The Sims 3: Pets?
Archive: 4 posts
So I loved The Sims 2: Pets on PS2, and I am now considering getting The Sims 3: Pets for PS3. My question is, is everything from The Sims 3 in Pets? What's the difference, if it's not an expansion pack? Any info is greatly appreciated ![]() Cheers, flyinhawaiian ![]() ![]() | 2012-02-27 17:01:00 Author: flyinhawaiian ![]() Posts: 357 |
Well I can't really comment on the PS3 version exactly, however I have the PC version of the same game. I would imagine it's basically the base game (Sims 3) with the Pets expansion, just all on one disc. So my best educated guess would be yes, it includes everything from TS3 plus whatever Pets has to offer. Hope that helped. ![]() | 2012-02-27 17:41:00 Author: Ninja_Gnome23 ![]() Posts: 198 |
Well "The Sims 3" PS3 was not first person like the PS2 version and used a cursor. Im unsure if its the same with pets though. | 2012-02-27 19:33:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
I think it's first person on console. But you can even control animals! | 2012-02-27 21:31:00 Author: flyinhawaiian ![]() Posts: 357 |
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