A Walrus Bribes a Policeman with *MODERATED* Stamps
Archive: 1 post
I have a favorite level I've probably played no joke 25 times. It's SO FUNNY, I want the whole entire world to play it! It's called "A Walrus Bribes a Policeman with *MODERATED* stamps." Lots of the level had to be censored out, and it's still very crude. I'm not a parent so I don't care about that XD It looks like an Adult Swim show, it has lots of "bodily functions," one reason it was moderated. It has an extremely loose story line, but the story is that a walrus give a policeman stamps, now *MOD* stamps, and Celine Dion takes over the world. It's very random and unlike any other level on LBP. It was created by TURBO_EGG_SALAD, my favorite creator! It's now on his alternate account: ULTRA_EGG_SALAD. You should DEFINATELY put this level on your queue. | 2012-03-05 22:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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