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Your opinion on unoriginal custom songs?

Archive: 15 posts

Hey guys, I've created over 10 songs over the past month or so and I'm thinking about creating a music gallery to display them. However let me say this, none of the songs are actually original.

In fact, all of these songs are recreations of both classic and modern Sonic the Hedgehog songs. They aren't remixes or anything, I just tried to make them sound as close to the originals as I could. I really liked the way they've all turned out, but I'm not sure how people feel about unoriginal songs, as it seems like original songs getting a lot of praise (that they definitely deserve) while I haven't seen unoriginal songs talked about much. So I was wondering what some of you guys here thought. Do you like unoriginal songs? If so, why or why not? An example is in my sig (at the time of posting).
2012-03-23 03:12:00

Posts: 240

I'v some what done what your doing and people don't seem to mind but.I did remix my song's.

I opend up a music store it seems like its going well.

Good luck You never really know how people will like it till you publish it.
2012-03-23 03:47:00

Posts: 813

I'v some what done what your doing and people don't seem to mind but.I did remix my song's.

I opend up a music store it seems like its going well.

Good luck You never really know how people will like it till you publish it.

Hmm that is a good point. I planned on working on the music hub pretty soon and publishing it, I just wanted to get a few opinions first.
2012-03-23 05:34:00

Posts: 240

People don't mind recreation if fact some people really like them... like sonic fans? transcripting the music is also skill that lot of people don't have, so go ahead2012-03-23 05:56:00

Posts: 3991

People don't mind recreation if fact some people really like them... like sonic fans? transcripting the music is also skill that lot of people don't have, so go ahead

Thanks for the response. The level of course will cater to any sonic fan, or a fan of sonic music, but I was wondering if people that weren't sonic fans would still be interested in listening. However it does seem like people would be interested. Music levels do seem to be popular lately.
2012-03-23 07:02:00

Posts: 240

There's nothing wrong with remakes of songs. Hell, It'd be hypocritical of me to suggest otherwise when my created levels include Checkers, Battleships and Snake!

I actually recreated the Mystic Cave Zone theme for my first level. It's not bad (not great either), I could probably do a better job now though.

Go for it, mate. Let me know when you've done it and I'll give it a go.
2012-03-23 13:51:00

Posts: 4085

There's nothing wrong with remakes of songs. Hell, It'd be hypocritical of me to suggest otherwise when my created levels include Checkers, Battleships and Snake!

I actually recreated the Mystic Cave Zone theme for my first level. It's not bad (not great either), I could probably do a better job now though.

Go for it, mate. Let me know when you've done it and I'll give it a go.

I will definitely be posting it in the level showcase when I'm done. I'm going to work hard on it to try to make it more a unique music level.
2012-03-23 16:36:00

Posts: 240

I will definitely be posting it in the level showcase when I'm done. I'm going to work hard on it to try to make it more a unique music level.

For each of my recreations in my music level, I've themed it. ie for Sonic, there is a Sonic themed section of the level. There is also a song from Lost, and the Fringe theme tune... both of which are in individually themed areas. There is a little bit of gameplay involved too, but only some very very (t'was my first level) basic platforming. You could do something like that.
2012-03-23 17:45:00

Posts: 4085

As an avid arranger of video game music, I say go for it! Sure, it may not be original but recreations are equally great as long as the source is cited and they sound awesome

I've recreated good chucks of Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney music, so I know what I'm talking about lol
2012-03-24 01:54:00

Posts: 578

Thanks for the responses guys. I was gonna make the level no matter what the responses were, but now I'm much more motivated.2012-03-24 05:27:00

Posts: 240

Do whatever is most fun to YOU! That's what matters!2012-04-01 01:37:00

Posts: 466

Yeah, just look on TheJollyRajah, he mostly done remakes of songs in LBP1 and that heart count didn't come from nothing ;]2012-04-01 02:32:00

Posts: 3991

I have transcribed quite a few songs from piano roll, and it is actually pretty hard to make them sound good in LBP and not blow up the thermo. So, as long as they have some work put in them, and are used in a creative way in a level, they are just fine.2012-04-01 07:12:00

Posts: 1806

Remakes aren't a bad thing to do, since a lot of people in the community seem to like them anyway. It's even better when you give it your own little spin on it and do some kind of remix or something. I personally don't care for remakes as much as I used to; most of the time I step into someone's music gallery, I'm far more interested in their original songs. I also prefer to make original songs for people. Recreating something can be difficult for me sometimes. In the end, there's nothing wrong with publishing a remake of something you love.2012-04-01 13:13:00

Force Ten
Posts: 60

As long as the creation is by you, it doesn't matter if you came up with the entire song on your own.2012-04-01 20:57:00

Posts: 222

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