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Need more PS3 commercials like this

Archive: 40 posts

I think if Sony started to really make a push for advertising it would be good for them. I don't really understand why they seem so unwilling to spend some money on advertising.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vL8_Z4EkI54&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vL8_Z4EkI54&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
2008-12-31 16:21:00

Posts: 873

Never underestimate the power of advertising, Sony. Look where it helped get Nintendo.2008-12-31 17:07:00

Posts: 1097

Hehe, that was a pretty good commercial. And yea I most definitely agree. I cannot believe the horible marketing ideas that have been going on over there. Especially towards gamers. At the very beginning, it wasn't even being marketted as a gaming machine specifically. BIG mistake. Let's hope they pull their heads out of their a... usb slots >.< this year and market the awesome exclusives they have coming out and the gaming side in general.2008-12-31 19:10:00

Posts: 1348

In the run up to christmas I saw dozens of adverts for the 360, wii and ds. Conversely on the sony side I saw 5 psp ads, a wwe game on ps3 ad about 20 times and one LBP advert.

This is gamings biggest sales quarter and sony almost completely abandoned it.
2008-12-31 20:05:00

Posts: 6728

SONY are bad advertisers >_>


WHAT were they thinking?
2008-12-31 20:39:00

Posts: 1100

SONY are bad advertisers >_>


WHAT were they thinking?

Yea those were the HORRIBLY targetted ads from the launch days. I get the idea, they just picked the wrong one. This was not going to get gamers interested in buying the console. And gamers at the time were the only ones willing to dish out the money for the (700$?) PS3.
2008-12-31 21:11:00

Posts: 1348

SONY are bad advertisers >_>


WHAT were they thinking?

What the flippin fidoodle? Had there not been physically a PS3 in that room, I would've assumed that evil babies had taken over the world's television broadcasting.
2008-12-31 21:20:00

Unknown User

Never underestimate the power of advertising, Sony. Look where it helped get Nintendo.

Or the actual console they're advertising.
2008-12-31 21:22:00

Unknown User

Yea those were the HORRIBLY targetted ads from the launch days. I get the idea, they just picked the wrong one. This was not going to get gamers interested in buying the console. And gamers at the time were the only ones willing to dish out the money for the (700$?) PS3.

i know they cant be complete idiots so this WAS marketed towards someone and you say you know who....im curious who do you think it was meant to be marketed towards
2008-12-31 21:47:00

Posts: 2551

Well see at the beginning, they wanted to get their system to be viewed for all that it was and was going to be. So instead of marketing the gaming aspect, they marketed the "awesomeness" of all it's features. It was a tactic that was bound to fail at the price it was selling for. The targets (and this is my interpretation based on facts, but still only what I saw it as) so the targets were people who wanted to bring all their entertainment needs into one box. That was the PS3's marketing goal, to get people to believe this machine could do it all and they would be able to not buy anything else to manage all their media. But like I said, gamers were the ones who needed convincing to spend their money on this console (which is still true). Those people they were targeting viewed it as a gaming console regardless of the marketing and gamers were further confused by the marketing, wondering (and this is an exageration) if the PS3 was an actual gaming console! If you are confused about something, you do not buy it. A stong "this is the ultimate gaming console" message would have drastically changed perception (in a good way) about the PS3 and most assuredly improved sales not only in the beginning, but up till now, peoples views of the PS3 would be very very different. First impressions as we all know are hard to shake!2008-12-31 22:33:00

Posts: 1348

come on guys, step up the advertising, they got the voice over and the graphics, but other than that they just do not understand what makes good advertising, kind of sad if you ask me. they need to appeal to the audience, not just show off, this is a start, but i could see much better adds than this if they invested in advertisng, that is what is killing them right now

thats my 2 cents

2009-01-01 03:06:00

Posts: 1101

That commercial was defiently one of the best! They should make more like that.2009-01-01 15:28:00

Posts: 28

The US advertising section is so much better than the European one.2009-01-01 19:12:00

Posts: 2575

The US advertising section is so much better than the European one.
As with everything
2009-01-01 19:38:00

Unknown User

As with everything

I'll compare.


