not Baja! Glad you like it ,but suggest the others that begin with S !! ![]() Too late, Tom and I have been taking turns spamming StevenI with requests to get baja picked every 10 minutes since the podcast posted. That is the way to get levels picked, right? When has spamming ever let anyone down ![]() | 2012-04-09 16:19:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Too late, Tom and I have been taking turns spamming StevenI with requests to get baja picked every 10 minutes since the podcast posted. That is the way to get levels picked, right? When has spamming ever let anyone down ![]() NOOOOooooooooooo!!!! lol | 2012-04-09 16:38:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
With diffrent avatar dont you guys ask the guy who made it diffren player color sets ![]() | 2012-04-09 19:03:00 Author: Shadowriver ![]() Posts: 3991 |
With diffrent avatar dont you guys ask the guy who made it diffren player color sets ![]() ![]() | 2012-04-09 19:37:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
Shhhhhh... No one is supposed to know about my coup attempt for the Kindred project that only ended in tragedy for team Poo... Those were dark times... dark times indeed... | 2012-04-09 19:46:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Shhhhhh... No one is supposed to know about my coup attempt for the Kindred project that only ended in tragedy for team Poo... Those were dark times... dark times indeed... What are you complaining about? I wasn't even allowed to participate in the competition, and I was on the same project as you were! | 2012-04-09 21:31:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
We will need to have you on one of our Power Point slides when Tom and I give our presentation at the LBP seminar ![]() | 2012-04-10 11:13:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Great podcast. And thanks for the shout out, wasn't expecting such high praise. Oh and my 'crying' moment is sort of related to the Nodinator. I originally built the logic and it randomly chose from 100+ levels. I built it and had all the level links in the stage, at the time of building live capture was broken. I manually captured and linked them to 100 emitters, deleting them from my popit as i went along, then realised that the gravity tweak I used was visible so I had to manually capture again. Then I thought they should have tags for letting people know if they were 1P only etc... So I had to manually capture and link again. It got rather late at night and I stopped working and went to my pod (said yes to saving) and turned off my PS3. But I didn't wait for the spinning icon to stop. When I next booted up I realised it didn't save anything I had done in the level. I was ah... Rather upset. No crying but some expletives and a white hot rage. | 2012-04-11 09:10:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Thanks for the feedback Mr_Fusion :-D Special thanks for the crying moment. It's good to hear that I am not the only creator that has been brought nearly to tears, and it is very interesting, dare I say entertaining, to hear other people's stories of what drove them to the edge of tears.. or breaking things ![]() | 2012-04-11 16:10:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Great job guys, considering everything that happened. On the off chance you guys "recover from your cataclysm', is there any chance you can divulge into the upcoming Vita version in the next podcast? | 2012-04-14 02:02:00 Author: Iceychill56 ![]() Posts: 175 |
I don't think that there is anything in the world that Tom and I would like to talk about more than the Vita version of LBP. Please ask us anything and everything that you want to know and we will be glad to talk about it more than you probably care to hear :-D BTW, thanks for the feedback, and we plan on recording on Monday so please do get those questions to us over the weekend. | 2012-04-14 03:02:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
First, I finally got a chance to catch up on the shows. Great as usual. Loved Ria as a guest, you'll definitely have to have her on again because of the technical difficulties. I was going to chime in my two cents on the Internet Trolls being jailed but will hold back. I will say this. Those aren't "Trolls." What those people did goes way beyond a troll. To me a troll is a minor annoyance at best. You are in control of a troll. You make that conscience decision to respond back, thus feeding the urchin and growing their powers. It just kills me with how much people let these idiots get to them. There's this cool little button you can push next to their comment, it's called the DELETE button. Now what this does, is makes the comment go bye bye. I had a couple of these creatures start flaming my profile. Did I respond to them? Did I try and reason with them? Nope. I just hit delete and delete and delete (and smiled each time I did) until the unfortunate creature, having no fuel / food