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manual or auto shifting car, advanced logic

Archive: 3 posts

iv been trying to take little big planet to the next level for a long time now,
my LIFE LONG GOAL in little big planet2 was to make:
~ a vehicle with suspension ( Check )
~ a vehicle with gears you can manual or automatically shift up or down ( Check) { With a Circuit board }
~a vehicle that has: Neutral, Park,Reverse and Drive ( Check )
~a vehicle with visual rims and brake pads ( Check )
~a vehicle with a parking brake ( Check )
and iv made it all in one!
the little yellow light at the rear end of the car is the light telling you if the automatic shifting is on
if it if off, that means you gota press -R1- to manually shift up, and -L1- to shift down. there are 6 gears.
and Press -R1 and L1 at the same time- to turn on and off the option for shifting
and Press: Triangle to switch between: Park, Neutral,Reverse and drive.
and Press: X to turn on and off the car
the logic is exactly like a real car!
put it in park.. you can revv it up.
bright and dim head lights.
tail lights brighten up as you go back and hit the brakes.
running head lights when you turn on the car,
and dont forget R2 is always the gas peddle
just the massive amount of time i put into this to make it perfect.. and i still feel like its not perfect xD
the car in the picture is some kind of honda.. i made it because my friend has the same car xD

mind the bad detailing on the car.
this was just a prototype. since i was working with the logics.
im looking to make many many more now that i have made this new logic(:
it took meh a little over a month to make the logic..
im really interested in making a working speedometer made out of hologram.. but i dont know how to make something like that...
well.. at least with out makeing it super complicated..

if ANY of you have any ideas of any types of vehicle that i can make,
please reply.
im looking to make a level soon and when i make it ill post it under the level form, so keep looking there if your interested (:
2012-03-12 22:30:00

Unknown User

The logic sounds awesome man. The visuals could use some work, but all that takes is time to create a replica from a picture. Nice work here and I can't wait to see the finished product. If you make an appealing cityscape to drive in, this could be a nice short level. Good luck!2012-03-13 02:35:00

Posts: 1651

What about incorporating a sinking mode (like on my cars) so that if it is about 80% or more submerged the weight of the engine (Front, rear, or center) sinks first, or adding functional windows without using holograms... (I have recently been doing so) Possibly even making convertible tops? Also If you'd like any help with design send a p.m. my way, I'd love to help a fellow car creator.
Sincerely, Comero-iroc

2012-03-25 03:03:00

Posts: 157

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