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LBP: The Best Game of the Year...

Archive: 22 posts

according to Eurogamer.

The Link: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/eurogamers-top-50-games-of-2008-10-1-article?page=5

For the lazy:

1. LittleBigPlanet
Sony / Media Molecule / PS3

Johnny Minkley: I have nothing useful to add that hasn't been said elsewhere, so I'll simply say: if you haven't already, check out the astonishing user-created Ico level. The future's bright for this one.

Dan Whitehead: I'm honestly quite surprised to find LBP at the top of the heap. Few games made me grind my teeth more in 2008. It looks lovely and is bursting with charm and clever ideas, and has Stephen Fry's rich mahogany narration, but...it's just not very good at being a platform game. Is that just me? The floaty ambience, unpredictable environments and crude checkpoint system all made it a bit of a chore to get through, as far as I'm concerned. Platforming requires precision, and that's something that LittleBigPlanet just doesn't have. It's as woolly as its star.

Simon Parkin: Oli pointed out in his review that, despite LittleBigPlanet's many triumphs, it was nothing like as perfect a platformer as Nintendo's Super Nintendo classic, Yoshi's Island. Of course, believers argue that it's so much more than a mere platform game, that it is in fact, a platform in and of itself, a tool for users to realise the inventions of their imagination. But, as a tool, surely its work is best demonstrated by the game Media Molecule created using it? If that's the case, then the question becomes: can the game's users transcend its inventors' creativity to turn a great game into a classic one? Limitless potential is of no use until it is somehow realised and, while the YouTube videos of fantastic contraptions inspire "how on earth did they..." gasps of wonder, for me, this is a game still only pregnant with potential. That the responsibility for the game's greatness rests on us and not on the developer is unusual, and for that reason the endless plaudits make me uneasy. Whatever the end result, this is a game I've thought about more than I've played, and, as they say, actions speak louder than words.

Tom Bramwell: The reason it's top - for the benefit of those who haven't read about how this list works - is that it was high up in the vast majority of top-ten lists submitted by staff and contributors. It only topped a few of them, but the number of people who write for Eurogamer that chose to play it and subsequently loved it was higher than any other game. In that sense it's a worthy winner. I almost feel guilty that it wasn't on my list at all, but it leaves me completely cold: the platforming is overburdened with self-conscious presentation its imprecise controls and frustrating checkpoints fail to justify, and the editor was too slow and complicated for my pathetic brain to bother with. I've nothing but admiration for what it represents, and - as Johnny notes in his comment about the Ico level - what it's inspired. But I've nothing else, such as a soul.

Ellie Gibson: A deserving winner, for the Stephen Fry voiceover alone.

Tom Bramwell: Well, okay, I love Stephen Fry also.

Kristan Reed: Pretty much everyone I've spoken to seems to agree that LBP makes for a fairly boring single-player experience, but becomes absolutely mesmerising in co-op with the right player. There are so many cute touches, so many fiendishly designed levels and an art style to die for. It's no surprise to see this end up at the top. It's not beyond criticism, though. The online lag is ruinous most of the time, and the added inertia on the jump mechanic makes it needlessly fiddly when the going gets tough. I'll never bother with level creation, but I'm so glad it's there. Seeing what people have come up with is a brilliant way to keep me coming back for more - as is the brilliantly replayable nature of the level design.

Christian Donlan: Make crabs out of floral-print material, wedge in some dynamite, wire it to a trigger: voila! Exploding floral-print crabs. After that discovery, the single-player levels were pretty much dead to me.

Jim Rossignol: I've only had a scarce few hours with this game, but it has completely captured my imagination. I think it's the fact that it feels so solid, so tactile, is at the centre of its appeal - you're rapidly convinced of the grasping and manipulating stuff in the game world. And it's just too cute.

Keza MacDonald: This, played co-op with the right person, is the most fun I've had with a game all year. The first time I played it I ended up spontaneously hugging the person next to me out of sheer joy. It's such an infectiously lovely game; just looking at Sackboy's gurning face makes me happy. It shows us to be the creative, joyful souls that we gamers are, not expressionless grey people shooting men in the face.

Kieron Gillen: I can't help but wonder - if a game's based around user-generated content, and the fact you're on a console means that you can't actually let gamers generate their content without half of it being deleted because it infringes some copyright or another... isn't that just a fundamentally flawed concept? And World of Goo totally gives you awesome levels without having to worry about someone else doing it for you.

John Walker: All I've read about this is that the platforming is rubbish, and you have to make your own if you want to play a decent level. And World of Goo is at number ten. No. That's not okay. Last year's number one game was Portal. Just to remind you.

