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Creator's Block

Archive: 15 posts

I think I've seen other people write about this too...

Much like a writer that can't write... I can't create.
AND IT'S ANNOYING THE HELL OUT OF ME! I'd like to consider myself a creative person... but for some awful reason I can't seem to freaking make anything that I am happy with. I'll start making a level, and spend maybe an hour or two and then just delete it. And if I spend more time than that, I'll stop and save it only to come back and not have the same flare. And it's SO aggravating because I really want to make stuff. I don't know if it's my lack of planning, or having any set ideas, but jebus is really depressing. Especially when I see all of these amazing levels that people can put together. I can stay up late into the night thinking of the great ideas but just cannot execute them the way I see. It's like the info from my brain makes a sudden u-turn at the controller and I go stupid.

Inspiration is all around me, especially with the new MGS pack... but I can't for the life of me seem to put anything together that I'm pleased with. Does anyone else feel like this sometimes? I sure and heck hope that I get over this little slump and make something.
2008-12-31 05:38:00

Posts: 40

I have been constantly putting off making a level because i find it is such a huge task once i pick up the controller. I have made a few objects but coming up with a story and creating my own platforming is what i find most difficult. I decided to make a level based on a level from the original crash bandicoot ps1 game (view link in my sig) as the background should be fairly easy and will need minimal decorating. I can also copy the platforming so it just becomes a matter of making it. So my advice would be to find something you can copy something (even an aspect of the story levels from lbp or a user made level) as this will be good practice. After that the level making creativeness we all have deep inside should come rushing up to the surface 2008-12-31 05:48:00

Posts: 843

Just pick a "theme" and work with that. I thought about making a volcano, so I did, and it turned out great in my opinion. Better than I thought, and with added features to boot. Add obstacles that come to mind, based on the environment and the theme. Just like... Go with the flow, man.2008-12-31 06:03:00

Johnny Pteran
Posts: 55

Firstly, have a look at this guide (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=5501) I wrote dealing with this issue. The ideas thread is full of ideas, and you can always suggest concepts to others and get feedback on your own ideas there.

Secondly, don't be too hard on yourself. It takes a long time to learn the create system, and there are a lot of very complex tricks you can do. So be patient.

As Johnny Pteran said, pick a theme that you are interested in. I don't mean like "I will copy this game" sort of thing, but think of a genre or scenario. A simple question to ask is...

"What if Sackboy were to..."

Hopefully, that should get you started and thinking.

Finally, don't be afraid to write down ideas, blueprints, scripts, object blureprints. I do that all the time, and then I turn those things into levels.
2008-12-31 06:15:00

Posts: 1280

well, what I do when I cant create straight.
STOP! put down the contrller. ThinkI know it's tough, but you can do it
Whats hindering you'r progress? You want a certain part/player to get somewhere, but you don't know how? Play another game for awhile! Watch TV! Sleep/Get a life!

I usually don't get to play as much LBP as i'd like to, so i'm constantly thinking "Hmmm... what could i put here?" or "Hmmmm... what if i moved these two objects?" or "Hmmm.... how can the player get up there? Is it clear enough? How can the player glich the level?"
I also spend alot of time thinking of bosses and different tricks, traps and defences.
2008-12-31 19:14:00

Posts: 431

TC, I know your pain all too well. I suffer the same problem both in and outside of LBP. Unfortunatly, I never did find a real solution...2008-12-31 20:02:00

Posts: 1097

The real solution is.....
Drumroll, please

Catnip and/or Cough Medicine
2008-12-31 20:37:00

Posts: 431

Firstly, have a look at this guide (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=5501) I wrote dealing with this issue. The ideas thread is full of ideas, and you can always suggest concepts to others and get feedback on your own ideas there.

Secondly, don't be too hard on yourself. It takes a long time to learn the create system, and there are a lot of very complex tricks you can do. So be patient.

As Johnny Pteran said, pick a theme that you are interested in. I don't mean like "I will copy this game" sort of thing, but think of a genre or scenario. A simple question to ask is...

"What if Sackboy were to..."

Hopefully, that should get you started and thinking.

Finally, don't be afraid to write down ideas, blueprints, scripts, object blureprints. I do that all the time, and then I turn those things into levels.

I just think it may be easier seeing as he is having such a hard time.
2008-12-31 20:43:00

Posts: 843

Thanks for all the ideas guys... I played with a friend of mine last night and just played a bunch of random levels. Gave me more ideas, but I think I'll hold off on trying to create some more. I'm sure I'll pick it up later and won't be able to stop. lol

Thanks again.
2008-12-31 20:44:00

Posts: 40

mmm, yes I'm suffereing creator's block for my levels and writer's block for my Novel.2009-01-02 17:21:00

Posts: 1913

write down some possibilities, then PLAN it out. It's so much better when you know what your aiming for. Make your goals challenging but possible.2009-01-02 18:46:00

Posts: 805

I had the same problem all day yesterday. I started for an hour or so, was'nt happy, deleted it. Started again etc. etc. all day.

I know what I want, I know what to do. But I'm coming up with blanks to implement it.

I've started moving through loads of community levels to get inspiration and am slowly getting there I think.
2009-01-04 15:09:00

Posts: 1754

there is no such thing as a "block",
only the fear of not being good enough, or the fear of it being lots of work. (you lazy person!! )

If it isnt the above one, there might be stress or mental issues going on in your head atm making you not focuss long enough to either start working or finishing your level.

at least, that is what I always hear from the greatest of artist.
No wonder shakespear/mozart/chopin and who not created so many pieces of art.

take it easy, take an hour for yourself,
meditate, go **** yourself, take a bath, a nap, do drugs (just dont get addicted), hang out with friends, combine previous ones for varied results, whatever, and if you feel troubled.. talk about it.

If you dont worry, you are often more relaxed and just start working on your level.

Also creating a floorplan with some idea's and obstacles can help you focuss on your goal.

I had a block years ago, and since my head now is more cleared from the chaos I had a few years ago, Ive created 10 levels in a very short period of time and still got enough inspiration for at least 8 levels.

Then I find something new.. like throwing over the key from one sackboy to another.., and viola.. A new level invented.
but.. wont go into creating levels till the bugs are gone.

besides the level "mr bug" never created a more stupid level, but I still think its funny...
2009-01-04 16:13:00

Posts: 2136

meditate, go **** yourself, take a bath

LMAO, I love how casually you said that...
2009-01-04 17:28:00

Posts: 805

at a certain age its just as normal for a guy as going to the toilet

and a lot of people swear by it as an alternative of mind expanding drugs.. so.. do the math.

(I just hope i didnt create some chronic ****ers with that comment.. *looks at pinch*)
2009-01-04 17:32:00

Posts: 2136

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