1 player only logic system
Archive: 3 posts
http://lbp.me/v/9192e4 Ninjamcwz said: Almost all my friends, and quite a few creators I know have always made levels that are best played 1 PLAYER ONLY. Yet, every time they include that in the description or title, players ignore it, play it multiplayer and everything from camera drag to breakable logic results in a less than desirable experience for both player and creator. The solution's usually been to try to lock players out, with tricky checkpoint destroying or offscreen seating with cinecam toggling. or go the sackbot route and end up losing the ability to swim and/or use the grappling hook. A recent example where this system would be useful is in LBPC6 Demon's Parlay level 1, where level-section emitting required that the level be 1 player. There's a few problems with trying to make this system as a friend once told me... other players in seats don't die, and the camera can follow anyone it wants to: so i've set this one up using a specific arrangement of same-layer player sensors and angled followers, along with a sackbot-style checkpoint on/off system for when player 1 dies. This one works nicely imo. | 2012-02-11 22:53:00 Author: Jauw ![]() Posts: 484 |
Looks like a useful 1 player collection of useful systems, worthy to tinker about with, consider it queued ![]() | 2012-02-11 23:43:00 Author: PerfectlyDarkTails ![]() Posts: 269 |
Interesting set up....qued | 2012-02-12 01:06:00 Author: sascha_winter ![]() Posts: 163 |
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