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1988 Ford F-150 (Flawless suspension, 50 cal. turret)

Archive: 2 posts

Hi, its Zombie. The other night i made a 1988 Ford F-150, and made a 50 caliber machine gun turret on the back of it. I made the body out of a blueprint, heres a little pic of inside the frame: http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/de1aa982c28ab17e60619d968939c33797038af3.jpg, and heres the suspension: http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/764ff32a344cace9dc150e18ceea26b084135248.jpg For the suspension, i used a piston and a spring, if you want more details just ask me in the reply section. i tested the suspension on multiple very steep mountains, and it aced them all. (all though flipping on back the way down cause i was flooring it on the way down lol) for the overall design, heres the pic: http://i3.lbp.me/img/ft/a43111f9b0750aa0f3b45f82f2bd5f5aa7eccf1b.jpg[/IMG, and for the 50 cal. version: [IMG]http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/fed3d12b66c8ad79c368b42f81696f789a5ff961.jpg, well thats all, if you want see it, just invite me and message me i wanna see your truck. Thank you, and cya later.2012-02-12 17:38:00

Unknown User

Looks good man. That suspenion setup is similiar tol one I have with the spring/piston combo....so I can agree, it definately gives the vehicle a more controlled/compentant ride. Acts a lot like the spring / shock combo on real vehicles.2012-02-12 17:54:00

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