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Ipod (take it out anywhere, change music anytime)

Archive: 3 posts

While thinking of some kind of logic to make one day, I decided that it would be cool if players cool take out an ipod during a level and change the music at any time. So I got to work. Debating on whether I should give this away or not.


Features Include:
-Volume control with dpad
-The ability to randomly select a song
-Very interesting user interface
-Customizable to change songs, visuals, and menus.
-Can currently store 18 songs (room for 9 default songs and 9 custom).

Basically, press L1 and R1 at the same time, and the ipod will activate. From there you can cycle through menus and pick whatever song you want. Its still in beta, but it works pretty well. Any feedback on the object/video would be appreciated.

Note: In that video, the thermo is a bit exaggerated. Just the Ipod alone is not that high. The only reason it is that high is because the menus are still in that level for dynamic emitting.
2012-03-14 03:39:00

Posts: 240

Wait you make videos?! And I'm glad you finished the iPod it looks awesome:-)2012-03-14 17:59:00

Posts: 44

Wait you make videos?! And I'm glad you finished the iPod it looks awesome:-)

Thanks it was kind of annoying at some points, like having to redo my logic since I have a habit of doing things the hard way and building up thermo, but it worked out in the end. And yes I make videos, at random times.
2012-03-17 01:06:00

Posts: 240

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