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I love Pinball and have always wanted to create my own which LBP2 has given me that opportunity to do so. I've spent the last couple of weeks, tweaking; testing; and trying to make it look and play as much fun as possible. I've included all the usual features you'd find in a Pinball Table whilst adding some of my own score boosting, multiplying fun.

Now like most tables, unless you've played them over and over, you just don't know what features are involved or how to activate them. So I've put together a Guide (below) that explains all this and should give you some idea of the table before you play... that's if you decide to play of course!

I'm 99.999% close to publishing this which should happen this week and I can't wait. I will repost in here when it goes live and I really hope some of you guys will take a look as it has taken me quite a while to create and I'd really appreciate the feedback.

Thanks for looking!

3-2-1... LAUNCH!!!
So, when the ball is first in play, it will make its way round towards the Bumper Station. Every pinball table has a group of bumpers that frantically bounce the ball from one to the other... well this is it. You'll notice that a yellow light will be glowing at the base of the bumper station, this means that the 'SKILLSHOT' is active and if your ball manages to find it's way into the station (between the bumpers) the 'SKILLSHOT' and a SCORE BONUS will be awarded.
Warning! The yellow light only remains active for a few seconds, so if you don't get into the bumper station on time, ?NO SKILLSHOT!?
Now to the right of the bumpers you will see 3 holographic shapes on the floor with each one lighting up every time you get a SKILLSHOT; light all 3 of these and the bumper station becomes unstable and the bumper scores are tripled for a set amount of time, so get back there fast and boost your score.

NOTE: Only your main ball will get the 'SKILLSHOT'...

Now, when you achieve a 'SKILLSHOT', you will then have an opportunity to achieve a 'SUPER SKILLSHOT' which will automatically activate and remain active until your ball starts it.
After collecting a 'SKILLSHOT', look to the right, just above the 'UFO' and you will see a yellow holographic gate. This is where the 'SUPER SKILLSHOT' starts, when your ball goes through it, a second yellow holographic gate further round and down is lit and if your ball goes through that... a third is lit further down the lane... get through the third gate and 'SUPER SKILLSHOT' and a 'SCORE BONUS is awarded and is ONLY awarded in this order.

NOTE: When your ball has gone through the first lit gate, it only has a few seconds before it has to fall through the second and third gate to achieve the 'SUPER SKILLSHOT'.

Back to the Bumper Station...
You'll notice a counter on top... each time you hit a bumper in the Bumper Station, the counter will gradually fill up. When it gets full it will empty and a letter will light up at the bottom of the table just above the flippers and a 'SCORE BONUS' is awarded. There are 7 letters in total to collect which will eventually spell the word 'INVADER'. Once all the letters have been lit... 'MULTIPLIER BALL' will automatically start, releasing 2 'MULTIPLIER BALLS' onto the table and only remain active for a certain amount of time. So make the most of them as this is your chance to boost your score... BIG TIME!!
Basically, every time the 'MULTIPLIER BALL' impacts with something, this boosts the score-multiplier. Also, if the 'MULTIPLIER BALL' impacts with your main ball, your main ball will take on the MULTIPLIER feature, but only for a short time.

There is also another way of cloning your main ball into a 'MULTIPLIER BALL'...
Just below the Bumper Station you will notice two lanes/openings. The left opening is where you can collect the 'MULTIPLIER FEATURE' and the right opening is where you will eventually collect 'MULTIBALL'... but more about that one in a moment.
?So, how do I get this score boosting 'MULTIPLIER FEATURE'? I hear you ask?
Next to the left opening there is short lane with a holographic gate at the entrance, send your ball through the gate and this will light up the lane floor and activate another holographic gate just above. Send your ball through this new gate and you will be awarded a SCORE BONUS, go through it again and you will receive a bigger 'SCORE BONUS'.

NOTE: You only have a certain amount of time between each gate pass before the lane and gate closes down. You'll hear a warning SIREN go off, then will have 10 seconds before it does.
Now, you have to go through the gate numerous times (forwards or backwards) to eventually activate the 'MULTIPLIER FEATURE' in the left opening, this will be indicated by a 'SPINNING BLUE STAR', collect this with your main ball and make the most of it, it doesn't last long.

OK! as I said, there's a second lane/opening! This is where 'MULTIBALL' gets collected. This is basically activated at certain score levels, and again a 'SPINNING BLUE STAR' will appear for you to collect and 1 'MULTIBALL' will be released onto the table.

'MULTIBALL' mayhem...
Above your left flipper there is a triangular shaped bumper and above that you will see 3, small orange blocks, hit these blocks and a blue indicator will activate in front of them. Activate all 3, and a counter to the bottom left of the table will start filling up... a trap door will also open revealing a bright blue light from it. If your ball falls through the trap door, don't worry, it will get fired back into play, but the counter will restart. If you loose your ball, the counter will shut down and the trap door will close. Basically, you need to keep your ball in play to allow the counter to fill which will then activate a blue light above... you'll hear a PING when it does. Light all 3 and a 'SPINNING BLUE STAR' will appear just above and centre of your flippers. Again, collect this and 2 'MULTIBALLS' will be released onto the table.

