Games are art, An emotional rant from the soul.
Archive: 28 posts
(took me 3.5 hours to finish this post) First: I made myself a new years promise.. Tell the truth.. tell what I think.. and as long as it doesnt hurt anybody in such a way that they cant be repared.. I will open my mouth. Note, I did use the word "rape" a lot, and my excuses for that, but when you look at it in the context.. there wouldnt be any other words that fit. I have written this post two times as a comment on the "lbp best game of 2008" but my ps3 and the usb keyboard where trying everything in their binary power to work against me, and hence i lost the post two times. So I am writing it as a new thread for the reason that it was 90% offtopic. The reason Im writing this on a new forum with new people (but also towards gamers and even gamecompanies) is this: You are the new editing community, the new gamers.. The people that dont know the entire history of games and how their editors might have worked, and havent played games ever since the "pong-station" entered our homes. You can still be influenced, learned.. we can still open your eyes and make sure that in the future more decent games will be created. but there are also hardcore gamers, oldskool gamers, hardcore creatist that are working with the new editor.. I hope those agree with me on the big lines, and hopefully back me up If I step on someones big toe. And I am warning you, this rant will probably be about 5 - 10 pages long, emotional and I might step on a toe or two. I might even make some people at gamecompanies angry, but when it comes down to it most people will probably agree with me and hopefully back me up. I am actually nerveus of writing this post because I hope it comes out as good as I written it last time, and this means as much to me as my friends and family do. here goes: Little big planet isnt the best game of 2008 for multiple reasons, but again one of the most fun and interesting games of 2008. For starters there are some reasons why I think so: When the game was released it had many flaws and bugs that in my humble opinion should have been fixed before release. The lights not being black when off, the very simple not put any thought in search options, When you use the r-pad when you navigate trough your custom level pages on the worldmap you suddenly republish your level (and now needs a key to access) and more. When I bought LBP I opened the manual and hoped for an in depth explenation of the editor and advice on optimisation, the how, what en when's of editing. But no, you get almost nihil information about that. Yes there are in game tutorials but they go about 1 inch deep, and yes most can be self-learned but the lack of information is just absurd. How can you get the most out of something, if you have absolutely no clue on how the editors engine processes data and MM afaik not having an in depth wiki. Furthermore, why dont we get a decent changelog. In one level I was working on, I used the "talker/speaker" with a cutscene to make our sackperson let go. But without stating it, they changed that so I had to work my way around it.. I found out after about 20 people played my level and suddenly got stuck. (goodbye rating!) I used the "brain" quite a lot to actually create a giant creature.. but now that they changed that.. I deleted the level. You would fall down in so many places it was better to know when to quit than aimlessly fixing problems that wherent there to begin with. So that anoys me, YOU SHOULDNT FIX PROBLEMS THAT CHANGE GAMEPLAY, Imagine Epic changing everything all of a sudden in their editor.. different standard settings in the configuration menu's for instance.. that would render all "maps/levels" useless at once. Okay, the changes are not that big but if you have to change gameplay altering stuff after release.. you made us buy something flawed and we should get our money back. I am also a little ****** on the fact that there where posts of MM probably paying people that created custom content that was of such awe that they would use that for their own purposes. Now that eula tells us that MM gives people that put their heart and soul in what they create the big finger. And this is probably the biggest reason why we cant import .jpg/bmp/dss to use as materials because that would be real user content, the stuff they dont have rights of. (And dont give me that ps3 eye webcam crap, because that thing is so much crap.. unless you pay at least 200 euro's for a good lightsetup for that thing.. its imho as useless as a limb .... ) I have read that EULA a few times now, and you can't tell me that its flawless. They never stated anything about the "idea" of your level, or the "creative" input in your level and therefore i am sure that when a decent lawyer would look at it he can punch enough holes to fill all the "my levels" moon's craters. Unlike the dumbest bug ive seen in my 10 years.. How the.. allocating/reserving an max amount of memory on your drive thats so small if you play one of those CRAPPY bonus levels with 100+ items filling up your whole memory.. I created 10 levels and my account was full.. FFS Then the editor itself.. Remember.. the Cell? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_(microprocessor) ) its so amazingly powerfull.. oh oh.. Guess not looking at the thermometer. If I want to fully fill the level space, I should be able to. Period. The lack of enviromental tools. Lack of options on lights (it should be color>volume>brightness>saturation!!) and the option to add light-actors that wont show up ingame to add to the lighting>enviroment. The option to not only attach switches, but also tell them what they do. (two switches attached to one wheel, one for speed, one for on/off for instance. Attached to a light id like to not only make the light go on/off but also dim/brighten). that kind of stuff. What you can do with the limited amount of switches is amazing, so no pointers there... its mostly the small things that bother me... Why does the engine render stuff that isnt in your view (I really have a feeling it does this), why the lack of information, why only a few simple settings.. (add an "standard" and "pro" editing setup in the option!!) Bugs.. bugs.. bugs.. Stupid long rewind times when you are online (happens once in a while). Things moving when they are attached to a de-activated switch (got prove!!) and worse.. things moving when the editor is on pause (WTF!) and random stuff, like a rollercoaster.. 100 times it works perfect.. you test it 101th time, didnt change anything besides getting a good night sleep.. and all of a sudden your coaster crashes. So, no LBP isnt the best game that 2008 had to offer, so if you think so.. play more games and do your homework before you state something like that. Dont get me wrong, lbp is amazing, its fun and the fact that you can create levels with your joystick is not only interesting, it might even be the future of platform gaming.. but it wasnt flawless.. imho it wasnt even 100% stable/finished when they released it. It does have a lot of creative outbursts, and (not adding all of the 100000's of crappy levels out there) has some real artistic value.. and ending my rant on LBP/MM with the words "artistic value" Im beginning my rant towards every company, artist and person that has attachements towards games and their creators. 