Would you?
Archive: 5 posts
would you re-buy COD4 if it was a fixed multiplayer (AKA Not Hack City)? I've often talked with my friends about the possibility of this and we all agreed COD 4 is the game to beat. It was such a great multiplay and single player experience, with some minor tweaking this game could once again rule! I'm not the only one there is this going on: http://mp1st.com/2012/03/21/call-of-duty-4-patch-would-do-nothing-to-hackers-dev-would-love-to-see-a-remake/ I don't see how money hungry Activison could say no to making so much money again. So you you buy it again, if it was fixed with some updating? (Also i didn't see another thread like this but if there is please delete this) | 2012-03-21 20:25:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
No, I won't buy it again, because then that'll give them the satisfaction of how their audience will buy anything. Patching their games shouldn't be an option: it should be a requirement. If anything, I'll wait for a coupe of days after the remake sells, then jump back into the original game so I can play with the actual good community, and not the sh**ty one. | 2012-03-21 23:41:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
I would still play it over any new CoD games, no way I would buy it again though. It was the last decent CoD game that has been made, and I doubt any of the new ones will come close to the games between 1-4. | 2012-03-22 15:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Considering how much hate they would get for being really cheap and not even making a new game at all, I dont think theyll be doing that. They already get flamed for releasing a copy of the last one with a few new guns every year; if they re-released a game, that would just be sad. | 2012-03-23 12:34:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
Considering how much hate they would get for being really cheap and not even making a new game at all, I dont think theyll be doing that. They already get flamed for releasing a copy of the last one with a few new guns every year; if they re-released a game, that would just be sad. Not really. Only people who already hate the CoD series will flame it; diehards and 15 years olds will love it because: 1) diehards will be able to relive the good old days of CoD4 when it was in its prime, this time with the bugs fixed 2) 15 year olds will be able to play the game everybody was playing while their moms and dads where lecturing them on graphic violence in video games Like I said, I was won't buy it. I've been a fan since CoD3 came out. After that game, I bought 1 and 2 and immediately fell in love with 2's online. I stopped playing CoD after BO, which to my disappointment did not improve the CoD franchise, but instead began transforming Treyarch into another Infinity Ward. Honestly, my love of CoD died the same time Treyarch began going down as well; it was sad seeing this happen to them (at least for me). | 2012-03-24 03:31:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
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