Happy Gardens (Horror)
Archive: 2 posts
This is a survival level, use the grabbable sticky notes around the house to uncover mysteries and safe paths. There are various endings, eventually you will fight horid bosses and hidious experiments in the laboratory and basement catacombs. This is a 1 Player level. Continue to Read for plot spoliers: So, This level takes place in what was believed to be an abandoned mental institution after an unmentionable inccident. The Owner and Lead-Phycologist/ Scientist however remained mysteriously in the building with the hope of curing his son Edward and the other patients exposed in the incident, where an experimental drug of his creation went terribly wrong. They remain in the building with him, growing more hidious and violent after each failed "Cure" he comes up with. Today is the day though, he's done it. But what he's done is beyond us all. http://lbp.me/v/ecp7kb | 2012-02-27 05:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Played this in a party yesterday and really enjoyed it. I will return and play it in single player to really do it justice. Sometimes you play LBP horror themed levels and it's just all gratuitous splatter effects and doll body parts which are only horrifying because of how bad the level is but here a lot of thought and artisic ability has gone into creating a genuinely unsettling atmosphere. The unique created pieces and dialogues are all well considered and really have to be seen to be appreciated. I also think there is quite a bit of re-playability in the level given the explorative nature. Will play again today and feedback after some single player time..Brilliant so far. If you have some spare time maybe checkout this: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=68285-Sackboy-amp-the-Bug | 2012-02-29 19:52:00 Author: EnochRoot ![]() Posts: 533 |
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