2008 was a year with mostly poor games, besides fallout 3, gears of war 2, metal gear 4 and the visuals from the new prince of persia.. it was 99% utter crap. Just like the last 5 to 10 years. I will start with Nintendo. Nintendo was once the most innovating company, their mario and zelda games (and what not) where a huge succes and not only looked better every time.. they played better every time. Even when Nintendo went N64 and created mario and zelda 3d for the first time.. I was amazed by how good they converted them from 2d to 3d. Then came the gamecube and though nominated by most as the least best console of his generation (gamecube/xbox/ps2) capcom showed us with Resident Evil 4 that the gamecube is more powerfull than we all thought.. weird that NO other company could get the quality capcom could get out of the gamecube. (Only twilight princess comes close, but more on capcom and zelda later) Mario sunshine came, and from there on.. mario got a slow death.. not only in his platform games, also in his kart and every other game he was in. You can tell sunshine wasnt a mario game, it was a totally different concept.. but just like mario 2.. they just added a mario touch to it.. and so poorly it makes me angry. grown up with Nintendo I just knew the Wii would be a success.. and to my regrets.. it is. I fully understand the concept, the marketing and such from nintendo.. but they raped every fanboy.. every person that loved/loves mario and zelda.. mario kart.. 1.5 times stronger the wii is compared to the gamecube.. you would think that the quality of resident evil 4 would be reached by more companies.. even by Nintendo itself. But no, they again raped the fans by releasing twilight princess for the wii first... but again.. more on zelda later. Now.. mario 64 was probably one of the best platformers ever.. easy to learn.. extremely hard to master (unless you are some japanese kid.. and we all know they rule). How can it be that sunshine was such utter crap.. Maybe mario galaxy would be better... And the first hour or so it was. Wow a bee costume.. would it be like SMB3 and have tens of costumes mario can use in his advantage..? NO FFS NO!only two or three costumes.. and the ability to fly.. almost nowhere. the enviroments besides a few levels where bland and low poly, and some where even so bad If I was teaching an enviroment designers class.. Id make sure they would try another kind of job. but after that hour.. the repetetiveness came.. Mostly ugly enviroments, boring gameplay and so focussed on kids that the difficulty was near nihil. Even getting 100% only took me and my brother less than 42 hours. Galaxy made me believe mario is dead. But there was one thing that made me not only believe mario is dead.. it made me know mario is dead. Mario kart wii. FOR F.. FFS!! WHY FFS not Mario Kart Galaxy? travel with your karts from planet to planet.. every character its own planet with a few courses.. no you get something shoved up your throath you never asked for. Why did they remove the 2 chars on one car? because they both can hold items you can add more tactics into your game.. why in gods name did they add that stupid pow block.. now you cant hold on to your item for longer than a minute.. making you a sitting duck for red shields and what not. The new levels all where crap, the jump and shake your joystick addition was just plain stupid.. im not playing ssx!!!!!!!1111one111Eleven!! and why didnt they improve the visuals of the old levels? No instead of that they altered them crappish and even upscaled them way to much making them feel sluggish and boring. Ok, zelda: zelda 1: genious zelda 2: (maybe it wasnt a zelda at first..) but fun ALTAP(snes): Link was back, and more powerfull and hi res than he ever was.. amazing gameplay.. cool puzzles and it was moderately difficult the first one/two times. Ocarina of time: probably one of the best rpg's in that style (action based fighting instead of turn based) even without a jump button you did not have the feeling you where limited.. you could climb.. link would jump automatic.. and even that had almost no flaws. The story was good, very cool weapons and it looked amazing for that period of time. Majora's mask.. I cant believe it myself, but I never was able to get a hold on a copy.. If someone is selling.. im buying! windwaker: to easy, almost no bosses, extremely boring when you are going across the oceans, boring story. Twilight Princess: Actually a gamecube game.. and looked good for a gamecube game.. but looked outdated for a Wii game! PERIOD! besides the forest and a few temples and the fight in the wind tower.. its pure crap. That wolf thing was poorly done, Okami did a way better job at it! Again they seem to be foccussing on either little kids or retarded people because it was so simple... so simple. the ice temple was just plain bullcrap. and almost everything was just ugly.. way to empty plains, empty walls.. only 6 or so different creatures and you never really had the feeling the people where a part of the town and the other way around.. (besides imho the first village) The weapons where crap, (half you will never use) especially since you didnt have a real fighting stance with them, or be able to use combo's with them.. unlike what you could do with your sword. And.. where is the magic? So now it comes: Zelda is dead! unless nintendo will create their new console on the adults that grew up with mario and zelda it will be a kids game. so.. why doesnt nintendo create "super mario kid" and use the windwaker concept for a zelda kid version. And also create mario/zelda games for the adults. Grown up mario, grown up zelda.. for once they will be able to kiss the princesses.. cut creatures apart.. a darker deeper emotional story.. but no.. the people that loved mario and zelda will probably always have an empty space in their heart. Before I quit comparing games with their previous versions.. I still want to talk about one character... one game. Sonic. I think no other character was raped as worse as a good friend from someone I know in the little town of southpark (indiana jones). Sonic was imho one of the coolest characters around, especially since he wasnt just for one game.. but more than a few. Sonic 1 was fun, robotnik was a real a-hole bad-*** and it had more speed in its time than I could imagine ever seeing. Sonic 2 was even more fun, you could co-op with tails and fight robotnik, who was still bad-***. Sonic 3 was almost the best sonic.. if not for sonic 3 and knuckles.. Super and hyper sonic/knuckles and supertails... Tails could lift sonic up, could swim and knuckles could climb. not to mention the elemental shields! Hell sonic wouldnt die if he jumped into the water. Then came the dreamcast.. (Best console untill the xbox360 and ps3, everyone stating something else needs to do his homework) with sonic adventure. It was a decent game, but had its flaws. Stupid amy gameplay, stupid big the cat gameplay.. and so on. Sometimes loopings didnt work and you would die.. Sometimes you where going so fast.. you ended up trough the level collision and you would die.. or end up under the level.. But my worst.. worst problem with this game is.. WHERE THE HELL IS MOBIUS!! no for no good reason you are on planet earth.. with crappy looking buildings, cars and people. But I did finish it 100%.. Then came sonic adventure two.. but since it kept crashing.. I gave up. Shadow made its appearance.. and for what good reason? There are allready so many characters.. why not work them out better.. no.. you get more and more character on which furries can use their imagination instead. Again.. no mobius.. grr. Sonic heroes.. Dont get me friggin started on this one.. again loopings would kill you, again one mistake would kill you.. again you would fall trough a wall or floor and you would die or end up somewhere where you cant die.. and need to reset. They made a cool intro.. but couldnt live up to that intro.. and it really made me hate sonic team.. If i could fire them.. Id fire them! Bunch of uneducated pieces of talentless zombies they are! Sonic for the 360/ps2 Now im not just getting angry.. no.. it is starting to hurt in my soul... the part that also holds my love for my family, my friends, my passions. I wont go into the gameplay.. just the loading. You walk around in a really static city with ugly people.. now it comes: You want to talk to a person, so you walk up to him and press the talk button. Loading for at least 25 seconds. he tells you something, and if its a sidegame: Loading for at least 1 minute. The game begins with practically no explenation of what to do, and often with only 1 life or with a few seconds available.. so you die: Loading for at least 30 seconds. the person tells you that you didnt