2009-01-01 19:48:00

Posts: 2575

Well see at the beginning, they wanted to get their system to be viewed for all that it was and was going to be. So instead of marketing the gaming aspect, they marketed the "awesomeness" of all it's features. It was a tactic that was bound to fail at the price it was selling for. The targets (and this is my interpretation based on facts, but still only what I saw it as) so the targets were people who wanted to bring all their entertainment needs into one box. That was the PS3's marketing goal, to get people to believe this machine could do it all and they would be able to not buy anything else to manage all their media. But like I said, gamers were the ones who needed convincing to spend their money on this console (which is still true). Those people they were targeting viewed it as a gaming console regardless of the marketing and gamers were further confused by the marketing, wondering (and this is an exageration) if the PS3 was an actual gaming console! If you are confused about something, you do not buy it. A stong "this is the ultimate gaming console" message would have drastically changed perception (in a good way) about the PS3 and most assuredly improved sales not only in the beginning, but up till now, peoples views of the PS3 would be very very different. First impressions as we all know are hard to shake!

ah ...very good point; ya i think that was a very dumb mistake (obviously due to sales and price of their system at the time ... althought maybe thats why they thought they could get away w/ $700 because it was an all in one) they shouldve stuck w/ the moto if it aint broke dont fix it and stuck w/ gamers from the get go and they wouldve been fine but just made it known that it also doubled as a blue ray and had a sweet internet browser (@ least now it does and wi fi!)
2009-01-01 21:23:00

Posts: 2551

I'll compare.



that european commerical is pretty terrible...are all commercials that crazy in EU? im sure thats a dumb question but its just so different from something you would expect in the US
2009-01-01 21:25:00

Posts: 2551

that european commerical is pretty terrible...are all commercials that crazy in EU? im sure thats a dumb question but its just so different from something you would expect in the US

No just the Sony ones.
2009-01-01 23:43:00

Posts: 2575

We need more PS3 advertising, full stop/period, and less of these multiformat (ie: ps3/360/wii/pc) games with "Available now on Xbox 360" at the end. It's like Microsoft holds the monopoly on game advertising in the UK at least...2009-01-02 17:11:00

Posts: 54

I actually like the UK adverts. But as said, they do no purpose in selling the product. Aswell, that was the last advert I seen for the PS3, it was in late 2007, and even then I only seen it a few times at the most. Personally I think they should take a leaf out of the Bravia marketing team's book. Those adverts made me want to buy one.2009-01-05 21:17:00

Posts: 287

yeah I would say after watching that UK commercial I'm happy we have this one but really they need to get down to it and spend some money for real advertising.2009-01-05 21:44:00

Posts: 873

yeah I would say after watching that UK commercial I'm happy we have this one but really they need to get down to it and spend some money for real advertising.

idk, obviously its kind of the point but its just so random and weird and i think a large majority of people would be turned off by it. i think like the previous person said they need to focus on the product itself really. the commercials are suposed to sell you, not leave you confused
2009-01-05 22:06:00

Posts: 2551

I don't really understand why someone would watch commercials in the first place.2009-01-05 23:33:00

Posts: 2391

I don't really understand why someone would watch commercials in the first place.

I actually enjoy a well thought out commercial. Some are really funny, some are just down right impressive, and of course they help sell your products. Commercials are part of the society we live in, one of the strongest tools marketers have and I for one applaud a well made commercial. It's up to you to decide whether to ponder what you want to buy after seeing a commercial based on your needs and means. But a commercial should be able to bring something to your attention, make you think about it, whether you decide to buy it or not. The PS3 commercials don't succeed at this, as you are left thinking "what the... was that?" So you're confused and that is not the way to get you to think you might want one.
2009-01-05 23:44:00

Posts: 1348

that european commerical is pretty terrible...are all commercials that crazy in EU? im sure thats a dumb question but its just so different from something you would expect in the US

i thought it was quite good actually. funny and quirky. alot better than most other ads I see.
2009-01-06 00:05:00

Posts: 843

Um. Whoa. I'm glad I stopped watching TV... Yeah, they really could do with better advertising.2009-01-10 06:15:00

Posts: 2278

I think the problem is that they need to really start to talk about the capability of the system, the power, the fact that the online service is free and the exclusives like LBP. They need to stop with these weird commercials that mean nothing, I like the this one showed because it at least shows some fetures and has a comical fell to it.2009-01-11 21:47:00

Posts: 873

I dont know were you guys live , maybe its just me that watch too much tv but in Canada you can see ads for ps3 , psp or playstation games daily.

