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S-70 Battle Hawk/ Blackhawk super advanced Helicopter

Archive: 2 posts

Hey, it zombiehunter, and i have a really advanced s-70 battlehawk variant of the Ah-60L Blackhawk, its a very relistic flight system, but has really low plays. heres some pics, and a link to lbp.me so you can Que it, theres also a prize. it took 2 days, and the designs as relistic as possible, i used many different photos and scaled the size to fit in lbp the same as in real life, i hope you enjoy it. here it is: http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/3976260b465b4454c332e3b0059f50a3656fe834.jpg
2012-02-10 10:11:00

Unknown User

I loves me a chopper, and you sir have made an awesome one. I love the Minigun and the detail, queued!2012-02-11 13:29:00

Unknown User

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