make it: 30 seconds loading.. you are in the city again.. so if you want to redo the mission.. you will have to start all over again. Get my frustration? It is getting worse.. Sonic unleashed.. yes it contains spoilers.. so read on.. this game just sucks.... big hairy men. first of all a million dollar intro movie that is almost as good as the original concept of sonic, it looks amazing.. and then not 2 minutes later.. you get some stupid sidekick for no good reason and you noticed towards the way sonic and every one else speaks.. its a kids game. Sonic levels take up about 4 minutes and have its mayor flaws.. they are so bad that actually firing the people that worked on that game sounds.. not good enough.. I would almost go so far of suggesting torture. Platforms that will fall when you stand on them is one thing, but when they dont re-appear its something else.. because now when you didnt make the jump, and you want to try again.. you first are wondering why you cant proceed.. and then you notice.. its not coming back.. I have to kill myself and try again from the savepoint. same with balloons.. they wont come back.. and since they are an essential part of sonics gameplay in the sonic levels you are forced to kill yourself regularly. There are even levels where you will die instantly on entering the level if you didnt press the jump button. also sonic sometimes dashes trough enemies instead of gaining some height when bouncing off.. making you sometimes not being able to grab a ledge or piston.. and you will die.. the traps consist mostly of just putting spikes on the floor.. instead of creating the obstacles as part of the enviroment design. and sonic moves like he is on ice... especially wrong when you need accuracy to jump towards a platform. then comes the hedgezilla part. they take about 20 to 30 minutes to do and are extremely slow, boring and feel like a prince of persia meets crash bandicoot 5th generation inbreed production. its slow, the enemies are stupid, sonic moves slow, the gameplay is not boring, it can actually kill people from being totally boring. there are even bosses when they hit you, they will also do a ground shaking attack that will instantly drom you off wherever you are and kill you. the one who created this hedgezilla.. Please.. i beg of you.. lets meet.. I will go southpark on you and your families ***!! Yes this is how angry it makes me! its utter.. utter.. utter.. utter.. utter crap. its one of the worst games I have played ever. And you want to know why? they totally lost all focus on what sonic was. Sonic lived on mobius, robotnik wants to totally destroy mobius and harvest its power. Robotnik whiped out whole cities, was dark, develish.. he was what sepherioth (FF7) is for most gamers. they didnt try to create something good, they just wanted to create something crappy like a "300 bonusses for the community" level and know that people will buy it because most are to stupid to understand what makes a good game and what not. Almost all companies nowadays lost their focuss.. its all about money... And EA is the biggest one when it comes to money. they release games early if their share/stockholders are eager to see some more money.. and if they dont get what they want.. the amounth of money that a share/stock is worth will drop.. and EA cant have that.. because its only about money.. and not the game.. the art. So know that if you buy something from EA.. its soulless.. even though many people have put their souls into it.. EA crushes their souls.. im sure of it. But then again, dead space is the first game from EA that feels solid.. and besides EA raping your wallet for a few new costumes and weapons.. and the few bugs it has.. dead space is one of the best games EA released in the last 10 years. William Wright.. if you are reading this.. Why in worlds hell do you deliver such crappy games after you created sim city? I always thought you where a genious.. but im now starting to believe you just have a decent idea, but have no clue in how to execute them propperly! Nintendo is the same.. money money money.. thats why they changed their console and marketing to focuss on people never played before.. I can understand that.. but without thinking about their fans.. Nintendo let them rot and die for all they care.. they want money. The uberproof that nintendo is "dead" is the lack of new games.. no good games around x-mas means you are dead! period. If you like the wii and its wii sports and such.. and dont really play on other consoles.. you are NOT a gamer.. you just play games.. stupid games may i add. They raped mario, zelda and their fans.. and we are still paying them.. we must like getting raped a lot. Same with capcom, they give some of their best concepts to other teams and let them rape the character. Breath of fire series is now dead, Megeman is probably dead.. (you will never get anything new and original from megaman again!) and besides resident evil I cant really think of a game that is worth mentioning.. yes there are some fun games.. some very artsy like "Devil may cry" but imho not that memorable.. ive seen and played better games.. im sure most of you have. Sonic team and mario/zelda team needs to be fired and hopefully locked away in some basement. nuff said about them. Where is the art in the games? A story so good that even shakespear would be proud, Visuals that would make a Da Vinci or Van Gogh jealous, Gameplay so inventive that even Sun Tzu (art of war) and machiavelli would be amazed. Games like ICO, Shadow of the collosus.. that ooze with creative input.. why are we losing something so important as art and creativity in games.. and Im not talking about the visuals only.. A good written piece of code is like a good poem written by adgar allan poe and shakespear combined.. but I am more and more getting the feeling most coders are average.. and are hard to find. (microsoft for instance.. because we all know how many bugs windows has). The new prince of persia was almost there.. but they went wrong with the gameplay.. the reason you cant die is this and only this: They couldnt make sure that you wont end up in a buggy situation.. All of a sudden jumping towards the wrong side, not grabbing something.. and gameplay that is actually so unforgiving that you will have to rewind.. sure rewinding was part of prince of persia.. but at least you could die.. now you cant.. so you are basically looking at a beautifull interactive movie, with 90% lack of gameplay. Rockstar as last. They took themselves to serious.. and that is the reason that gta4 was so bad. imho parts of the story where great, but the gameplay was 99.9% utter crap. Look at saints row.. I hated it since it was a gta rip-off.. but they proved me that they are atm in a better state of mind than rockstar.. and saints row 2 shows. its pure fun! And why do you people keep buying crap games? Dont buy sonic unleashed, dont buy need for speed (is dead btw!), dont buy mario, dont download demo's, download the whole game and burn em.. if you like it, go buy it! why? the demo's are just teasers.. a bunch of BS to make you buy the game, and often not what you get when you buy the game. Also, dont pay 50 euro's or more for games you can finish within 5 hours.. only pay full price when you get at least 20 hours of main gameplay and let it be interesting enough to let the player roam for at least 10 more. they dont deserve that much money when you paid so much for only a few hours of fun. Buy only games that not only play well, but look well, have a good story and are bugless! The whole theme from code to gameplay to visuals should be superb to be asking such crazy amounths of money! Games are a form of art, and almost every company lost this vision, They dont want to be the next van Gogh, Shakespear, Rafael, michalangelo or Goudi.. They want to make money, fast, soulless and preferable over our backs! And thats what hurts me the most. My passion for art, creativity, games, stories.. they dont share it with me anymore.. they raped my mario, sonic, link and much more. And that is why I am writing this.. We are being screwed by most companies (also the music industry.. but thats a whole different rant!) and instead of playing inspiring games.. we now get mostly utter crap and we play it like its tastefull candy! I am willing to make an afford to change all of this, I want better games, and I know that I could create better games if I had the money to assamble or hire a team. Hell.. I can create a better sonic game than every other gamecompany! (besides maybe squaresoft > final fantasy versus 13 team) Dont believe me, let me prove it, get me into contact with people that have money, get me into contact with sonic team, get me into contact with a team that is willing to take a chance! Give me a chance! I will change gaming future! So, my 2009 promise now has a start. | 2009-01-02 00:34:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
