Crepuscular Ruins - CraigClan
Archive: 6 posts
http://lbp.me/v/ecb2w6 Wow, just, just wow .. O.O ... This level is absolutely amazing. The design is flawless and the scenery is beautiful. Great gameplay and mechanisms, and a thrilling boss battle at the end. Also, a little humour along the way! .. This level by CraigClan is an amazing level and it deserves more attention. Here is the LBP.me Link http://lbp.me/v/ecb2w6 .. Here are som pictures: http://id.lbp.me/img/fl/8bdc56b79ad55308c36e462bf1b1d8e0b2e6fced.jpg http://i7.lbp.me/img/fl/12778ae688d4d55c1a49eeaaa730da8075815a69.jpg (Pictures were not taken by me) | 2012-03-11 18:34:00 Author: Wolffy123 ![]() Posts: 406 |
sounds good, got it queued it's really easy once you get used to it. I'll show you how. 1. navigate to your LBP.me page 2. go to Photos, Ideally you would go to a picture that you have taken inside your level 3. click on the picture you want, then click it again so that it's the only thing on the screen 4. copy the URL that's in the address bar at the top of the window 5. come to your post and click on the "insert image" icon http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/LBPC-Style/editor/insertimage.png 6. paste the URL in the box that pops up and click "ok" 7. that's it, you're done. If done correctly you should have an image in your post like this: http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/12778ae688d4d55c1a49eeaaa730da8075815a69.jpg | 2012-03-11 19:34:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Ah yes. Craigclan is one awesome creator. if your interested in more of his work, hes got some good levels on his alternate account, named "Fuzzbreeks". Not sure why he has two, but they both host some awesome levels. Check him out everyone! | 2012-03-12 22:28:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Ya I have Fuzzbreeks as a friend on my PS3.. Him and I are really good friends.. He is not getting the fame he deserves, sadly. I think he created his new account just for a fresh start. He is doing really well though ![]() | 2012-03-12 22:56:00 Author: Wolffy123 ![]() Posts: 406 |
Haha I LOVE Fuzzbreeks! He's the only person I've met that actually knows who Jimmer Fredette is haha hence, Fuzzbreeks is my hero. Oh yeah and he's made some sick levels too. | 2012-03-13 01:57:00 Author: Jayhawk_er ![]() Posts: 403 |
Fuzzbreeks is also a great friend (infact Wolffy met him through me ![]() | 2012-03-19 21:19:00 Author: BrosefJenkins ![]() Posts: 87 |
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