The Lost Move Level
Archive: 7 posts
http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee489/Nick930930/APhoto-5.jpg Uh Oh. Looks like Nick accidentally published his old abandoned Move level as he was leaving for college. http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee489/Nick930930/APhoto_3-5.jpg Hmm... I bet if we move some pieces around we can finish it ourselves and get to the scoreboard! He'll sure be surpised when he gets back ![]() http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee489/Nick930930/APhoto_2-5.jpg Looks like he left some sticky notes around too. Probably notes he was taking as he was building the level. I wonder what they say.... http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee489/Nick930930/APhoto_1-6.jpg Enjoy! but don't tell Nick, he wouldn't be happy one of his projects was published accidentally ![]() http://lbp.me/v/e2k28d | 2012-03-24 22:40:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
Um.. it's been 12 hours and I literally have 0 plays on this one. Are the littlebigplanet servers screwed up? | 2012-03-25 03:50:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
they were messed up for me earlier. I could connect to LBP but it would never go to someone's planet. I've got this queued so at least you have 1 play coming your way. ![]() Edit: aww man! I couldn't finish it. I got stuck right here, because the electric box fell on me and fried me. Then it was blocking the activation spot and I couldn't push it out of the way because it kept frying me. http://i3.lbp.me/img/ft/95301bc73a43afb8ffd9dfa46feb4218ff591c9f.jpg This is a good level though and I was enjoying the puzzle aspect of it. Good design too. Nice and simple yet clean. Outstanding job on it. | 2012-03-25 04:13:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Thanks for the feedback. I saw the pic you posted ingame and I quickly fixed the issue. The red boxes will now no longer be lethal whenever they are in that grabbing switch activation zone. The level should now be fully functional and biorogue mistake proof ![]() | 2012-03-25 08:41:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
I plan on adding a new function to the level. Might program in a reset button in case players get key pieces stuck making the level impossible to finish. To prevent this I'll be working this weekend on it so that it can be fully enjoyed by all ![]() | 2012-03-29 00:58:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
sweet. sounds good. I'll be heading back in when I get the chance. | 2012-03-29 03:36:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Yay, searching for some move levels to play, queued this ![]() (seems more than a few people stick move required to get plays, with nothing to do with move in the level at all :/) Edit: Played it! Nice enjoyable puzzler ![]() Even though the decor was a little drab, the key function of the move was implemented nicely and some of the puzzles were quite clever. It was satisfying to complete and my bf clearly enjoyed the humour as he'd always remind me to read the note if I was going onto the next room without checking it ![]() | 2012-04-15 11:26:00 Author: Masseyf ![]() Posts: 226 |
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