Rate My Creation Model, Please
Archive: 11 posts
Hey, all. I'm Ron, or LBP2Playa, creator of the upcoming MMO Last Hope for LBP2. I'm obviously interested in how other people see my work, so I'd like to know. What do you think about this model, and could you rate it 1-5 stars? Side note: This is ONLY about the model. I haven't started animating it yet, I wanted a good model first. I did the wings because it was easy to give an example of how it's still functional. ![]() Specs: It's a 2 layered (mid and top) creation. It's for a top-down game. 100% sticker decorations. This will be a major boss. Edit: The legs are able to be slightly functional, I can apply movement, but not folding (that's impossible with how layers and decorations work between layers in top down) but they are functional. The neck has several break points for turning of the head, and the tail can sway, and the wings can flap as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I51t5NRaWo Updated the model. PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK!!! I'd like to know what people like and are looking for. ![]() | 2012-04-07 04:11:00 Author: RonPierce ![]() Posts: 131 |
I've updated the model. Please give feedback! ![]() | 2012-04-07 05:20:00 Author: RonPierce ![]() Posts: 131 |
It looks great but I think you could show something else, like the other movements and sounds. If the dragon is not supose to fly then I would recomend to make a slower wing movement and more direct like puting the wings on the front when walking to the player and puting them on the back when attacking, and when the players comes to the side of the dragon he shakes the wing to hit him and push the player back, well I'm sure to play the level anyway, send me a menssage when you publish it ![]() | 2012-04-07 10:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The design itself looks great, but does it something else then standing and using its wings? | 2012-04-07 12:34:00 Author: Fotografht ![]() Posts: 57 |
I fixed the link so you can view the video here. Also, just rate the model, not the animations. It's not animated yet other than showing how the wings will move. Even that isn't final. | 2012-04-07 15:53:00 Author: RonPierce ![]() Posts: 131 |
I'dd change the wings a bit, they seem too bone-made while wings are supposed to be made of... Hum... But the rest is epic! | 2012-04-07 17:06:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I agree. I'm not too crazy about the wings myself. I actually want to make them more dynamic so they can fold... Just isn't epic enough yet. Thanks! EDIT: Any other opinions? Good or bad. All feedback is good because I'll be making a ton of models for my game so I'd like to know what to avoid and what to keep doing so to speak. ![]() | 2012-04-08 01:46:00 Author: RonPierce ![]() Posts: 131 |
It looks good, like the reanimated skeleton of a dragon. Not sure if that's what you're going for, though. If not, get a fabric-y detail between the "sticks" in the wings. Not sure what decoration would work for that D: | 2012-04-09 05:33:00 Author: Narwhal ![]() Posts: 111 |
That's actually exactly the idea. ![]() | 2012-04-09 13:41:00 Author: RonPierce ![]() Posts: 131 |
Looks Great, however I think you may want to give a little greater view of the lower jaw of the creature, to help show animation if a flaming, or ice breath effect is chosen, but other than that it seems intriguing . | 2012-04-10 00:17:00 Author: comeroiroc ![]() Posts: 157 |
Possibly but chances are ingame you won't see it. This is a top-down rpg boss model. | 2012-04-10 01:39:00 Author: RonPierce ![]() Posts: 131 |
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