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Ps3's been acting weird

Archive: 6 posts

So finally getting my ps3 back after 2 months, i fired it up right away. On thing i notice right away was that it asked me to set up the time and date, so i did and updated lbp2 and went back to work. I then turned the ps3 off for an hour or so. When i turned it back on i had to set up the time and date again which is really weird since i didnt need to do that the last time. When lbp2 loaded, for some reason all my DLCs were not there. i then notice im not connect to the internet, so i went onlnie and all the DLCs came back. The next day my ps3 is STILL asking for the time and date and now i can't connect to the PSN network. To make it worst is that i can't have all my DLCs unless i connect to the internet. Anyone have any suggestions to fix this problem. I really gotta start working on my show and i have 1 week to do it.2012-03-31 03:39:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

For the date problem, try going into your settings and doing it manually. It might save if you do that. For the DLC, you may have to download it all again. I think there is a redownload option in the Playstation Store. I don't know if these ideas would work, but it's worth a try.2012-03-31 03:43:00

Posts: 406

Everything you paid for or which you downloaded but was time-limited can be redownloaded for free at any moment.2012-03-31 04:22:00

Unknown User

Hard drive corruption, maybe?2012-03-31 04:37:00

Posts: 482

The next day my ps3 is STILL asking for the time and date and now i can't connect to the PSN network...

If you're getting error 8001050F when connecting to PSN, then it sounds like the internal battery, which remembers the date and time when the console is switched off, has run out of juice. There's a guide to replacing it here (http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Installing-PlayStation-3-PRAM-Battery/3490/), but...

it's only applicable to the fat PS3
it requires you to dismantle the PS3, which will invalidate your warranty
2012-03-31 20:11:00

Posts: 2870

1.) Do u have the old fat PS3 or a new one?
2.) Who fixed it?
3.) What was repaired?

...I'm guessing battery for the date time issue
2012-03-31 20:39:00

Posts: 163

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