Rob Purchese: LittleBigPlanet lets one dress up. I was a zebra for a while. Then a skeleton. Then in a female bathing outfit. And to my surprise these costumes were replicated in the game!

Rob Fahey: I'm surprised that this is number one, but also quite happy. It's not a gamer's game, and the creative end of it is sufficiently complex that most people will probably never get into it - but these things aren't failures. LittleBigPlanet sets out to give people fun, social experiences, to make them laugh and challenge them to work together, and for those few whose creative talents are great enough, it gives them a wonderful toolset. It's a resounding success on all of those levels. It's not my personal favourite game of 2008, but it's certainly the most interesting - and on that basis alone, I'm happy to see it top this chart.

Oli Welsh: God knows why Sony thought an experimental 2D platformer would save the PlayStation 3. It didn't. It did, however, save 2D platformers, which in the long run is probably just as important. It's such a happy little riot, especially in the fantastic four-player co-op. And how nice to have an inherently social game that's neither about discussing character builds on forums, teabagging your rivals, or making an exhibition of yourself with a novelty controller when drunk; a game where other people are just part of the landscape. The editor does too much and tries too hard, but you don't need to use it yourself to feel the benefit. You just need to press play and run and jump. For joy.

EDIT: There is now also a video: http://www.eurogamer.net/videos/top-20-vid
2008-12-31 16:13:00

Posts: 473

I agree with Ellie, it deserves it for having the Stephen Fry voiceover alone.2008-12-31 16:22:00

Johnny Pteran
Posts: 55

Not just the year
2008-12-31 16:28:00

Posts: 2767

Not just the year

Game of your life SO FAR! : Simpsons Movie.
2008-12-31 16:41:00

Posts: 473

It's funny how it's top, but few of them seem to like it much. I like the guy who rated it just on what he had heard about the platforming, John Walker, I think.

And I still really don't get the complaints about the controls and 'floatiness'. Variable Jumping has been around since even the first mario, jeez.

Oh hang on, it can't play Mario World 1-1 flawlessly. That's terrible. I'm selling the game now, bye.
2008-12-31 17:01:00

Posts: 434

Yeah I know. But if you look at the others, it's a mile ahead.2008-12-31 20:53:00

Posts: 473

Call me cynical, but I wonder how much these people, that have been shoveling awards at LBP, have actually played the game. I really doubt they've played it enough to experience all the bugs and blunders that come with it.

It still amazes me how there can be so many songs of praise over a game that isn't even finished yet. If it were any other game, they'd have crucified it by now.
2009-01-01 00:32:00

Posts: 672

These people need to play this game more. It's such a shame that everything can only be unlocked through the HORRRIBLE story mode. I almost stopped playing because I was hating story mode so much, thank god I opened create mode, it's the only thing that kept me playing.

The story mode is very bad and does a very bad job of showing what's possible. Sure, there are cool, challenging levels.. but the story is atrocious and in this day and age.. with the amount of talent out there, I can't understand how such a bad story could make it in to such a good game. Give us the option to unlock everything, I'm still working with barebones stuff because I HATE the levels and have no motivation to beat them.

So far, most user-made levels have felt more exciting to me than the MM levels, no offense to those guys.
2009-01-01 01:35:00

Posts: 265

It's funny how it's top, but few of them seem to like it much. I like the guy who rated it just on what he had heard about the platforming, John Walker, I think.

And I still really don't get the complaints about the controls and 'floatiness'. Variable Jumping has been around since even the first mario, jeez.

Oh hang on, it can't play Mario World 1-1 flawlessly. That's terrible. I'm selling the game now, bye.

Amen, rep for you.

I don't even know how the hell that guy has a job there. "I hear the game is crap, so it probably is. Don't buy it.".
2009-01-01 04:18:00

Posts: 1097

These people need to play this game more. It's such a shame that everything can only be unlocked through the HORRRIBLE story mode. I almost stopped playing because I was hating story mode so much, thank god I opened create mode, it's the only thing that kept me playing.

The story mode is very bad and does a very bad job of showing what's possible. Sure, there are cool, challenging levels.. but the story is atrocious and in this day and age.. with the amount of talent out there, I can't understand how such a bad story could make it in to such a good game. Give us the option to unlock everything, I'm still working with barebones stuff because I HATE the levels and have no motivation to beat them.

So far, most user-made levels have felt more exciting to me than the MM levels, no offense to those guys.

