Babylon Quest w/pics
Archive: 7 posts
I made a level called Babylon Quest and would like some of you guys to check it out when you have time. Thanks. PSN : reiverx http://www.glasstraps.com/images/misc/IMG_0832.JPG http://www.glasstraps.com/images/misc/IMG_0833.JPG http://www.glasstraps.com/images/misc/IMG_0837.JPG http://www.glasstraps.com/images/misc/IMG_0838.JPG http://www.glasstraps.com/images/misc/IMG_0840.JPG http://www.glasstraps.com/images/misc/IMG_0842.JPG http://www.glasstraps.com/images/misc/IMG_0843.JPG | 2009-01-01 15:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I think I fell in love from the screencaps. This level is absolutely gorgeous, it really feels like an ancient city. The challenges also have a very natural feel to them, flow well with good variety. Some clever physics based challenges that feel right at home in an ancient city as well. The challenges generally keep you on your toes but are not frustrating at all. All good fun, no complaints! | 2009-01-03 17:57:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Your level is really a great platformer with good variety and feel but it just needs a little work to make it worthy of a 5 star. Suggestions: I think from a gameplay aspect the level is complete but some sections feel a little bland on details and a little too clean for an ancient city. Use stickers to dress it up some and add ambient sounds to immerse the player. The music selections are a little hit and miss for the environment. You might want to use the interactive music objects and add and remove sounds biased on the action on screen. Great level man. I'm looking forward to your next project. | 2009-01-03 18:39:00 Author: Psybex ![]() Posts: 32 |
Thanks for the replies. Very encouraging. I'll see if I can add some more detail but the thermometer is about maxed so I might call it quits and work on a sequel. | 2009-01-03 19:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ok man here we go. What I liked: I agree with the 2 comments before. What you can improve: -Cut the song ''jo tiengo una lista de mi erroreas...'' it doesn't fit with the enviroment. -The beginning of the level is really empty! I suppose your meter is full but see if you can do something (like adding a background...). -I'm sorry I have to say that I found the jetpack REALLY out of place! It is a fist in the stomach and mess up with all the well created atmosphere... Personally I found it useless, a pair of pistons or chains will do the whole thing, if you meant to give me the opportunity to return up and bring down the forgotten square key... ;-) -I think that a single layer key (instead of that big big big thing) is better, maybe stickered and decorated. -I died falling on the top of a decorating candle (that is not glued) near that half-circle electric rotating platform. I know that theese are minor things. Rated 5 stars, hearted level and author (4 the gold trophy 'CREATE&apos ![]() F4F: I would prefer your attention on Miglioshin's Fantasy Adventure ch.2, it is really badly rated, but I can't figure out why (my son-in-law (is it correct? the child of my girl but i'm not his biological father) that is 12 managed to finish the level without any difficulty at all, except for 2 specific challenging spots, and he is not a master player, trust me). | 2009-01-04 13:14:00 Author: Miglioshin ![]() Posts: 336 |
I'm not sure how, but broke the red square key on my first play through. It got wedged in somewhere near the bottom, and went 'poof'. But I think you reduced the thickness of the block now, so that's probably not going to happen again. I couldn't make it happen today. Some parts of the level look a tad austere, but then many are spot on. The gold bar running through the background in parts is a well executed touch. The hanging gardens have so many flowers that is makes my PS3 sluggish in a few parts. There are a few things which might help reduce your thermometer a bit, like splitting up the long curved tunnels into repeating blocks (though I'm sure that would be tedious). Also some of your crushing blocks could be split up and repeated. There also seems to be a number of items that could be glued down. Anything fixed to the ground or to dark matter is much easier on the thermometer - incredibly much so. Like in one spot you drop some stone steps with a button push. Gluing them together would reduce how much the PS3 has to track, and would help. I think this would be a very fun level to do multiplayer. A 2+ player puzzle would be a terrific addition. | 2009-01-04 20:25:00 Author: Trystian ![]() Posts: 59 |
You're not the first person to break a key. My wife did lol. I meant to change the material from polystyrene to something a bit more durable. I'm going to try and get the thermometer down using the advice from all the above posters. One thing though. It has been mentioned that some parts of the level look too bland and don't quite fit. Can someone point out those bits and I'll try to jazz it up. Cheers. | 2009-01-05 17:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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