What does nintendo has to do with this? I got a serious headache now, and I don't get why you are whining. First, LBP was by far the most creative game from 2008. 2007 and 2008 are both the best years for gaming so far, because alot of NICE games were released. And what you say about not downloading demo's: BS. they are exactly the same thing as the whole version, but there will be some tweaks in the final version. + demo's always helped me determine what games to buy, because I could test them! Rockstar as last. They took themselves to serious.. and that is the reason that gta4 was so bad. imho parts of the story where great, but the gameplay was 99.9% utter crap. Look at saints row.. I hated it since it was a gta rip-off.. but they proved me that they are atm in a better state of mind than rockstar.. and saints row 2 shows. its pure fun! You're wrong there bud, SR2 is a ******* glitchy and buggy game, not worth the money. R* went for realism, and they so achieved it. IV is by far less buggy then SR2, and more worth the money! /rant | 2009-01-02 01:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
2008 was a year with mostly poor games, besides fallout 3, gears of war 2, metal gear 4 and the visuals from the new prince of persia.. it was 99% utter crap. Just like the last 5 to 10 years. I stopped reading here. 2008 was one of the best years for gaming in a long long time. Now, i've been gaming since the Master System days, so i've been right through the whole 3D era from the start obviously. And to say it was a crap year like the last 5 to 10 years is just ridiculous. In general, each year is getting better for gaming, because more boundaries are being pushed. To me, it sounds like you just don't like video games from this statement. I've also scan read alot of your post. Just a few things from the top of my mind: Mario Galaxy is an awesome game. It was a brilliant, original platformer. To me, it sounds like you'd rather them dish out the same Mario game over and over than reinvent the gameplay each time. I'm a huge sonic fan. I've fully completed Sonic 3 And Knuckles, getting Hyper Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. The Master System Sonics were great too, if not more punishing. And i agree that they've killed sonic now. But i have to say, i had a great time playing Sonic Heroes. I didn't enjoy the other groups much, but playing as Sonic, Tails and Knuckles... and some of the epic levels in it... i loved it! It's just a shame that they renamed him to Eggman :/ GTAIV... the gameplay wasn't bad. No way. It was fun. It's just, they took out so many features that it hurt the lifespan for playing the game. Thats all for now. | 2009-01-02 02:39:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Nintendo? I went from one rant, to another.. Nintendo bashed every fanboy his and her head in.. http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=269 (And im not the only one who thinks so ![]() (that is how i feel anyways) and doesnt release any good games for the wii.. no company is doing that atm. And that bothers me. First, LBP was by far the most creative game from 2008. I stated that! I just mentioned that there where still flaws. and yes, they will filter them out, fix what is needed and probably improve gameplay, imho the paintinator adds a lot of gameplay to lbp. I do look at it as a work in progress, but I wish it was more stable. they are exactly the same thing as the whole version, but there will be some tweaks in the final version. Not always true, and even if so.. you often finish with the part where you think.. I want to play on. Kinda dissapointing when the rest is either repetetive, or the storyline gets really rediculous.. And there are tons of games without demo's so all you can do is.. wait for the trailers.. and they are only a bunch of highlights manipulating you to buy something. Im sure you went to the movies because you saw a good trailer, and found out that the movie was totally garbage. Mario Galaxy is an awesome game. It was a brilliant, original platformer. To me, it sounds like you'd rather them dish out the same Mario game over and over than reinvent the gameplay each time. it was more of the same, the only thing "unique" was walking against ceilings and walls, and that the levels where mostly based around planet-walking. And if you think that traveling with a star to another planet nearby is original.. its just pipe's reinvented. It looks fun, but actually does nothing more than what pipes once did. but besides that, it was mostly just the same gameplay since N64. and it was one of the easiest mario's so far. (not if you count "mario is missing" though) Also the leveldesign was.. maybe original, but they can squeeze way more out of the Wii, and out of the mario series. Sunshine wasnt even a mario to begin with. GTAIV... the gameplay wasn't bad. No way. It was fun. It's just, they took out so many features that it hurt the lifespan for playing the game. Agreed, but if i wanted simulated driving, id play gran turismo. When I saw GTA4 I hoped it was as much fun as vice city.. And it just wasnt. Also yes, saints row is buggy, But it makes up for it with rediculous tasks and stupid comments, from shooting someone with an oxigen tank to "insurance fraud" it was fun. I never stated it was a great game, but I enjoyed it more than GTA4. Also, I was stil awake from new years eve, so I might have gone a touch to far. And I am not stating that there where only crappy games the past 5 to 10 years. Portal and the half life episodes where great, visually a little bit outdated but still amazing. You can tell that people put their hearts into it. Kingdom hearts was amazing, KH 2 maybe a little bit easier, but visually and storywise imho a very nice addition. suikoden 4 was imho the worst suikoden yet. Final fantasy 10 couldnt compete with 7 and 8. And not to mention 10-2.. *shakes head* 12 was the worst, bad and boring gameplay and if you set up your chars just right you could finish the game without once pressing x to attack an enemy.. everything was done for you. Also the enviroments mostly looked dull, and you could tell it used the ff11 mmorpg engine.. and that didnt do the game good imho. baten kaitos was one of the most artsy fartsy games on the gamecube. metroid prime series where very nice, nowhere near as good as Super metroid, but still a very good convert from 2d to 3d, And imho the "Dead Space" gameplay would be amazing to combine with metroid. Eternal Sonata was like playing a dream, besides ridicilously easy it was an amazing adventure.. especially on hd. You could tell artists put love into that game. Pokemon hasnt changed at all.. Id love to create an MMORPG for them (fully 3d, interactive world), because thats the only thing missing.. and it could make nintendo gazillions of dollars/euro's. Breath of fire died.. BOF5 dragon quarters was the worst game in BOF series so far, and really the worst game I have played in my whole life. Spore was just a mayor dissapointment. The sims.. HELLO!! is it that fun to make a person walk trough his house and do chores.. imho its better to stand up, turn off the pc.. AND DO YOUR CHORES!! The new soul calibur is flawed, especially with yoda, and it doesnt feel as balanced as the prev. 2 did. I still think Soul calibur 2 was one of the best SC's, and When I boot my dreamcast.. and play the 1st soul calibur.. you can just tell that the dreamcast would be able to still hold ground today. Atm im going to write down a plan, contact people from the industry and get official averages and facts. But on a sidenote, It felt so good to write everything down ![]() Never slept better! | 2009-01-02 15:27:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
