rz22g's mighty mite tank
Archive: 9 posts
Hey guys, as you all probably now that the mighty mite tank is one of the best tanks out in lbp. But the problem is that i'm trying to make a vehicle with simular controls as this tank *I will give credit to rz22g* but I cannot figure out how he done his tank, For example, when you grab a yellow button in his tank, it fires rockets but when you grab this other button (which raises a pod) the yellow button instead not fire out rockets but will start firing from the pod. How?? I checked out his tank by collecting it as a prize bubble, but the version 1.07 I think it is has that bug in which the wiring dissappears once the object is captured so I cannot tell what he done. Please help me finding this out cause I really want to know. | 2009-01-01 15:36:00 Author: blaze_boi786 ![]() Posts: 19 |
I am in no way an expert at any creating in LBP ( i also dont even have his tank). But if i were to do something like that, i would put a magnetic key on the pod and then put the magnetic switch somewhere where the key is only in range when the pod is lowered (You might need to use more than one switch/key). You then set the switch to disable the cannon missle thing when it is out of range and disable the pod missle thing when it is in range. All of this is just a quick guess at it, but i hope i helped in some way or another. | 2009-01-01 23:47:00 Author: TheTraceur ![]() Posts: 8 |
I am in no way an expert at any creating in LBP ( i also dont even have his tank). But if i were to do something like that, i would put a magnetic key on the pod and then put the magnetic switch somewhere where the key is only in range when the pod is lowered (You might need to use more than one switch/key). You then set the switch to disable the cannon missle thing when it is out of range and disable the pod missle thing when it is in range. All of this is just a quick guess at it, but i hope i helped in some way or another. Yep, true. So far I have figured out how to pod will be controlled by two different grab switches. But then, i'm going to need to do even more tweaking to the same mechanisms, not only will it contain two magnetic keys and one magnetic switch, but on top of that i'm going to have to add the controls for the actual pod but I cannot figure this out. | 2009-01-02 01:41:00 Author: blaze_boi786 ![]() Posts: 19 |
This should be moved to the help section I think. It sounds more like you are asking technical questions that won't necessarily lead to a new level or object demonstration, so it's more in line with "Help" rather than "Projects". I'd PM a mod that's online and ask them to move it. I think Kratos4, the maker of the tank, sometimes checks that section. ![]() | 2009-01-02 01:57:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
Im not understanding why you cannot see the the setup after you insert the prize into your level. I updated the prize so it does not have the paintinator so you should be able to insert into level, grab the dissolve and then move lower the dark matter down right above the tank and watch what each thing does. Is it not letting you do that ? I admit this is the most complex switch setup I have done, but its not that complex once you look and see whats going on. I really think I broke something in my head trying to come up with it ![]() | 2009-01-02 14:20:00 Author: rz22g ![]() Posts: 340 |
Im not understanding why you cannot see the the setup after you insert the prize into your level. I updated the prize so it does not have the paintinator so you should be able to insert into level, grab the dissolve and then move lower the dark matter down right above the tank and watch what each thing does. Is it not letting you do that ? I admit this is the most complex switch setup I have done, but its not that complex once you look and see whats going on. I really think I broke something in my head trying to come up with it ![]() Nope, I contacted you through YouTube using my account ALIQURESHI786. You mentioned in that you added the wrong version, but dont worry you have added the right one now and im on track of how the tank was made. Its actually really simple. I though your thermometer would have overloaded but it didnt! | 2009-01-02 22:36:00 Author: blaze_boi786 ![]() Posts: 19 |
No it doesnt over load the thermo but it takes up a nice hunk. The treads are actually the most taxing part of the tank but thats the price for making them look realistic. I wish MM would make a system friendly tread or tread pieces. That way it could be optimized so its not so hard on the PS3 and would give everyone something to start with. | 2009-02-21 14:55:00 Author: rz22g ![]() Posts: 340 |
No it doesnt over load the thermo but it takes up a nice hunk. The treads are actually the most taxing part of the tank but thats the price for making them look realistic. I wish MM would make a system friendly tread or tread pieces. That way it could be optimized so its not so hard on the PS3 and would give everyone something to start with. I know it is a dely I'm fairly new to lbp, but yeah the tracks are the harderst to make, I find that bolting two layers togehter is way better than using string or rods. I've made a tank with two individual tracks, like on real tanks, and that took for ever. I agree there should definatly be an easy way for making treads, because it stops a lot of people from making tanks. Ps if you wanted to have a look at my tank it is called the MK.X TANK. | 2011-08-27 14:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Please check the date on the last post of a thread before posting. This is a very old thread and not actively being discussed. Locking Necro'd thread. | 2011-08-31 19:54:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
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