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Archive: 6 posts

After toying with the idea for some time, I made a (mostly) working portal gun in LBP2.
Would anyone here be interested the idea?

It's not 100% complete, but works well enough to be toyed with.

If you want to use it, to help with it, or even just to see it: drop me a message. I go by zeldafan177 on PSN as well.

Feel free to ask anything you'd like.
2012-04-02 05:04:00

Posts: 4

The only way I could see this doing well is if you're gonna make a level to boot, as a lot of people have already made showcases for Portal Guns. I think its interesting though. You could always make a Portal Pack... With various items and a microchip to just slap onto on an object so you can shoot a portal there. Just an idea. Good luck! 2012-04-02 13:04:00

Posts: 87

Pretty much all the wiring is on the actual item it shoots. Once it's done it'll be as simple as slapping the appropriate tag on the wall, and putting the sackbot at spawn.2012-04-02 16:05:00

Posts: 4

as a lot of people have already made showcases for Portal Guns.

This includes him, and me .. We have been told the Portal Level we made is absolutely amazing, but, it has 20 or so plays -.- .. Good luck my friend.
2012-04-04 02:50:00

Posts: 406

Are you planning on making a level for the project? Or just the gun itself? Because I would love to make an aperture science level, but I'm not that advanced in logic to make my own portal gun.2012-04-07 17:01:00

Posts: 26

My plan is to make a gun that can be picked up and used by anyone. Once it's complete you won't have to deal with any of the logic, just how to use the gun.2012-04-07 20:11:00

Posts: 4

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