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My smart fortwos!

Archive: 2 posts

Normally, my creations are tucked away on My Moon, with only a few others seeing it. Then I found this place.

So, I introduce... *cue the drum-roll*






This is my 2009 smart fortwo, available in 5 versions.


This car features Hologram-Drive (H.G.D) technology first shown in xx-Pulzee-xx's Mini Sack Vehicle level. This allows the car to be only 1 layer thick, instaed of the usual 1 thick layer & 2 thin Layers, allowing it go places other cars can't.

Also pictured: My 2011 Nissan Cube & 2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8

This car also features:

4 Radio Stations
Working Taillights, Headlights, and Sidelights
2 different cameras
A horn.

Logic below:


So, that is my smart car. What do you think?
2012-02-17 01:24:00

Posts: 23

I reckon that the one layer thing is a good idea. Also, I reckon that you should make it a little larger, cause I don't know HOW you managed to put all those details into such a small car. But it looks great, I'd have to at least say that.

Hey, that reminds me, I made the Smart ForFun2 a couple of months ago, which is a real version of the ForTwo. Basically, it's got the same body... but now it has 140 cm tyres and a 5.8 litre diesel engine which is ten times larger than the original engine.
This is a pic of the real thing:


The only pics I've got of my LBP version are of me crushing other cars.
So here's one:


(I know it doesn't look very much like the real thing but that's because I forgot what it looked like halfway through making it.)

And here's a funny picture of me and TOONPOON_swho_1 for good measure.

2012-03-08 03:14:00

Posts: 359

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