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Cole MacGrath Sackbot

Archive: 8 posts

Okay, I know that whenever you search 'inFamous' it always comes up with some pretty bad levels. Seeing this disappointed me, as I am quite fond of inFamous (All 305 blast shards in inFamous 2!!). So I decided I might as well try making my own inFamous 2 Sackbot.
Current Powers:
Alpha Bolt
Bolt Stream
Artillery Bolt
Alpha Grenade
Double Grenade
Freeze Grenade
Alpha Rocket
Tripwire Rocket
Freeze Rocket
Static Thrusters
Climbing Abilities
Combat Roll
Proposed Powers:
Ice Launch
(Voted for in the poll) Induction Grind (Maybe).
Electricity Meter
Powers Quick Change Menu
Respawn System
Can use Mission Activation Cones (that serve as level links).
Black and White screen + heartbeat when you get damaged.
Loading Screen when you die.
Official DLC inFamous 2 Costume.

About a half of the logic: (you can see some of the microchips aren't open, and yes this is about as neat and simple as I could get it)


The quick change menu:


Wheelbase911 made the original version; Wheelbase and I have been upgrading it heavily for the past couple of months.
I would like any (good) creators to come and help us... my PSN is Kaboosh99.
2012-03-03 02:12:00

Posts: 359

Note: The three powers in the poll are the ones that I am actually considering.2012-03-06 03:11:00

Posts: 359

You should take some pictures so we can see. Or release a Tech Demo maybe..? that way we have a better idea of where this project is going. Remember that there's an in-game feature that makes uploading pictures easy... just take a picture with the camera tool, select the photo, and hit the 'upload' button. That will send the photos to your profile on LBP.me, where you can then share them on here.

Good luck with your project!
2012-03-10 21:09:00

Posts: 105

im more than glad to help.
but if i offer any helpful assistance, will you put my PSN name in the levels creds at the end of the level?
as youll notis i dont have anygood levels posted xD
but im more of a object and logic builder.
2012-03-11 03:44:00

Unknown User

Actually, should I release a tech demo?
It happens to be that I'm also better at logic and objects than levels too.
2012-03-12 03:52:00

Posts: 359

haha thats awesome (:
mabby i should add you and we could swap a few things er what ever
idk lol
2012-03-13 03:16:00

Unknown User

Yeah, why not? My PSN is Kaboosh99, and I can only play on Friday and Weekends. I'm good at vehicles, sackbots and logic.2012-03-15 03:55:00

Posts: 359

You should take some pictures so we can see. Or release a Tech Demo maybe..? that way we have a better idea of where this project is going. Remember that there's an in-game feature that makes uploading pictures easy... just take a picture with the camera tool, select the photo, and hit the 'upload' button. That will send the photos to your profile on LBP.me, where you can then share them on here.

Good luck with your project!

Yup, the pictures are up there now.
2012-03-18 08:59:00

Posts: 359

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