<SNIP> Also, dont pay 50 euro's or more for games you can finish within 5 hours.. only pay full price when you get at least 20 hours of main gameplay and let it be interesting enough to let the player roam for at least 10 more. they dont deserve that much money when you paid so much for only a few hours of fun. <SNIP> No, actually, do buy games that last less than 5 hours (so long as they are good). Portal can be finished in WAY under that and is one of the best games in the generation. So are a few others. Just because a game CAN be epic and last you 100+ hours, doesn't mean they ALL should be. I don't want to roam for at least 10 hours or more. I want to be in the action at least 90% of the time in most games. Again, it works for some, not all. | 2009-01-02 16:24:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
O lawd, I'm reluctant to use this but it's really, really appropriate here: tl;dr You really don't need to verbalize everything that comes into your head. You just randomly started going on about Nintendo and I stopped reading at the part where you said "Mario Sunshine was the death of Mario". You seem to think that your opinion is fact like so many people on the internettings. So...uh...Yeah, there. I'll be off now... | 2009-01-02 16:32:00 Author: UmJammerSully ![]() Posts: 1097 |
@ flak: true.. but you got portal almost for free if you owned orange box. @ chaz: I do not know much, but I do know a big deal about games, and sunshine was crap. period. And partially this rant was made to make people react, so go on. And I have made it clear that this is what I think, from my perspective. Even Shigeru Miyamoto agreed it was a bad mario game, and even said that the new zelda was a faillure. "What I've been saying to our development teams recently is that 'Twilight Princess' was not a bad game, by any means. But, still, it felt like there was something missing." Surprisingly, Miyamoto feels the same way about Super Mario Galaxy, a title that was praised for innovating Mario's world by literally flipping it on its side. "[P]ersonally, I feel like 'Super Mario Galaxy' was able to do some things that were very new and were very unique, at the same time, from another perspective, certain elements of it do feel somewhat conservative in terms of how far we branched out with design. And so this is something I've been talking to both [the Mario and Zelda] teams about." whole read: http://www.whattheyplay.com/blog/2008/10/29/shigeru-miyamoto-admits-something-was-missing-from/ And this is from a friend who is much better at using words than I am, also has experience in the industry and probably played more games with his brother than I could do in a lifetime: (by ricepuppet) Wow, this was a long read. I honestly agree with you. The people who actually agree with you, might be hardcore gamers. The new generation of kids doesn't really know better; and you can't blame them. They have been exposed from an early start with realistic graphics and solid, boring gameplay. And this state of mind goes over and over again, year in, year out. The reason why publishers don't publish any original games (in our view) is that they have to make stable, commercial games in order to succeed. The market at the moment is as stable as it was in 1983 when the videogame market collapsed under financial worries. The fact that people mod their Xbox, Wii or PS2, which makes the sales of those machine attractive, but the burning and copy'ing of games makes for lack of revenue. Game companies only survive with money; all game companies are private orginazations that need money. So what do they do? They sell anything, that sells. They team up with other big franchisers that have money. Hence the fact that tiny publishers sell themselves to big companies in order to survive. This is not a new development; its been there for centuries, and will never stop. It's how marketing is made, the strongest only survive. And this means that every once in a while, you get a flood of worthless games that you mentioned; the power of influence is in human hands. We make the decision to buy a game, to even set course of game companies and their development. As years have passed, game companies tried their best to please a majority of crowds; these days it isnt lucrative anymore to target specific audiences, as it was back in the '80's or '90's when we hardcore gamers we're more united. This then led to the collapse of gaming as well in 1983. Seeing that game developers don't want that to happen anymore (its happening again, but its not their fault this time) they team up, create games that are average or bad and try to sell them to anyone. How many times i've walked past the Wii games in electronical stores and saw that of 60 games, 3 are worth buying; Nintendo sells their development kits at a low price, so any lame game company can develop loads of crappy kid games that have the word ';Party' in their title, so parents will think that those games are really fun. Little Big Adventure was just a marketing hype, i've said it from the beginning. The PS3 doesn't have an extensive library as the Xbox 360, so any marketing trick for the PS3, - which has like 1 great game coming every 3 months - is a good reason to cash out for marketing. I've seen the game, and i honestly thought; this is like Pandemonium (PSX game) whats so new about this? The fact that Sony relies on un knowing people, that are lured in with nice graphics, colours and lack of gaming knowledge is a big hit, which brings in lots of money. I can complain a lot more about Mirror's Edge, and DICE's marketing scheme. They claimed that they had created a unique game, and they wanted to thank the gaming community for accepting such a great, new and daring game. MY ***! I bet that 70% of the people don't even know the existence of Breakdown on the original Xbox, or that space themed game on the PSX (which the name i forgot at the moment..) that rely on the same engine of sorts. It's all about the money indeed. Now the power lies in YOUR hand where that money goes to. Are you willing to invest more and more in commercial follow up franchises like FIFA, Need for Speed and bad Sonic games that are the milking cows of the industry? Or are you really going to do something about it; mail them all, make a change, and invest only in games and consoles that you like. After all, it's about every specific human that needs to be touched by a game. That's the reason of variety and choice.. | 2009-01-02 17:03:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
It felt so good to write everything down ![]() Never slept better! You can't really be into gaming that much that you lose sleep over it can you :| Here's my thoughts for the above... opinion. "What you can do with the limited amount of switches is amazing, so no pointers there... its mostly the small things that bother me..." You have to make your own, which requires a bit of thought (sorry). what do you want? A "drop-pie-on-characters-head switch?" "but it wasnt flawless.." On the line below please state a game that is: _________ You have such a biased view against this game, so I completely wasted 10 minutes reading all that wofl. I could easily find an arguement which supplied both good and bad sides unlike showing a complete bias hate towards it because "the rewind took too long" or petty things like that. Wah. (And saying "don't get me wrong it's a good game" doesn't count as giving the good side of the arguement btw). You are a really negative person... it doesn't actually hurt to compliment a game by the way. If you hate games so much, why don't you try throwing your ps3 out the window or something? Take a look at your opinions and just think for a minute... It's really disturbing what must go through your head. I'm not one of these people that's like "OMFG LBP IS LIKE THE FRIGGIN 0WN4G3 BABY" because it's not a perfect game, but I'm also not one of the people that's like "This game is a load of ____ because the stupid rewind tool takes like 20 seconds one in every 100 times I use it" kind either. Sorry for the virtual-slap-in-the-face-rant back but you really have some major issues.. I hope this helps you think them over | 2009-01-02 19:03:00 Author: Pinchanzee ![]() Posts: 805 |