NOTE: Only your main ball will collect 'SPINNING BLUE STARS'

More 'MULTIBALL' mayhem... YES! More?!
This 'MULTIBALL' doesn't come easy, so don't expect it too often! But then I guess it all depends on how well you play... I know you like the challenge!

On the right edge of the table, just above your 'LIVES' indicator, there is a long counter with a holographic UFO above it! Now throughout your game, holographic 'SPACE INVADERS' will appear for you to 'DESTROY' (more about them later), and each time you destroy one, this will gradually fill the counter. When the counter gets full, this will release 4 'MULTIBALLS' onto the table.

NOTE: Achieving a 'SKILLSHOT' and 'SUPER SKILLSHOT' also adds to the counter.

Phew! Well that's all the 'MULTIPLIER/MULTIBALL' features out the way, so let's work our way up the table and I'll explain what other score, multiplying goodies can be had.

Above each of your flippers you'll notice a triangular shaped bumper... bounce off these a certain amount of times and a 'SPACE INVADER' will appear above them. Destroy the 'SPACE INVADER' for a 'SCORE BONUS'. The quicker you get them, the higher your bonus.

Just below each flipper bumper, where the ball rolls onto the flipper, you'll notice a short yellow barrier to the side. Every time you hit the barrier a small ramp that sits between the right flipper and the launch ramp will flip from side to side. If you loose your ball down here whilst the ramp is flipped to the left, your ball will fall back into the launch ramp to 'SHOOT AGAIN'. If the ramp is flipped to the right, your ball simply goes out... Sorry!

NOTE: 'SHOOT AGAIN' ball does not activate the 'SKILLSHOT' feature.

Staying on the right side of the table and moving further up you'll notice a blue circular drum shape that appears electrically charged along with a rotating wheel just above. Your ball can travel around the circular drum for a 'SCORE BONUS', and the score bonus increases each time you travel round it. Every time you make contact with the drum, a small orange ball is released into the rotating wheel above, which also adds to a counter that sits just above the rotating wheel. Fill this counter up and numerous 'SPACE INVADERS' will appear on the table. Destroy all these for a 'SCORE BONUS'. Don't forget, that destroying these 'SPACE INVADERS' will add to the counter on the right edge of the table moving you closer to the 4 ball 'MULTIBALL' feature.

I just mentioned 'small orange balls' that are released into the rotating wheel?! These don't remain in the wheel forever and do eventually disappear, but can be collected whilst active. This is achieved by falling behind the blue disc that sits just to the left of the rotating wheel, getting you close enough to suck them up for a small 'SCORE BONUS'. So the more, the better. Your ball will sit behind the blue disc for a few seconds, slowly filling up another counter attached below the blue disc, before getting fired out and up the table. When this counter is eventually full, it will fire up the blue circular drum, setting it off into a frenzied spin. You'll know when it happens!...Get hitting that drum if you want to boost your score?

Staying in this area you'll notice a green illuminated section (The Caves). In these caves hides an Alien who will quickly throw you out if he manages to grab you. You'll also see 3 small orange blocks; hit these blocks and a green indicator will activate in front of them. ?Good and Bad idea!?
BAD? because this will anger the Alien hiding in 'The Caves' and he will release 'The Follower' onto the table who annoyingly follows you around the table for a short amount of time to put you off your tracks and if it hits you it will steal a small amount of points from your score...
GOOD? because there are certain areas of the table 'The Follower' can't survive, so if it follows you into these areas, it will destroy itself and you will receive a nice 'SCORE BONUS'.

Now, moving further up the top of the table you will see what resembles a UFO. Get this rotating to build up the 'JACKPOT'. You'll see 8 holographic shapes on the UFO which after a certain amount of rotations will illuminate. This indicates 'SCORE MULTIPLIERS'. Get your ball into the lane around the right side of the UFO to collect your 'JACKPOT'... the more lights illuminated, the bigger your 'JACKPOT'.

OK! Let's move across to the top left of the table...
Sitting above the 'Bumper Station' are 3 small gates, activate all 3 gates and a 'SPINNING YELLOW STAR' will appear to the right of the 3 gates. Collect this star and a symbol will appear on the far left and just above the long lane that travels down to the bottom of the table. Get all 3 symbols to gain access to some 'SUPER LANE SCORES' by travelling down the long lane. All the 'SUPER LANE SCORES' are random, BUT NICE!

When this feature isn't active, the long lane can still be accessed, but you will only receive small random scores... occasionally receiving nothing to reducing your score, NOT NICE!

HINT: ?The Follower doesn't like it down there...????

NOTE: Only your main ball will collect 'SPINNING YELLOW STARS'

OK! Apart from random score bonuses for travelling through certain areas at certain times that's about all the features I managed to fit into the table.

I've had loads of fun creating it and hope many of you gamers will have fun playing it...

2012-03-05 16:38:00

Unknown User

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