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Spiderman Sacbot

Archive: 1 post

Hey so I made this Spiderman Sacbot, a list of powers:
Web Swing
Web Zip
Web Blast
Super Jump/ Triple Jump
Spider Sense
Dash Attack

There's even a kinda spider tracer radar thingie but it's not so great...
There's a basic HUD with a life gauge and power selector.
There are 2 versions a move version and a regular controllinator version.
Controllinator version http://lbp.me/v/8y2bhe
Move Version http://lbp.me/v/8q7vv1

There's a few other pics on my lbp.me profile too.
Try it out it's free!
Make some cool Spidey levels!
Any comments, questions or requests don't hesitate to ask.
2012-03-12 07:37:00

Unknown User

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