from me, withered and died. These other people, aren't trolls. They're vicious, relentless...thugs. I can't help but think about the little girl a few years ago who had done something to this other little girl and the girl's mother made a facebook page masking herself as a girl the same age. She then proceeded to terrorize this other girl on her FB page. Started terrible rumors about her, called her vile names. She also disguised herself as a boy the same age and proceeded to make it look like "he" was a secret admirer of hers and was falling in love with her. The girl was feeling good about herself again. The mother then started messing even more by having the "boy" learn of the rumors and tell the girl "he" hated her and started calling her the same names. This went on and on until the girl committed suicide. Was that mother a troll? No. She is lower than a troll. You might even say a criminal terrorist. Hey, look at there, I did chime in. I did have a small, really small bone to pick with you. I was misquoted. You said why don't I get from redbox since I rent for one night. I actually said this: I said two but thought of another one. Do either of you or (insert current guest) use video game rental services such as Gamefly? I miss being able to go to the video store and being able to rent a game for a few days and kind of try before you buy type thing. That's what I did with LBP1. I rented it, took it home and played for about an hour. Took it back to the video store went to Walmart and bought LBP1. Some games I would rent and beat in a few hours so I knew it wasn't worth spending the $60 on. For 1, I live in a small town and the only video store we had, Movie Gallery, closed down. We have a couple of the Blockbuster/Redbox machines in town but they don't have a good library of games. I checked the other day and they had one game in the library and it was a game that no one in their right mind would play. 2nd. I didn't say I rent for one day. Movie Gallery was for 3 days and I think ours you could pay an extra 3 bucks and get for 5 days. I said, I'd rent one and beat it in a couple of hours so then I'd know, it wouldn't be worth $60 to buy it. Demos? Not everyone has super fast internet in which to download 1 GB+ demos. Granted, some are below that size but the days of downloading a 100-200MB demo are long gone. Then there's the space it takes up on the PS3, of which I have very little because I have the smaller drive PS3. I miss the days of getting PSM and having the demo disc in the back of the mag. Man those PC Gamer disc were awesome, no? | 2012-04-14 07:05:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Hidy Ho bio! I am sorry to hear that you think that I misquoted you. That was certainly not my intention. We usually summarize a lot of the questions, and I was thinking that I was representing your question well, but I guess I didn't. After recording I was thinking about it and Redbox probably doesn't even apply outside of the U.S. and I didn't even know if you were in the U.S. so my answer was pretty darn bad :-P I do love Redbox and it's too bad that the guy who stocks your local Redbox seems to not be doing a very good job. Redbox are about as common as Starbucks or McDonalds here in the Midwest, and every single one of them has at least a dozen of the most popular new releases with new ones coming every week. I think it is either $2 or $2.50 a night, so it is probably relatively close to the same cost it would be at a store if you rent it for 3 nights. As for Demos, it doesn't really matter how good your connection is, PS3 always takes FOREVER :-( I sometimes forget about that fact since I always default to my 360 for demos, and usually if it a PS3 exclusive then I will just not download it because it is not worth waiting hours to get. Demos are great, but Sony really needs to make downloading go faster. It is way too late for PS3, but hopefully they will improve drastically with PS4. Thanks for the feedback bio! | 2012-04-15 02:24:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
no biggie man. I should really contact redbox about this because the selections really are terrible. | 2012-04-15 05:59:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
YIKES! I completely forgot to post that we will be recording today at 1400GMT (which is 1000EDT I believe). You can find us in the LittleBigPlanetarium chat room if you want to take part in the discussion :-) | 2012-04-16 12:11:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Errr, I know I'm doing things sort of backwards here, but I thought I'd post to say that I enjoyed this Podcast. That is all. Going away now. | 2012-04-26 10:56:00 Author: weirdybeardy ![]() Posts: 123 |
Thanks WeirdyBeardy! It's great to hear that you enjoyed episode 16 enough to go back and check out 15 :-D | 2012-04-26 11:54:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
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