Come Fly with Me - JplusK
Archive: 1 post
http://i.lbp.me/v/edbrbc This level has everything you could ask for including an unique story, the classic jetpack powerup, a Mnniska like artstyle and some platforming to boot! Here's the description: "Story? I don't even know! I guess you got to find that your self! Created by 'JplusK' lotz of hearts to cdcUS97 and all the guys that did something! Even if you didn't do anything! This level is mostly about the extinct 'Jetpack' Power-up! I hope you get inspired and make your own levels with the jetpack! It sure can't be missed in the LBP community. Enjoy "Superious" JK". Here are some some pics: http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/7b83e4d2aa2425bc10f901198486d506c60cbdfd.jpg http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/c78ce894bc74b73f2352d6d5d72729f5e9108ec9.jpg http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/21a86a255efa39733f9584fcf2f15c23782a2a5a.jpg I highly recommend this level, as it's a one of a kind. ![]() | 2012-03-19 21:29:00 Author: BrosefJenkins ![]() Posts: 87 |
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