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How Could You Make a Movie?

Archive: 5 posts

As whut teh title says, how do you make a movie?
I mean a cutsene in a level. How do you do that?
2012-03-13 12:53:00

Unknown User

There's different methods, but I usually make my cut scenes by stretching movie cams and magic mouths along a sequencer. To create a transition between scenes, just overlap the cameras/mouths for however many seconds you want the transition to last. You can also place tags along the sequencer to trigger certain events in your movie.2012-03-13 13:24:00

Posts: 2130

The tutorials show how to make movies in the way that Ungreth describes. I'd go there if I were you.2012-03-13 13:44:00

Posts: 4085

Thank you for helping, Ungreth and Ali_Star! 2012-03-13 22:39:00

Unknown User

Just some extra advice, but if you want the cutscene activated only once, connect the output that you want to play the cutscene (player sensor, timer, etc.) to a counter set to one, then plug that into the sequencer's "start playing forwards" input.2012-03-17 02:17:00

Posts: 60

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