Even Shigeru Miyamoto agreed it was a bad mario game, and even said that the new zelda was a faillure. He said it wasn't a bad game by any means, but was missing something. That doesn't sound like failure to me. | 2009-01-02 19:57:00 Author: BassDeluxe ![]() Posts: 984 |
one thing ill have to say is of course it wasnt perfect by any means, and games on this scale usually never ever come out completely finished unfortunately now. And great things always come in baby steps; this was HUGE step in the right direction for this type of game, and im in sure in future updates or LBP2 they will have a lot of these things like better environmental and light tools. sure maybe it couldve had more but i think it has a ton and i guarantee they will be adding a lot more in future games / updates | 2009-01-02 20:10:00 Author: Hamsalad ![]() Posts: 2551 |
Well, if games are an art, it seems reasonable to think that not every game will be an amazing masterwork. And that's OK. Not every song is a classical masterpiece (thank goodness!), and sometimes you just want mindless dance music with a good beat. Sometimes a summer blockbuster movie with too many high-speed car chases hits the spot. And sometimes nothing but the most bizarre Kubrick will do. It truly is a pity that so many promising characters or settings (whether video games, movies, tv series, comic books, whatever) are destroyed by unworthy successors. But it happens. And even the best artist sometimes turns out a work that really fails. That does not make the good works any less worthy. | 2009-01-02 20:20:00 Author: Trystian ![]() Posts: 59 |
I don't like this thread. Too much flaming... | 2009-01-02 20:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
wow, can i have my 45 minutes with two 10 minutes naps back please? | 2009-01-02 21:39:00 Author: UltraNative ![]() Posts: 59 |
All I can say to this is... lol. I'm sorry, but this is just funny. ![]() | 2009-01-02 22:37:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
You can't really be into gaming that much that you lose sleep over it can you :| Maybe it is because I care to much ![]() "What you can do with the limited amount of switches is amazing, so no pointers there... its mostly the small things that bother me..." You have to make your own, which requires a bit of thought (sorry). what do you want? A "drop-pie-on-characters-head switch?" Duh, Like i said what you can do with the limited amount is amazing, if the memory allowed it you could create a simple pc.. Id love to play patience in lbp ![]() Ive created many many difficult switch setups (though im still amazed at the collector, the calculator and Im starting to understand the Tic tac toe) You just misread, it is mostly small things in lbp globally that annoy me. Also thank you for the slap in the face, allready gave myself one because I thought of the MM people. I dont want to bash anyone of them since lbp lets me do something I havent done In two years. (lets just keep it at 99% fubar arms due to yet unknown problems (doctors still havent found anything) (for questions that might come: Speechrecognition). My thumbs are probably the only thing left that dont ache, so being able to level design again (may it be non profit) almost made me euforic. I love the art of the game, I love the sackpeople, I love the fact that I can play new levels every day, I love the music, I love mr background speaker, I love their inventive switches, I love the simple emitter and I even loved the storymode.. but isnt that stating the obvious? shouldnt there be someone that points at the parts that arent beautifull? Its like car-aholics that love fine tuning.. If they look at a car they want or love, they want to get 100% out of that car.. and that eventually comes down to finetuning. I know LBP is working on finetuning, and I admit I went way over the top with my comment on the gameplay stuff, But when I look at lbp, I know that if finetuned would be so much better than what it is today. Bass: He said it wasn't a bad game by any means, but was missing something. That doesn't sound like failure to me. Believe me, if an artist/creationist/inventor creates something he is not satisfied with, he will eventually hate it.. or at leasts think of it as a lesser creation and hopefully create something better. (Im sure it haunts him as much as it haunts me) Van Gogh for instance.. He often hated his own work, never thought he was good enough.. and like many more artists may it be painters, may it be composers they often look at their own work and see what it could have been and improved themselfes. I just hope shigeru does the same, He said he is going to.. but only time will tell. @hamsalad: Agreed! Not every song is a classical masterpiece (thank goodness!), and sometimes you just want mindless dance music with a good beat. True, but then again, there are also people that wont dance to anything other than high quality music whatever genre it may be. And so will it be with opinions, discussions, movies, books and so on. And even the best artist sometimes turns out a work that really fails. That does not make the good works any less worthy. So true, but that can give some gamers the sentiment of the old/previous games.. and for me that might be sonic (and obviously many others) and especially when I can create better sonic-focussed enviroments than sonic team does. __ Most of the time I can read trough flame-ish posts and filter out the important stuff, so I actually want to thank you for commenting, May it be bashfull, may it be true, may it be wrong. @ pinch: I am not as negative as I might have sounded writing the initial rant, And peoples reactions towards that rant also gives me new perspectives on that what I have written down in a (very long) rush of stuff that I tried putting away due not being able to do anything besides moving my thumbs and walk around for more than a year. Sometimes you just need to provoke to get reactions, Sometimes you need to write down what has been stuck for a long time and especially in a comunnity you might get reactions or hear/read things you might not like.. And its up to you if you walk away or stay put. I wont walk away, and besides this one thread I am not the person to spam, flame or bash people. I try helping people in the community, explain what I can explain and I even had people over at my house to learn them the basics and deeper know-hows on the LBP editor and other software apps. But I just had to get all of this crapload of off my chest. So, no hard feelings towards anyone of you, and If i did hurt your feelings.. (and I assume i did.. looking at my reputation in my usercp).. Get over it ![]() If you cant, you can always get a hug. | 2009-01-02 23:53:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