Every popular game gets an add that plays over and over and over... I cant imagine Sony doing more advertising really. It would become anoying.
2009-01-15 06:09:00

Posts: 28

Yeah ...

Here in Norway ... there are like PS3 advertisments and PS3 game advertisments ... every second/third commercial breaks ...
2009-01-15 13:36:00

Posts: 126

SONY are bad advertisers >_>


WHAT were they thinking?

QFT. Anyone else remember the PSP commercials?
2009-01-15 13:45:00

Posts: 3664

oh my god ... those commercials are totally lame ...2009-01-15 23:37:00

Posts: 126

Wow that advert is lame :|
A little actually funny humour wouldn't go a miss..
There was a good PS3 one a while back.. Ima go try and find it..
PSP one made me lol though
2009-01-16 22:23:00

Posts: 805

I kinda liked the PSP commercial "Its a nut you can play outside!!"2009-01-16 22:27:00

Posts: 873

ok the PSP commercial was pretty funny...but just like some of the other posts and complaints...it says nothing about why it is so great. I agree that they could do a lot better.2009-01-16 22:37:00

Posts: 214

What they really need to do is to start capitalising on vague internet memes, seeing as dropping something like All Your Base in an advert is going to have certain people's attentions in no time.
I guess hearing something really internety on TV really gets people's attention. Saw about 20 posts within half a second on another forum the other week, posting how hilarious it was when a chap said "Epic Fail" on BBC4.

Something like this'd probably get a lot of attention. On Youtube anyway.

"Gee, it sure is boring about here."
"My boy, this PS3 is what all true warriors strive for" [reveals PS3]
"I just wonder what things I can get up to"
Cue clips of them playing games, watching movies, etcetera, carefully making note to actually show said games for more than half a second.

Animating it really crudely would be good too. Guess it might alienate general audiences a bit, but no more so than the adverts they have been using.

(haha I wonder if anyone else here's even going to get the reference?)
2009-01-16 22:46:00

Posts: 118

What they really need to do is to start capitalising on vague internet memes, seeing as dropping something like All Your Base in an advert is going to have certain people's attentions in no time.
I guess hearing something really internety on TV really gets people's attention. Saw about 20 posts within half a second on another forum the other week, posting how hilarious it was when a chap said "Epic Fail" on BBC4.

Something like this'd probably get a lot of attention. On Youtube anyway.

"Gee, it sure is boring about here."
"My boy, this PS3 is what all true warriors strive for" [reveals PS3]
"I just wonder what things I can get up to"
Cue clips of them playing games, watching movies, etcetera, carefully making note to actually show said games for more than half a second.

Animating it really crudely would be good too. Guess it might alienate general audiences a bit, but no more so than the adverts they have been using.

(haha I wonder if anyone else here's even going to get the reference?)

=_= who could call themselves a gamer yet NOT get that referance?

though it may be copyrighted by nintendo or something :/ or they may fear a lawsuit. wait a minute, that wasn't even Nintendo, it was Phillips... so maybe o_0

... but man. those commericals a re terrible. That... PSP one...?

... /dies inside
2009-01-17 01:19:00

Posts: 10882

ehhh...I'd rather a better quality system then a well advertised system... 2009-01-17 18:16:00

Posts: 11

Now, this is a good PS3 comercial.
YouTube - Heavenly Sword - Real Life TV Spot
(trying to figure out the direct youtube thing..)

YouTube - Heavenly Sword - Real Life TV Spot

Ok that's clearly not it...
2009-01-17 18:30:00

Posts: 805

=_= who could call themselves a gamer yet NOT get that referance?

Haha, I'm on a course which is pretty tightly related to games, and barely anyone on it had even heard of the CD-i (or Rickrolling. Or much else in the way or internet memes and things that aren't Halo to be honest). So just playing it safe d:
2009-01-17 19:07:00

Posts: 118

I don't think I have seen a PS3 commercial on T.V :o2009-01-17 20:24:00

Posts: 3701

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