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How to make a movie in "movie-mode"

Archive: 3 posts

Hey guys! :star:

Once i made a movie/film, and when i finished, i realized that i forgot to change the lvl to movie mode - but when i did, the movie only showed the first screen of the movie. How can that be, and how do you make one in movie-mode
2012-04-08 22:43:00

Posts: 88

Make sure your movie is made using a sequencer. I don't know if it will work if it isn't. If it is, hover over the beginning of your sequencer with your popit cursor, press square, (make sure you're in pause mode). The beginning should have a highlighted bar sitting there. Save it, and go to play mode. The movie should play instantly.

Now, if you havn't used a sequencer, try hooking up a battery to the input that starts your movie. I don't know if this will work or not but it's worth a try. If it doesn't work, then I'm afraid you will have to convert to a sequencer. Good Luck!
2012-04-09 02:00:00

Posts: 406

Hey, I never thought of doing it that way, Wolffy. Anyway, if your movie cameras aren't in a sequencer, there are at least two ways to get the movie started.

They are:
1: You can wire a NOT gate to its own input and also the to the first movie camera's input. This method means you will have to pause the level while in create mode, so if you are going to use this method, it will be best to add the NOT gate part at the end.

2: Put a player sensor right next to your entrance checkpoint. Tweak it so it can "detect unspawned players" and the detection radius has the entrance checkpoint inside of it. This is a bit more convenient as you don't have to keep your level in pause mode all the time.

Both ways will work with a sequencer too, but if you use a sequencer, you wire the NOT gate/player sensor to the "start playing forwards" input.

Also, in case you don't know how to 'link' the movie cameras together, it's better if you use a sequencer. By default, each stripe within the sequencer's circuitboard is the equivalent of one second, but you can tweak it so that each stripe lasts for a shorter or longer period of time. Place a movie camera on the sequencer's circuitboard and move the right stick up or down to make the movie camera cover more or less stripes. If you select the actual circuitboard's surface, you can make the sequencer's circuitboard shorter, longer, higher or shorter, just like a microchip's circuitboard. If you put one movie camera below another, the parts of the two movie cameras that occupy the same column(s) are counted as how long the transition between the two last. If you don't make the movie cameras occupy the same columns, then you can't add any transitions. When the sequencer is activated, it will 'run through' the different movie cameras, creating one long unbroken movie/video/whatever.

Did that make sense? It might not have.

The other, less efficient way is to simply wire each movie camera's outputs to the inputs of the movie cameras that come next in the movie sequence. If you want, you can set the "run time" of the movie cameras to infinity and make them "skippable", while using the same method above. This means that the person playing your movie level will be able to go through the movie sequence at their own pace, pressing the circle button to go to the next movie camera.

Hope this was of some help.
2012-04-09 04:31:00

Posts: 359

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