Polar Adventure (by Beetle2)
Archive: 3 posts
Check out this beautiful, cute and funny level called Polar Adventure by Beetle2. Basically your objective is to help the other animals (penguins, polar bears, whales, etc.) survive against the ice trolls ![]() So far under 100 people have played it so I hope it gets more attention than that! | 2009-01-02 15:31:00 Author: Yardbird ![]() Posts: 29 |
I'll second this recommendation. I played this before seeing it here and loved it. I really like the art for some of the creatures. Especially the polar bear and penguins, though pengiuns are artic and polar bears antartic (or is the other way round). | 2009-01-03 11:58:00 Author: staticvoid ![]() Posts: 37 |
Nice little level.. highly detailed | 2009-01-03 19:24:00 Author: KC-alpha-14 ![]() Posts: 5 |
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