I think that you're being a bit too nostalgic. I'm not saying that the old games weren't good, no, not all, there sure were some really good ones out there, which I still would play if I had the time. But games evolve, and you should too. Adapt and don't hold on to the 'old good time'. While I sort of agree that there are lots of crap games, as gaming has become a serious and fast-growing business and thus they cater games to each' liking to attract a wide public, I still feel that there are some very good games out there, some of which you have mentioned. But games aren't good because some guy says it. It's all got to do with personal preference. I actually liked Mario Sunshine, not because it was Mario, no, but because it was an enjoyable game. The same goes for the Windwaker. Technically seen, it wasn't even Link who was the main character, but some guy from some island with a lot of references to Link. I don't say the Windwaker was perfect, far from it, it had its flaws, the sailing could get boring, was too short, but some of the parts were lovely and I actually find the cell-shaded style adoring. But I say it again, that's just a matter of personal preference! Personal preference that's where it's at. What makes a game good? What makes a game bad? You can't put a game in one corner, just because you don't like it. But seeing as this is a LBP forum, and even posted in a LBP-related sub-forum, I will now turn to LBP. No, it wasn't the game of the year. Or was it? I'm not sure, do you know it? Maybe it was. But for whom? For me? Maybe. For him? HELL NO. For that guy? Sure. Personal, personal, personal, all over again. Or it depends on your definition of the game of the year. The one with the most enjoyable experience, or the most revolutionary one? Or the best-looking one? Or one which combines all of them? It's rather complex and as I said before; you cannot put it in one single corner. I rather liked LBP, I still do. It still has a long way to go, and MM is a fairly young game studio. But what they've working good so far is really cool. The game's physics are pretty strong, and so are its visuals. Bugs is currently what's affecting the game, but to an average day user it won't matter much. Most of the bugs affect the editor, some affect more, but it isn't exactly that gamebreaking, you can still have a good time. (and I do) Some games are bad, some aren't. Just don't buy the bad ones and read reviews/play demos/watch trailers (even though you doubt the uses of it) so you know which ones are decent. | 2009-01-03 00:01:00 Author: Dynashock ![]() Posts: 69 |
The sims.. HELLO!! is it that fun to make a person walk trough his house and do chores.. imho its better to stand up, turn off the pc.. AND DO YOUR CHORES!! Evidentally yes. It's the best selling game on PC. Aaaand, to everything else, tl;dr. Maybe when i have some more spare time i'll look over it. | 2009-01-03 00:24:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
It's all just opinion, and everybody has one. Problems can occur when opinions are confused for facts. If someone feels that LBP (or any game) is the best game of the year or even of the past decade, then it absolutely is, at least to that person, even if very few or any agree. Even when the majority do agree on something, that doesn't turn it into a fact or make it right. Now I love art and creativity. I believe that every life is a work of art and the way we live is our creativity expressed. Sometimes it's light and wonderful, sometimes it's dark and foreboding, along with many shades of gray in between. Err, before I get further sidetracked I'll simply say that, to me, LBP is definitely the game of the year, and the most creative game to come out in a long time. ![]() | 2009-01-03 02:21:00 Author: Shalatii ![]() Posts: 103 |
:eek: Join a sport? I don't know man, I love reading long rants, but yours wasn't organized or easy to read at all. You went off on tangents and typed as you thought. It really broke it for me. I read up to the end of the Zelda portion, then I had to stop. You need an outlet for all of these thoughts, something more organized and constructive. You're a bit messy. | 2009-01-03 08:51:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
"but it wasnt flawless.." On the line below please state a game that is: _________ Tetris on gameboy. | 2009-01-03 10:04:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Hello. I am a 26 year old man who has been gaming his whole life. I have owned every major console and literally hundreds of games. Why do I mention this? Because I personally think (as does the majority of the entire global gaming communtiy) that 2008 was the best year for gaming ever, period! I don't know why you made this thread and why you chose to make such an absurd statment as: 2008 was a year with mostly poor games, besides fallout 3, gears of war 2, metal gear 4 and the visuals from the new prince of persia.. it was 99% utter crap. Just like the last 5 to 10 years. Come on man, your clearly knowledgable about games and you are entitled to your opinion but this doesn't make any sense imo. I agree with some of the other things you said but I just wanted to leave my thoughts on this particular issue ![]() | 2009-01-03 13:03:00 Author: OCK ![]() Posts: 1536 |
agreed with cartman, it is messy. So what if 2008 was slightly better than previous years, it was still crappy. On the ps1/snes/dreamcast days you could practically buy a new game every day, now you often have to wait for summer or the x-mas times and just hopes some company delivers. Personal preference that's where it's at. What makes a game good? What makes a game bad? You can't put a game in one corner, just because you don't like it. There are rules you can apply when you know more in depth information about visuals, music, coding, engine, gameplay, enviroments and make them blend without any seams. Most games even fun to play still have lots of bugs and that is just annoying.. for instance take link in Twilight princess.. you are looking at link's back for at least 20 or so hours and his hat is going trough his **** shield all the time.. thats just plain stupidity. If a game only uses bland lighting, I dont even play it anymore.. No friggin light on any planet is the basic standard white. (even fault 101 wasnt just plain white basic lighting) with these next gen games you shouldnt expect only white lighting. (infinite undiscovery for instance in 99% boring light) When it comes to moddeling i know so much, that when I see a material wrongly placed on a mountain or whatever i get annoyed knowing I would have fixed it if I was the enviroment designer for that level/map/game. (Ive even seen them in MGS4) 3d objects exist out of vertexes, lines and hence triangles called polygons. if two vertexes that are on the same spot (x/y/z) arent welded together you get a vertex seam.. Ive seen im in fallout, devil may cry, kingdom hearts, prince over persia, zelda.. and its those mistakes that make me not being able to play the game because my experience on creating games takes over, hence I dont have a emotional connection with the enviroment anymore.. I now know its fake. If I see a vertex seam, misplaced objects (floating car in fallout in centre of world map), creatures not fitting in their surroundings (dragon quest, ), people not blending in with their homes, wrong translations from japanese to english, or english to dutch.. (saints row 2: instead of a blunt, its translated to dutch as "blunt object") or even worse.. see mouths move, but not blend in what is said. Parts in game that are bugged (sonic unleashed, prince of persia, end-battle of fallout3) overstretched textures/materials or even material seams I get annoyed.. especially when its on something important. Lack of different monsters (fable 2) or pure lineair gameplay.. (again fable 2) In the next two or so years we might have the 6th generation of consoles on our door, while there are still so many companies that wouldnt be able to get the most out of the ps2.. some (like the ones that made Dragon quarters while it was a ps2 game) cant even get half of the power out of the ps1. The only ones Ive seen getting a max amounth out of the xbox/ps3 are epic, capcom, Konami and squaresoft, namco, EA, Sony itself (god of war) and Bethesda did a decent job. But only when the main lead team is working on the game, more than often when one of their sub-teams create a game it crap, one way or the other. The only three ubergood games last year are imho MGS4, fallout and call of duty 4. And even though ive played all of them mgs's I never really liked that kind of game but still enjoyed it (good gameplay/story/visuals/music), and mgs4 is just the crown. Never really liked 100% freeroam like oblivion, but fallout made me like it a lot. And even though I created levels for unreal, I never really liked shooters.. but Call of duty 4 made me shoot many headshots last year. | 2009-01-03 14:58:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