Although I don't mind the story mode too much, it would be kind of nice to have all the materials, stickers and other bits and pieces all unlocked from the time you entered create mode. I wouldn't mind if all the costume parts are locked and you needed to work to access them, but it's frustrating how some relatively important stickers, materials, backgrounds and music can be quite difficult to access.

You don't have to be a great platformer to be a great level designer. It just seems odd to me that this is the case.

I can understand the difference in levels and the piece together story. They had several different people with different design concepts and specialties show what they have. The Metropolis level person, for example, is great at complex vehicles. The Savannah person is great at detailed creatures, both for story characters and for game mechanics.

In defence of the whole situation though, it is fun exploring and getting new stuff. I sure would like to see it limited to non-create mode stuff though.


Oh yeah, back on topic... yeah, LBP is a great game.
2009-01-01 04:49:00

Posts: 1280

Call me cynical, but I wonder how much these people, that have been shoveling awards at LBP, have actually played the game. I really doubt they've played it enough to experience all the bugs and blunders that come with it.

It still amazes me how there can be so many songs of praise over a game that isn't even finished yet. If it were any other game, they'd have crucified it by now.

It's really not that buggy. Besides that, the bugs they do have are limited to create mode, and expecting something like that to be bug-free right out the door is asking too much.
2009-01-01 04:51:00

Posts: 984

The story mode is great.

I honestly can say that I've played no level thats better than a Mm level.

I even think the storyline isn't too bad.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, if it wasn't for Crash Bandicoot 1, this would be my all time favourite game. Ah, CB1. I must have finished it at least 50 times... literally.
2009-01-01 04:55:00

Posts: 1287

It's really not that buggy. Besides that, the bugs they do have are limited to create mode, and expecting something like that to be bug-free right out the door is asking too much.

I really don't mind the bugs, because bugs will eventually get fixed. I'm more concerned with design issues like the save profile size, or the user interface in create mode. Were it any other game, a lot of the design choices that MM decided to follow would be inexcusable.

The amount of space on the profile, in relation to the number of craters on "My Moon," just does not make sense, and create mode is not as user-friendly as it could be.

I'm sure all these things will be improved, but no one has any idea when these fixes will happen. It's just a lot of gamers aren't as patient as you or I, and this poor design and poor planning will only hurt the game, in the long run.

Let's hope they get their act together soon.
2009-01-01 05:42:00

Posts: 672

LBP is my Game of the Year for sure. I'm surprised to hear criticism about the story mode. While simple, I thought the story was quite creative and charming. Sure, the platforming has a few issues, but overall I found it to be the most enjoyable gaming experience I've had in the past year. The imagination and creativity that went into the development of Sackboy and all the levels just grabbed me. I loved it.2009-01-02 22:41:00

Posts: 1335

I was really disappointed to see how few publications even included LBP on their GOTY categories.

vgchartz has it as GOTY, though!


"LittleBigPlanet is our winner for Game of the Year in 2008, and for good reason. It's fun. Not just a little fun, but really freaking fun. It's fun alone, it's fun with friends, it's fun to watch, fun to listen to, fun to play, and fun to create. This is what gaming is supposed to be at its core. Congratulations LittleBigPlanet. You earned this award by being really freaking fun."
2009-01-03 01:47:00

Justin Hopewell
Posts: 135

Definetly mine. Simply for the create mode. I wish there was a timer in game so you could see how many hours the level took to create, total time played user content, total time in story, total time creating etc. etc.

I think it would read shocking for some. Me included!!
2009-01-04 14:49:00

Posts: 1754

Certainly my 2nd favorite game of all-time. It hasn't quite made it past FFX for me, but my enjoyment of the game grows as I see each new awesome community level. My favorite PLATFORMER of all-time, at the very least.2009-01-06 22:15:00

Posts: 11

It would have been my favorite game of all time if it wasn't for all of the glitches.

Rome: Total War still holds the title!
2009-01-07 00:07:00

Posts: 2575

It was... pretty much the only outstanding game in 2008.2009-01-07 01:23:00

Posts: 663

It was... pretty much the only outstanding game in 2008.

That and the Killzone 2 beta!

Oh and MGS4.
2009-01-07 01:29:00

Posts: 2575

I love this game, I really do, but it's hard for me to actually choose between games. I mean, some days I'm tempted play MGS4 for the great story and probably the greatest online shooter of the year. I also love Bioshock for the incredible story and clever gameplay. BUT I LOVE LBP! It's mai game of teh year!2009-01-07 01:57:00

Posts: 3664

It was... pretty much the only outstanding game in 2008.

What about GTA?!
2009-01-07 03:02:00

Posts: 11

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