First of all: I'm something of the resident "will take all the points you make, interweave sheer logic into it, analytically tear apart the arguments, and insert it into a single long post" guy. So my advice: Use Word. Specifically, make everything correct. Capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, layout, all of it. And then after you finish it, if it's big, print it off, and read through it in print to change it up to be better, and THEN post it. Sound like writing a paper? Well, that's because it pretty much is. Of course, there is some room for laxity, but as long as it feels right, it's just as good. Why? Not just for the sake of being picky, or sheer, unwavering adherence to the rules, but because of the people who are reading it. Sure, you can crank out lots of stuff with lower standards, and it can be readable. Like I just did. But when you do that, the immediate response is to skip it, because it takes additional effort. You do it right in the first place, and it becomes easier and more attractive to read, leading to people...reading it. I'm not sure I've ever had a TL;DR here, and I've been doing this for a while. So believe me. It works wonders. AND your money back if you aren't fully satisfied in fourteen days. Now, despite the urge to go through and paragraph-by-paragraph process your post... I won't. Be glad. However, I will give you general notes, and a few specific. Every game, ever, has bugs. Some have more than others, some have a lot, some are barely noticeable. The best debugged script in existence has one bug every 500,000 lines of code. And that's for the Space Shuttle. At $1000 per line. Games have considerably less cost than that. The answer is to ignore the bugs, what gets in the way, and focus on what makes the game good, not what mars it. If you do that, then the universe becomes a brighter place. There ARE some games where the stuff that messes it up can absolutely ruin the whole game. But you aren't talking about those. You're talking about just plain ol' games with some bugs. You work past it, for the sake of the game as a whole and the meaning of it, not get stuck inside them. LittleBigPlanet does, yes, have a number of bugs. But this is, by definition, an evolving game. Not just the disc, but an entire experience that will continue to reshape itself over time, and there's a company behind the game that has a passion for making it good, and better. It wasn't that the game was perfected, written down on Blu-rays, and then distributed and the story ends there. Bugs happen. Deal with it. The gaming industry is just that. An industry. Think MGS4. Just with games. The companies are there ultimately for one reason: To make money. The fact remains that the biggest way of doing that is to get people to want something that they've made. That would be marketing. Now, it does happen that companies will dive at the opportunity to make some money through some opening they've created. Thus, the IPs. It's why you see numbers at the end of game titles. Because, "Hey, this one _____ was so good and was a big success, so why start something up from scratch that we'll have to remarket, again? How about we make a sequel, and make it that much bigger and better!" Now, it also happens that the industry will sometimes throw stuff in just to make a quick buck, depending on the success of what went before it. A fine example is Need for Speed, which has waned over the years since Most Wanted. Yearly titles, baby. That's their problem. And the problem of the people who actually fall for it. Luckily, we've got a great number of companies, MM being one, and numerous examples being good cases, who don't just rely on what was, and aren't just trying to make a buck out of a booming business, but are actually trying to make good games, that have great new ideas and are fun to play, or are making sequels which take what was good in the first game, take out what was bad, and throw in a lot of great new stuff to make it even better. Do they make money? Oh, yeah. And that's their business. But they do it in a certain way. There can be no perfect game. Ever. And no game actually NEEDS to be perfect. A game simply needs to be good, and fun to play. The more good stuff in it, the better. MGS4 is not a perfect game, because none can be. But it is an outstandingly good game. And that's because there happened to be a man who saw games as a pathway for art, and invested years in the process of making one game as good as he could. But that does not mean that every single game needs to be carefully, delicately designed art. Sometimes, there just needs to be a good game, and that's it. Or, if you're the gaming industry, sometimes there just needs to be something that people will pay for, little regard to its value. A game, in its essence, is supposed to be fun. 'N that's it. A deck of cards and a game of Whist is not art. But it is fun. You CAN make a house out of those cards, but you don't have to. There are a lot of ways you can go about it, as long as it has the same core. Admittedly, there are very often companies who will make a game without reference to that. The ubiquitous money-grab. But as long as there is the exchange of legal tender, there will always be that. Instead, the thing to do is to focus on the rest, and ignore that. What I saw from your post was a lot of bashing of the bad parts every game which you had some sort of beef with, regardless of what other qualities it may have. Let me encourage you do the following: Look at the good. And ignore the rest. Take it for what it is. Not what it isn't. | 2009-01-04 01:29:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
Nice post Mark. I agree. | 2009-01-04 01:33:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
In the next two or so years we might have the 6th generation of consoles on our door I hope thats isn't going to happen I'm enjoying the 7th too much. | 2009-01-04 01:46:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
2 things 1. demos well at least on the PS3 are a good comotity, seeing as sometimes these games do not do a lot of advertising and you do not know about them until you play the demo, and what you said about demos in some cases is completely opposite, if you look at the BP demo (Burnout Paradise) most people were mad because they thought that the company took out one of the funnest parts of it (crash mode or in the game called Showtime) but it was there in the actual game so sometimes the demos do not do the games service but yes sometimes they do not do the games service in a negative way. 2. I love Crash Bandicoot, You forgot to put him in there, they raped him too over the years and is now dead. ![]() Cheers! | 2009-01-04 02:31:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
@ chaz: I do not know much, but I do know a big deal about games, and sunshine was crap. period. Do you have any idea how arrogant that sounds? I use that in the ironic sense to poke fun at people. "I know more about music than you so im telling you, Metallica are crap. Period! Slayer roolz though!" Opinion is subjective. I feel like an idiot that I even have to say that. | 2009-01-04 03:23:00 Author: UmJammerSully ![]() Posts: 1097 |
Do you have any idea how arrogant that sounds? I use that in the ironic sense to poke fun at people. "I know more about music than you so im telling you, Metallica are crap. Period! Slayer roolz though!" Opinion is subjective. I feel like an idiot that I even have to say that. 100% backing you up there. I enjoyed sunshine alot, and it is not crap. In my opinion. | 2009-01-04 05:32:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
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